Aktuelles Changelog

Release "N" (Unreleased)





Dev/Test/CI stuff

Hotfix 2024-08-29


  • Hide some private data in profile settings page if is not me !3575 @chriswalg

Hotfix 2024-08-22


Release "Mandarine", 2024-08-18





Dev/Test/CI stuff

Development documentation

Hotfix 2024-07-01

Hotfix 2024-05-21

Hotfix 2024-05-11

Hotfix 2024-05-05

Release "Laugenbrezel", 2024-04-30





Dev/Test/CI stuff

Development documentation

Hotfix 2024-03-13 (Fix XSS Vulnerability and Mails)

  • Fix XSS vulnerabilities in Baskets, Mails and Blog !3219 @stcz
  • Fix delivering CC mails and add error message for BCC !3171 @stcz

Hotfix 2024-02-18 (Bell translations)

Hotfix 2024-02 (Donation banner)

Release Patch "Kiwi", 2024-01-21

Release "Kiwi", 2024-01-14





Dev/Test/CI stuff

Development documentation

Release "Jackfruit", 2023-09-09





Dev/Test/CI stuff

Development documentation

Release "Icecream", 2022-12-18



  • Checks in the id card creation function if only one foodsaver is selected and then reduces the size to the area for a single id card. If more than one foodsaver is selected, then the old logic takes effect and an A4 sheet is used. !2198 #chriswalg
  • Send a bell notification and email, if a foodsaver was verified. !2198 #chriswalg
  • Unifiying the foodsaver adress change page and adress change page for ambassadors !2171 @NINI1988
  • Set fileformat jpg / png for wallposts !2229 @chriswalg
  • Removed the possibility to edit the member list on a working group's edit page !2228 !2562 @alex.simm
  • Info for foodsharer how can change the name !2240 @chriswalg
  • Renamed the button to update displayed language !1232 @martincodes-de
  • On mobile devices the forum profile image is smaller !2237 @sefn
  • Color set is unified and removed vanilla bootstrap !2293 !2303 @sefn
  • The content of the footer is now dynamic !2297 @sefn
  • RestAPI /api/user/current/stores Provides memberstatus and all related stores of user !2318 @KoeMai
  • RestAPI ​/api​/user​/{id}​/details extended with regions and groups !2352 @KoeMai user/current/groups
  • RestAPI ​/api​/user/current/groups & ​/api​/user/current/regions add endpoint for regions and groups !2352 @KoeMai
  • Display of the number of members in the header for working groups adjusted analogously to the districts !2374 @BibaltiK
  • Display "No pickup slots available" if there are no pickup slots !2375 @BlackScorp
  • Fix Console error !2376 @BlackScorp
  • Delete events when leaving region !2381 @BlackScorp
  • Phone Numbers are displayed even if they are invalid (e.g. do not start with +49) !2378 @BlackScorp
  • After logging out, you remain on the current web page, if it is publicly accessible. !2388 @BibaltiK
  • Use pagination in the list of past polls #975 !2385 @alex.simm
  • Change show pickup time from date to datetime !2412 @BibaltiK
  • Added a link to translation progress page in language selection modal @Nickthenerd93
  • Fixed sending warnings to store managers about unoccupied pick-up slots !969 @rnoennig
  • added "Untergruppen" to to top bar menue for workgroups with subgroups @Nickthenerd93
  • renamed "Gruppenübersicht" to "Gruppenübersicht globaler Arbeitsgruppen" #1393 !2391 @viper-kun
  • added icon to map menu item !2427 @martincodes-de
  • Added information how to remove recurring pick-up dates to get rid of warnings about unoccupied slots !891 @rnoennig
  • Make store list of a user visible for store managers to whose store he/she applied. #1445 !2437 @AntonBallmaier
  • The link on a store edit page leads back to the store #1402 !2513 !2553 @tutNichts
  • Self mentainend GOALSAdmin Exchange Groups. Postponed. !2518 @fs_k


  • When going back during registration, email and password are unchanged. !2184 @AntonBallmaier
  • Push notifications can be (de-)activated in the settings again #1239 @alex.simm
  • Show the region name in the updates overview on the dashboard even when the titel is long #1207 @Caroline Fischer
  • Using the sleeping function on the translated website is working again #1133 !2225 @alex.simm
  • Prevent "Payload to large" errors due to padding in web push #1213 !2212 @alex.simm
  • When setting a sleeping interval starting in the future, you no longer get a sleeping hat right away. !2215 !2563 @AntonBallmaier
  • The public profile page can handle names with unicode characters #1265 !2239 @alex.simm
  • Fix a type error for the report button on profile !2246 #1271 @alex.simm
  • Fixed a bug where iOS devices zoom into an input field !2235 @sefn
  • Fixed a bug where the avatar sleeping status is not visible !2268 @sefn
  • The lifetime of baskets are now really in days, before the hours and minutes wasn't compared. It was possible to add a basket at 11pm with the lifetime of 1 day, but it would be deleted 12am. !1243 @martincodes-de
  • Email attachment icon is no longer shown on all emails. !2242 @AntonBallmaier
  • Fix: On dashboard activity post with a markdown list has no margin to the respond button. !2278 @NINI1988
  • iOS users should now open the adresses with maps.app !2236 @sefn
  • Force content which is too broad to scroll, so the the Topbar will never leave the screen width !2258 @NINI1988
  • A wall post with multiple lines will use the complete available size to display its text !2277 @NINI1988
  • Restrictions on the view of the store list in profile !2273 @chriswalg
  • Show only chat link if user is member in store !2304 @chriswalg
  • Fix XSS Vulnerability at login page !2351 #1252 @stcz
  • Logging from removal of store managers. Corrected logging use for appointing store manager. !2365 @fs_k
  • The tooltip from foodbasked enquiry edit button blocked the clicking if only 1 enquiry was active. !2368 @martincodes-de
  • Reaction button hasn't different color if already reacted !2373 @martincodes-de
  • polyfill added !2387 !2519 @sefn
  • add public information when creating a new store !2397 @BibaltiK
  • The excerpt from the operating pinwall is displayed again on Mobile. !2393 @martincodes-de
  • Reduced the show-more functionality on activity posts !2401 @sefn
  • Fix the list of nearby baskets based on the user's home location !1908 @alex.simm
  • Show date inn preview of voting module !1408 @Friedrich-B
  • CreateEditStoreCept, should run smoother !2433 @sefn
  • Add margins to sendmail form buttons !2424 @diejani
  • Clean up pickup endpoint and catch DomainException: No pickup slot available problems !1407 @KoeMai
  • StoreCest, improved and removed unnecessary elements !2434 @sefn
  • Fix the link in the notification regarding old profile photos #1424 !2459 @alex.simm
  • If session persistent and current date not equal to last_login, update last_login date on every dashboard reload !2450 !2495 @chriswalg
  • Prevent access to missing conversation member image
  • New AvatarList doesn't show avatar on foodsharepoints !2479 @alex.simm
  • Show all Photos on Team Page #1512 !2488 !2544 @BibaltiK
  • Before the object is created, it is checked whether the controller could be resolved beforehand. !2487 @BibaltiK
  • checks if user is logged in so that a businesscard can be created !2492 @BibaltiK
  • Prevent an unnecessary 404 error on the calendar page !2510 @alex.simm
  • Fix the paths of old pictures of foodsharepoints #1490 !2519 @alex.simm
  • Prevent invalid states in notification icons #1465 !2536 @AntonBallmaier
  • Prevent errors in the calendar export caused by events with wrong dates #1301 !2532 @alex.simm
  • Sanitize public info in store to prevent xss !2538 @chriswalg
  • Sanitize chat messages to prevent xss #1515 !2537 @chriswalg
  • Rewrite method to create mailboxes !2596 @martincodes-de


Dev/Test/CI stuff

Development documentation

Release "Heidelbeere", 2022-05-01


  • It is now differentiated between completely new foodsavers and foodsavers who were verified before. #1129 !2149
  • The settings page now contains information about requesting a name change. !2163 @AntonBallmaier




Dev/Test/CI stuff

Release "Grapefruit", 2022-01-13





Dev/Test/CI stuff

Release "Feige", 2021-09-24



  • Profile storelist now shows store cooperation status !1828 !1935 @ChrisOelmueller @chriswalg
  • Added a partners page for foodsharing.at !1931 @alex.simm
  • Redesign startpage !1778 !1982 !1991 !1997 !2015 @chriswalg @Morgy93
  • Edit Team in stores is no more, functionality moved to team management mode !1810 !1811 @ChrisOelmueller
  • Added a link in Footer.vue to our beta testing issues on beta and dev !1961 @chriswalg
  • Make the own personal address visible for the logged in user, as it is already for ORGA #994 !1957 @leonja
  • Harmonise the order of links to subpages in the header line and on the page of the work group (AG) and region (Bezirk) #1080 !1954 @andreasklumpp1
  • New pickupslots availability moved from midnight to actual pickuptime. #1024 @fs_k
  • Convert regular slots to manual slots as soon as someone joins an empty slot !1825 @ChrisOelmueller
  • Added a title name for social icons and replaced manitu logo in svg format to footer !1985 @chriswalg
  • Allow admins of the newsletter group to see the full list of regions !2011 @alex.simm
  • Enabled session cookie checkbox in login form and enabled persistent session for 1 day #956 !2013 @Morgy93
  • Allow authors of poll to decide if the options will be shown in a random order #975 !1986 @alex.simm
  • Notice as a popup in store for the menu item "Edit Team" where this new function is located !2020 @chriswalg
  • Let email input field of login page autofocus !2027 @iron9
  • Activate autocompletion for login form !2022 @iron9
  • Admins of Voting Workgroups are automatically member of a overall voting in praxis workgroup !2038 @fs_k
  • User with administrativ orga power are part of the orga koordination group !2038 @fs_k
  • Make expected format of input in user settings clearer !2032 @iron9
  • translations: changed wording in calendar module !2076 @Jonathan_B



Dev/Test/CI stuff

2021-04-09 Hotfix

2021-03-30 Hotfix

2021-03-26 Hotfix

  • Fix for assigning workgroup functions !1922 @fs_k

2021-03-22 Hotfix

  • Fixed a small logic error that lead to unnecessary and invalid requests being made !1918 @_fridtjof_
  • Fix permission problem in region admin module when saving working groups without functions !1917 @alex.simm

2021-03-15 Hotfix

  • Fix nightly calculation of store statistics !1914

Release "Erdbeere", 2021-03-14



  • New look for mailbox folder list (rewrite in Vue) !1788 @ChrisOelmueller
  • New icons for login and join buttons on topbar, public profile and loggedInFixedNav !1849 @TheSoulT
  • New Workgroupfunctions for Store coordinator, report, mediation, arbitration, FSMANAGEMENT (without functionality), PR (without functionality), moderation !1841 @fs_k
  • Hide map label in topbar only if displayed on mobile or user is a foodsaver !1869 @joanna-gabis
  • Added hasConference permission to Type::COUNTRY, Type::FEDERAL_STATE !1844 @chriswalg
  • Added LinkedIn and Youtube as social icon in footer !1850 @chriswalg
  • Remove active baskets if a user is deleted !1867 #983 @alex.simm
  • Report and Mediation button is not visible against foodsharers !1874 @fs_k
  • Updated english translations !1875 @kingu @alex.simm
  • Redirect to previous page when logging in using the topbar #689 !1887 @alex.simm
  • DevDocs enhanced about GOAL-System #1046 !1884 @fs_k
  • Bell for reports #1046 !1900 @fs_k
  • special workgroup functions can only be edited by global workgroup creation team. report admins and arbitration admins can't report each other only new reports shown in report list. #1046 !1902
  • Regionoptions for profile mediation / report Buttons #1046 !1903
  • Allow users to see their own registration date !1907 @alex.simm
  • activate all workgroup functions. Restrict certain functions in self-management (report, arbitration, fs-management) #1046 !1909 @fs_k
  • Sort list of past polls and allow filtering them #975 !1901 @alex.simm


  • Fix transmitted choices in checkbox voting !1847 @alex.simm
  • Fix frontend validation in new poll form !1854 #975 @alex.simm
  • Fix loading of dashboard updates that contain wall posts from deleted users !1858 @alex.simm
  • Set correct placeholder in automated response email for unknown email addresses !1866 @alex.simm
  • logging when user is removed from a pickup slot from the user profile !1870 @fs_k
  • Remove users from every store team and pickup slot on deletion !1872 @alex.simm
  • Blank lines in Markdown on the form for editing store information are now also displayed as blank lines !1878 @stepin
  • Removed a duplicate and broken submit button from the workgroup application dialog !1889 @_fridtjof_
  • Prevent sending empty quickreplies on the dashboard #944 !1891 @alex.simm
  • Fixed a bug where URLs could be broken in some niche cases !1888 @_fridtjof_
  • Use the correct filename for attachments when sending an email !1904 #755 @alex.simm
  • Truncate the commit hash for beta version. The commit hash was to long in small resolutions !1905 @chriswalg
  • Fix creation of polls to which only ambassadors are invited !1901 @alex.simm


Dev/Test/CI stuff

2021-02-08 Hotfix

  • Follow-up: Make the order of values in voting options consistent from left (negative) to right (positive) !1868 #975 @alex.simm

2021-01-18 Hotfix

  • Make the order of values in voting options consistent from left (negative) to right (positive) !1860 #975 @alex.simm

Release "Dragonfruit", 2020-12-31





Dev/Test/CI stuff

2020-11-25 Hotfix

2020-10-23 Hotfix


Release "Cranberry", 2020-10-11





Dev/Test/CI stuff

2020-08-11 Hotfix


  • Fix removal of non-existing user photos in nightly maintenance !1634 @alex.simm
  • Allow seeing basket markers on map without being logged in !1636 @alex.simm

Release "Birne" (pear), 2020-08-09

Major changes




Dev/Test/CI stuff

2020-07-15 Hotfix

  • Disabled report link on profile page and Xhr functions for sending reports !1610 @alex.simm

2020-06-15 Hotfix

  • Allow emails for password reset and email address change to be sent with higher priority !1557 #925 @alex.simm
  • Gender value for women and man is now fixed !1564 @chriswalg
  • Show on profile a warning if the private mail adresse is on bounce list for orga and foodsaver them self. #931 !1572 @chriswalg
  • Update devdocs to recommend Docker Desktop for Win10 Home !1578 @_fridtjof_
  • Use gitlab ci services instead of building and running docker images in CI !1577 @NerdyProjects

2020-06-01 Hotfix


  • Allow to accept privacy notice, so people can become store managers again !1551 @NerdyProjects

2020-05-18 Hotfix


  • Added tooltips to Dashboard Activities-Overview filter options !1526 @mr-kenhoff



  • Make the instant search in the topbar use a new rest endpoint without legacy wrapping code for search results !1522 !1559 !1579 @alex.simm

Dev/Test/CI stuff

Release "Apfelsine" (orange), 2020-05-16




Dev/Test/CI stuff

2020-04-22 Hotfix

2020-03-26 Hotfix

  • Use WebSocket connection to determine whether a user is online or not !734 @janopae
  • Adds a null check to the chat server to avoid null WebSocket messages !1398 @dthulke
  • start documenting database tables and columns !1259 @flukx

2020-03-16 Hotfix

  • Fix nightly fetcher warnings by using expected id instead of betrieb_id allowing all nightly maintenance methods to be executed again #747 !1348 @jofranz
  • Limit forum notifications to users logged in last 6 months #64 !1385 @fs_k


Another release from your lovely dev Team. A lot of changes have been done "under the hood" that will help developers with modernization of the codebase and to improve the website further. A lot of old code has been removed, restructured and database access has been improved. Some nightly maintanance have been optimized. A more user friendly overview of the new improvements can be found here: https://foodsharing.de/region?bid=741&sub=forum&tid=98018 accessable for every foodsaver.


  • Adds a proper error messages if users specify their birthday in the wrong format !1114 @dthulke
  • Add email shortcut to regions and workgroup side menu !1118 @jofranz
  • Add email count to menu shortcut to make it easier for workgroup and region admins to respond to unanswered mails !1124 @jofranz
  • Changed slot icons for pending (transparent again) and comfirmed to font awesome !1116 @chriswalg
  • Enable pickup-list for foodsavers own profile in profile view which was only visible for ambassadors/"BOTs" before. !1122 @jofranz
  • Add amount of foodsavers to in-/active lists in region foodsaver menu !1117 @jofranz
  • Add "Termin"/"Date" and bot/amb "forum"/"board" as dashboard post type !1148 @jofranz
  • Add foodsaver id to store team search results when manually adding a foodsaver #660 !1150 @jofranz
  • Add foodsaver id to search results when starting a new chat #660 !1149 @jofranz
  • The number of active basket requests are shown and baskets request can be withdrawn and rejected by the basket provider !1121 #710 @dthulke
  • Add fs id to food share point admin management search results #660 !1152 @jofranz
  • Warn basket users without location data and inform them why it makes sense to provide those in order to use baskets on the website !1143 @jofranz
  • Sort the stores-list by the added-on date as default !1161 @treee111
  • Redirect from a wall of regions (e.g. "Deutschland", "Arbeitsgruppen Überregional") to the forum. Walls only exist for workgroups #750 !1186 @treee111
  • Save mail quickreplies to sent folder #611 !1166 @alex.simm
  • Filter not cooperating stores ("does not want to cooperate" and "gives to (other) charity") out of dropdown menu list #323 !1144 @jofranz
  • Basket rest endpoint returns the list of requests to show them in the app !1169 @dthulke
  • Open video on start page in external tab to avoid csp issues #617 !1177 @dthulke
  • Improves usability of the topbar using screen readers !1179 @dthulke
  • Change "impressum" in newsletter footer to new fs postal address !1205 @jofranz
  • Show events on dashboard which started one/more days in the past and are ongoing !1215 @treee111
  • Allow to configure site to send CSP headers without a report-uri !1210 @nicksellen
  • Increase workgroup application limit numbers !1218 @jofranz
  • Show foodsharer id in profile for everyone !1232 @jofranz
  • Menu entry for newsletter email sending is only active if mayAdministrateNewsletterEmail() permission is true !1235 @jofranz
  • Admins of newsletter workgroup (331) now have access to the newsletter module additional to orga members !1235 !1256 @jofranz
  • Show a error message, if changing a mail address failed !1091 @chriswalg
  • Add info about limitations of nightly slot warnings !1275 @jofranz
  • Send an email to the amb and group workgroups (AGs) if the last admin/amb leaves a workgroup/region !1153 @jofranz
  • Updated foodsharing etikette for registration process !1295 @chris2up9
  • Refactored and changed time range for store fetch warning mails for store manager to today + tomorrow instead of 15:00 limit !1289 @jofranz


  • fixed page crash when as ambassador on region -> foodsaver clicking on one foodsaver !1278 @Caluera
  • Correct title for map page !1276 @chris2up9
  • fixed the jpeg image detection in the flourish library, leading to people not being able to login anymore !1100 @alangecker
  • Set initial region in new store form to undefined if it is a larger region or country !1112 #418 @alex.simm
  • Removed hidden profile pic in settings !1090 @chriswalg
  • Add previously uploaded picture to the edit form for food share points !1136 #727 @alex.simm
  • When answering a long e-mail, the send and cancel button disappeared. The buttons moved next to fileupload #404 !1127 @chriswalg
  • Automatically relogin after joining work group !1113 #125 @alex.simm
  • Disable possibility to show stores for foodsharers #132 !1146 @jofranz
  • Fixes SQL query in helper method to delete bells. This may has caused errors when approving slots #712 !1142 @dthulke
  • Increase search min length in store and fsp team management list #396 !1151 @jofranz
  • Do not initialise ReportList vue component if it is not shown !1159 @dthulke
  • Ensures quiz break message after three failures inbetween 30 days #736 !1162 @svenpascal
  • Prevent forum thread email sending to countries and federal states !1160 @jofranz
  • Prefetchtime is now correctly stored when creating a new store !1170 @dthulke
  • Change the close icon in pickup slot message and food basket request form to a better position #731 !1172 @chriswalg
  • Fixed FoodSharePoint deletion problem #642 !1168 @alex.simm
  • Show correct message immediately after failing the 5th quiz try #729 !1176 !1313 @svenpascal @chriswalg
  • Narrow down permissions to not allow ambassadors calling newsletter sending xhr methods !1197 @jofranz
  • Fix database method which prevents newsletter sending #754 !1198 @jofranz
  • Improved SQL query which caused that the team of large work groups could not be updated anymore #726 !1199 @dthulke
  • Use font awesome icons for store status indicators to avoid that they disappear when the store name is too long #742 !1190 @dthulke
  • Avoid duplicate names in user autocomplete !1223 @dthulke
  • Fix error when logging out while not logged in !1240 #753 @alex.simm
  • Prevent exception for orga users if a deleted user profile is visited @jofranz
  • Added missing login check for local reports page. Previously there was an empty table with no data !1238 @jofranz
  • Added missing login and permission check for mailbox page, making sure only BIEBs can see the mailbox #771 and #769 !1260 @pfaufisch
  • Added missing login and permission check for mailbox page !1260 @pfaufisch
  • Remove "Aktionen"-column from list of user stores !1252 @koenvg
  • Fix wrong may group use. Admins of EUROPE_REPORT_TEAM (region/workgroup id: 432) now actually have reports permissions on a level with orga !1250 @jofranz
  • !1199 fix: Remove group members only from specific group instead of all groups and regions !1258 @jofranz
  • Redesign for chatbox and messages page !1265 @chriswalg
  • Center basket map on Germany if logged out !1249 #740 @alex.simm
  • Show correct from/to information in mailboxes !1264 !1239 #603 @alex.simm
  • Fix adding members to mailboxes by orga !1255 !1302 !1308 #677 @alex.simm
  • Fix missing translations for MenuBasketsEntry. !1271 #761 @ctwx_ok
  • disable delete account buttons for non-orga users !1279 @Caluera
  • repaired link to profile in the very first pinwall post #512 !1281 @Caluera
  • Disallow foodsharing email addresses to be used as password restore addresses !1268 #744 @alex.simm
  • Remove email addresses from the bounce list before sending a confirmation mail !1268 #756 @alex.simm
  • Move map control elements on small devices #695 !1286 @lea.mzw
  • Move bellupdatetrigger() to maintenance class only executing it nightly. Accidentally fixes the date distance to a unconfirmed slot which was reseted every 5 minutes before !1300 @jofranz
  • Made the list of recipients of a mail foldable to avoid unreadable mails !1280 #65 @alex.simm
  • Name change of regarding fairsharepoint contact person to "Ansprechpartner" !1305 @fs_k
  • Fixed broken tooltips !1304 @ctwx_ok
  • Fix error message when downgrading a foodsaver and do only downgrade if user role has decreased !1323 @pfaufisch @jofranz
  • Temporarily disable pickup slot markers for production release !1307 @jofranz
  • Passportgenerator list sorted by name default, workgroups are not shown anymore !1310 @fs_k
  • Fix text overflow problems with events and notifications #722 #876 !1487 @ChrisOelmueller
  • Bots can now add up to three new store managers to abandoned stores #209 #405 !1319 @pfaufisch


  • Optimize database access for legal queries !1292 @CarolineFischer
  • refactored to use count() instead of more complicated expressions !1273 !1296 @Caluera
  • Removed support for old passwords stored in sha1 or md5, since we switched to Argon2 now almost 2 years ago. !1095 @alangecker
  • Reduced complexity of the profile module !1037 @peter.toennies
  • refactored blog from model to gateway !789 #9 @peter.toennies
  • refactored statsman from model to gateway !1111 #9 @peter.toennies
  • refactrored the food share point module !1108 !1105 @peter.toennies
  • Removed broken nightly bell deletion maintenance script !1180 @dthulke
  • Uniform foodsharing colors on the whole page #75 !1174 @chriswalg
  • statistic kilo code refactoring !999 @jofranz
  • statistic kilo calculation optimized in sql !999 @fs_k
  • Removed unused xhr_out method !1208 #132 @alex.simm
  • Introduce content id constants for content pages !1200 @jofranz
  • Replaced some hardcoded sql with prepared statements !1207 #757 @alex.simm
  • Removed some dead code !1213 @svenpascal
  • Remove food basket pinboard frontend from !969 entirely !1203 @jofranz
  • Refactored database access from controllers to gateways !1192 #9 @alex.simm
  • Removed unused clearAbholer() method, which would falsely remove all fetches from a user which need to stay for documentary reason !1216 @jofranz
  • Replaced REPLACE INTO queries with prepared statements !1124 #757 @alex.simm
  • Renamed "Verschwendungsfasten" to "foodsharing-Städte" !1222 @D0nPiano
  • Replace SettingsModel by SettingsGateway !1163 #9 @svenpascal
  • Moved mayHandleReports() to ReportPermissions class with deprecation in Session class !1241 @jofranz
  • Introduce very basic permissions for FAQ editing. Removes the topbar menu entry if false. For now this only replaces orga permissions in accessing the FAQ admin tool !1245 @jofranz
  • Move mayEditQuiz() from session to own permission class with deprecation in Session class. Added some example implementations. !1242 @jofranz
  • Introduce permissions for content administration. For now there are no additional permissions given. Removed the entry from the menu if permission is false !1243 @jofranz
  • Introduce mayAdministrateBlog() permission in BlogPermissions.php and use it for current permission checks. It rebuilds previous behaviour. Removes the topbar entry from the menu if permission is false !1246 @jofranz
  • Introduce mayManageMailboxes() permissions. Removed the entry from the menu if permission is false. !1244 @jofranz
  • Introduce store creation permissions and use it for at three different places where a store button is shown. Also use it at before showing store creating page !1237 @jofranz
  • Moved database access from RegionXhr, MailboxXhr, and ForumService to gateways !1228 #9 @alex.simm
  • Removed Xhr method for posting store wall posts (xhr_addPinPost) and made it part of the REST API (POST on /api/stores/{id}/posts}. !1226 #719 @janopae
  • Removed mayLegacy function from session !1248 @alex.simm
  • Introduce NewsletterEmailPermissions class for mayAdministrateNewsletterEmail() permission checks !1235 @jofranz
  • Removed SQL statements from Session, BasketXhr, and XhrMethods + fix !1261 !1247 #9 @alex.simm
  • Switched use of Session::id to Session::may !1257 @pfaufisch
  • Refactored FoodsaverModel to FoodsaverGateway !1178 !1266 !1299 #9 @svenpascal
  • Updated dependencies and fixed broken templates !1272 !1283 @ctwx_ok
  • Removed class IndexGateway as it serves no purpose !1270 #763 @panschk
  • Remove unused stats and maintenance methods of nightly stats run !1274 @jofranz
  • Refactored region gateway to use more prepared statements !1297 @alex.simm

Dev/Test/CI stuff

2019-11-14 Hotfix

2019-10-08 Hotfix

  • nearby baskets on dashboard were missing foodsaver name and creation time @peter.toennies
  • remove email and gender from some responses in MessageXhr.php !1098


Long time of silence from the IT, you might think. And yes, the last release is four month ago. But we have been busy all the time. A lot is getting cleaner in the background and we are continuously improving the connection between our homepage and our two native apps. And we have even included some new features for you.

Major changes

  • New pick-up list


  • Added Rest endpoint for nearby baskets !875 @alex.simm
  • updated bootstrap-vue to v2.0.0-rc28 @peter.toennies
  • Added Rest endpoint for the current user's profile !880 @dthulke
  • improved the region join selector text #562 @peter.toennies
  • Allow subgroups to groups !904 @fs_k
  • pickup list includes now stores in sub-districts, year added, divers separated !906 @fs_k
  • Added a city-column to the store list table, added row-details on mobile devices, stores now ordered by name #456 !679 @tihar
  • Added yellow info box with a warning not to change the address fields. Visible for orga/bot in "edit profile" menu !911 @jofranz
  • Added active foodsaver and jumper count to store popup on map !920 #620 @fs_k
  • Added yellow info box with "how to use the address picker" and what this data is used for to:
  • Added average daily fetch count to statistics page !900 @chris2up9
  • Use SwiftMailer for outgoing emails !925 @NerdyProjects
  • Shake it! Randomly shuffle ambassadors and working group admin's list order to make it harder always to contact the most senior one !924 @jofranz
  • Added Rest endpoint for users !916 @alex.simm
  • improved description for photo upload in user settings !902 @peter.toennies
  • Moved pickup signup logic into API !874 @NerdyProjects
  • Rewrite pickup list on store page in vue !874 @alangecker @NerdyProjects
  • Removed TOX-ID in foodsaver settings #31 !935 @chriswalg
  • Removed twitter and github for Team-Member !944 @chriswalg
  • Sorted trust bananas by date #550 !970 @sepulcrum89
  • Added a mailto hyperlink for group mail in workgroup #139 !948 @chriswalg
  • Added one week as an option for automatic pickup slots in store settings !945 @jofranz
  • Added Rest controller and normalization for stores !885 @alex.simm
  • new chat design with badges and layout changed !928 @kniggerich
  • Disabled new food basket comments while showing pre existing ones for another while during migration period until there are no comments left !969 #534 @jofranz
  • Add my own last date of pickup to particular store info box to help stores with pickup rules/limitations !893 @jofranz
  • Show last event wall posts on the dashboard update-section for events which got not declined #227 !417 @fs_k @jofranz
  • Team list in store view is now collapsed on mobile as it was with pinboard comments already !983 @jofranz
  • Added Rest endpoint to edit baskets !992 @alex.simm
  • Graz BIEBs automatically added nightly to their working group !987 @peter.toennies
  • Added reference to OpenStreetMap to the map attribution #661 !1009 @dthulke
  • Added Rest endpoint for fair share points !1012 @dthulke
  • Add backend logic for changing basket locations !1021 @alex.simm
  • Updated the wording regarding "not more than 2 foodsavers per pickup !1029 @peter.toennies
  • Fixed bell notifications for new wallposts in stores !1030 @jofranz
  • The map is zoomed out in case no address is specified instead of showing the ocean !1053 @dthulke
  • A region's reports are now accessible for the ambassadors in charge via the region menus !1041 @peter.toennies
  • Add basket counters to statistics #81 !1045 @chris2up9
  • Placed event buttons correctly for mobile on dashboard #640 !1044 @henrikhertler
  • Link avatar pics to user profile at report. !1047 @moffer
  • Prevent email form from sending mails to "noreply" addresses. Blocked by a warning !1065 @jofranz
  • Adding apple-app-site-association file to allow Universal Linking in our possible apps !1082 @rastadapasta



Dev/Test/CI stuff

  • enable functional tests (symfony kernel running inside conception; for limits see inside tests/functional folder) !884 @NerdyProjects
  • Use BSD tools in scripts/clean instead of GNU tools for Unix (macOS/OSX) bash. !889 @svenpascal
  • updated codeception to version 3 @peter.toennies
  • include rules from !511 in devdocs @flukx
  • updated eslint to v6, eslint-config-standard to v14, eslint-plugin-node to v10, and eslint-plugin-html to v6 @peter.toennies
  • updated webpack loaders. sass to v8, eslint to v3, style to v1, css to v3, file to v4, null to v3, url to v2, and mini-css-extract-plugin to v0.8 @peter.toennies
  • update watch to version 1 @peter.toennies
  • add caching for volumes in dev mode !1075

2019-08-30 Hotfix

  • Handle chat messages according to their stored encoding be ready for !887 @NerdyProjects

2019-06-17 Hotfix

  • Have unique single additional pickups to comply with current master backend !934 @NerdyProjects

2019-06-09 Hotfix

2019-05-17 Hotfix

  • Clarify message when you cannot sign up for a pickup. @NerdyProjects has been working on the pickup backend in the last months so the website does not allow you to sign up for pickups that are further in the future than the setting in the store allows (1-4 weeks). The frontend does not yet follow that behaviour (showing pickup slots always for more days than allowed to sign up), but if you want to sign up, the backend disallows that and you get an error message. @NerdyProjects currently works on redoing the pickup frontend as well and we hopefully get it shiny in a few days :-)
  • fixed the switched store publicity settings @peter.toennies


Hey again, another release for you. Nothing big, but a lot of small. Most noticeable things will be changed email templates as well as more buttons which properly work on mobile now.

Major changes


  • gender and pickup statistic information in regions #582 !858 @fs_k
  • Messages to working groups (AG) are now sent in email copy to the member sending them. #493 !774 @zommuter
  • API to display report per region allowing ambassadors to work on their reports !529 #296 @NerdyProjects
  • Vue.JS implementation of reports page !529 #296 @theolampert
  • It is now possible to sign out from my main region (and chose a new one) #26 !778 @peter.toennies
  • Made email notifications great again #450 @zommuter:
    • Responsible user in the FROM field !798
    • Message excerpts in the SUBJECT !800, !838
    • Briefer messages for better content preview !805, !806
  • Reworking menue (Added "Aktionen" menu item, made some pages available also in logged-in menu, added several new pages on politics and transparency) #473 !739 @fs_k @D0nPiano
  • Fit popup dialogs to smartphone and desktop screens with different conditions !826 @jofranz :
    • Profile: verfication and pass history (BOT functionality)
    • Profile: report user
    • Store: manually add team members (BIEB functionality)
    • Store: change automatic pickup times (BIEB functionality)
    • Store: slot join
    • Store: slot leave
  • Added button/badge to user profile with amount of food baskets created. Enabled postCount as a button/badge even if the person has 0 posts #466 !788 @jofranz
  • Chat section "All messages" is now accessible on mobile !670 #419 @Defka @jofranz @D0nPiano
  • Showing number of foodsharers in statistics. Small graphical changes. !832 @jofranz @peter.toennies
  • Ambassadors and orga-members need to be approved by store managers for pickups. !415 #225 @fs_k
  • Ambassadors of Austria are automatically included to the Austrian AMB working group @peter.toennies
  • Added logout Rest endpoint !866 @alex.simm


  • Orga can delete quizzes #364 !767 @fs_k
  • Return 404 instead of 403 for non-existing forum threads !761 @NerdyProjects
  • Store member status icons suitable to status on ambassador view of profiles !766 @flukx
  • Properly escape store names in request popups !778 @NerdyProjects
  • Clarify that PLZ/Ort have to be selected in the map and cannot be modified manually #497 !790 @zommuter
  • Non-followers can comment on Fairteilers again #457 !691 @janopae
  • Add CSP headers that work with Austria/Switzerland sites !793 @nicksellen
  • Allow blog posts to be properly formatted !795 @djahnie
  • Some email templates still referred to lebensmittelretten.de instead of foodsharing.de !805 @zommuter
  • Fixed bug in Database.php class where count() is returning bool (0/1) instead of the actual amount in int !788 !813 @jofranz
  • Fix excerpt generation (dashboard overview, email excerpts, ...) to be unicode aware and not return more characters as it should !812 @NerdyProjects
  • Put more useful information in forum moderation emails and workgroup contact emails !812 @NerdyProjects
  • Fix width of inputfields to a defined value !834 @peter.reutlingen
  • Mailbox users can be autocompleted/managed again !852 @NerdyProjects
  • When a orga views a profile of a user who has never logged in before, the last login date shown now "never" instead of todays date !846 @Caluera
  • Also display sleeping foodsavers in members list !861 @jofranz
  • Fix in the AddBasketAction to allow setting a description and message preferences while creating a basket in the Android App !863 @dthulke
  • Workaround to fix selecting adresses in Vienna !854 @dthulke
  • Make comments visible again on fair-share-points for non-registered users !867 @fs_k @jofranz
  • Show pickup amount in store if set over 50 kg. #546 !862 @svenpascal
  • Tidy up content security policy !870 @NerdyProjects


Dev/Test/CI stuff

2019-02-25 Hotfix

We have to do some database maintenance for !792 which hopefully works fine and fast...



We are happy to announce another release which got hundreds of hours of love, lastly from more then 10 people participating in the 2019 february foodsharing.de hackweek, sitting together since last friday at Kanthaus near Leipzig.

This release is a milestone as we finally managed to tackle some issues that increase the security of foodsharing.de and by that the privacy of all our users.

We are very proud to finally release foodsharing with an AGPLv3 licence, making it finally a Free and open-source software.

Major changes

  • A security focussed code audit has been done by @alangecker which lead to fixing more than 50 related issues, from which 10 were of critical and 6 of high severity #472
  • AGPLv3 licence added. The Gitlab repository is now publically visible
  • CSRF protection for most requests to avoid malicious requests deleting accounts or changing data without the users intention to do so
  • Lots of XSS vectors have been closed by setting the correct content type on json responses
  • Removed backend code to stop old android app foodsharing lebensmittelretten (de.lebensmittelretten.app) from working. The development team cannot take the responsibility for using this app as it implements very bad practices regarding security. We advice all current and recent users of that app to change the password they used on foodsharing.de.
  • We are happy with the continuous process of cleaning up our code and reimplementing more and more parts as proper API requests and getting rid of spaghetti-javascript




Dev/Test/CI stuff

2019-02-19 Hotfix

  • Backport some changes that were needed for yesterdays hotfix
  • Conversation API returns name (or null) !658 @nicksellen
  • Fixup conversation header display !658 @nicksellen

2019-02-18 Hotfix

2019-02-16 Hotfix

  • Fixed an SQL injection in a FoodsaverGateway method @alangecker

2019-02-02 Hotfix

  • readded adresspicker functionality to Fair-Teiler creation page !668 @peter.toennies
  • Devdocs: Restructured and added content, fixed typos and punctuation, and unified spelling !617 @llzmb


Matthias: "Are there any concerns about merging the addresspicker / map / geolocation to production?" Peter: "I'd even prefer to go completely from beta to prod. The current state looks fine for me. Less work for you, more features for us... "

Here we go :-) Just a month after our last release. Expect the next one in a month, at the end of the next hackweek happening at Kanthaus.

Major changes

  • All maps use free tiles from wikimedia now
  • Geolocation (Converting address into geographical coordinates) now using a public service provided by komoot instead of google
  • JQuery 3
  • PHP 7.3


  • Updated tinysort to v3 @peter.toennies
  • Added link from names in chatbox title to profiles #100 !614 @colomar
  • You can now call a BIEB via the lower info box of a store with just one click !609 @jofranz
  • Changelog page now supports links to issues with a # symbol followed by a number like it has been for merge requests before !622 @jofranz
  • update htmlpurifier to version 2 !594 @peter.toennies
  • add security headers (beta only) !633 @nicksellen
  • changed tile maps to wikimedia !639 @alex.simm
  • Use typeahead-address-photon for address autocomplete. Update leaflet and typeahead for recent NPM versions in the same go !640 @NerdyProjects
  • link top area of welcome message to profile #427 !635 @Defka
  • Added a number conditionally to the dashboard event view if there is more than one event !650 @jofranz



Dev/Test/CI stuff

2019-01-24 Hotfix

  • Put information about email address change on front page @NerdyProjects

2019-01-22 Hotfix

2019-01-19 Hotfix

2019-01-13 Hotfix

  • Use google places session based autocompletion for geocoding to cope with API usage quota !628 @NerdyProjects
  • Changed color and typo for the tiny sitenavigation below the topbar !636 @peter.reutlingen


We are happy to release our next version of the foodsharing homepage today. The most beautiful part of that release is not its content but the fact that we have input from 15 different developers. The team is growing steadily, which is really nice.

You will find some new features regarding store pages and food baskets but we have also fixed a big bunch of bugs, updated and cleaned out a lot of stuff, worked on the interface for our upcoming apps and put some work into the mailing system of ours. We hope you will enjoy it.

Merry Christmas :-)



  • Foodsavers list is now sorted by name and doesn't reshuffle !578 #54 @odedNea
  • Orga members are now able to leave stores they are not responsible for #283 !524 @annaos
  • check user permissions in quickreply() in RegionXhr !499 #85 @annaos
  • fix exception if request have no "msg"-Attribute in quickreply() in WallPostXhr !499 @annaos
  • removed not needed add store button from the dashboard !523 @peter.toennies
  • limit conversations sent to client at page loading !542 @janopae
  • check permissions before saving a wallpost in WallpostXhr !542 @janopae
  • stat_fetchrate is calculated correctly and shown in profile added tvalue in select !598 #281 @fs_k
  • fix mail sending by passing instance of Mem to AsyncMail constructor !551 @nicksellen
  • fixed wrong html formatting in quick replies to forum posts !534 @peter.toennies
  • fixed index check in BasketGateway #354 !556 @alex.simm
  • removed fallback for the add date for members in stores #361 !562 @alex.simm
  • show correct date in bells for pickups for more than one date !575 #337 by @mirka-henninger
  • fixed statistic box on profile page overlapping on small screens @D0nPiano
  • Fixed bug in pickuphistory not showing the end date if it's today. Now it also shows past pickups from pickups happend today !577 @jofranz
  • Adding pictures to blog posts and Fairteiler work again !581 @NerdyProjects
  • Redirect after joining a new region works again !581 @NerdyProjects
  • Bell notifications for store fetch confirmations and for new fairteilers are now generated and stored in the database like normal ones #353 !559 @janopae
  • Update store bells via new cron command instead on every bell retrieval !610 @NerdyProjects
  • More stability for internal email system as emails are handled like external ones now !583 @NerdyProjects
  • Fixed safari issue with the navbar !603 @theolampert


Dev/Test/CI stuff

2018-08-19 Hotfix

  • Use Ctrl+Enter instead Shift+Enter for sending messages



A spontaneous hack-weekend led to us finally finishing this release. The new topbar is the main feature, paired with a lot of bugfixes of all the things we broke with the last release and the new topbar. Another big thing to note is that we accidentally removed support for a lot of browsers with the last release which should have been fixed again: IE11, Safari and slightly older androids should work again, although I can only ask you to please always keep your devices and browsers up to date!




Dev/Test/CI stuff

2018-07-22 Hotfix

  • Fix links to group application details

2018-07-21 Hotfix

  • Fix foodsaver_id access in StatsControl
  • Remove broken login popup

2018-07-20 Hotfix

  • Fairteiler Walls can be accessed again
  • Login Form from Fairteiler removed
  • Store name for pickup team notification was missing in serverData
  • Deletion of non-existing post lead to 500 instead of 404
  • Store statistics could not be updated due to a mistake while refactoring
  • Dashboard updates used to show some HTML tags in different entries
  • Message notifications have not been sent for some hours


We are quite good at doing major releases every three months. So here we go:

  • Enjoy a new shiny forum post view, using a modern implementation in vue.js / bootstrap-vue
  • We now require a javascript enabled browser, as we are using more and more modern frontend technologies
  • Forum posts will finally not only allow you to use whatever <you> want to type «»äá<>>>< in there, but also styling using *markdown*. See Wikipedia: Markdown for an introduction on how to use that
  • Behind the scenes, we achieved a lot more, that you hopefully don't notice. See the list below for all changes.

You can read a bit more about the recent weeks and happenings of the developers in the Development Blog: Summer hackweek.

Many thanks to @peter.toennies @NerdyProjects @alangecker @theolampert @nicksellen @EmiliaPaz @michi-zuri @tiltec (in order of appearance in this changelog) for all their work done for this release.




Dev/Test/CI stuff



Release notes

This release is mostly pushed by GDPR (German: DSGVO) as this forces us to do some changes. I am not sure yet, if I am positive or negative about that...

Also, we introduce new frontend technology here. I hope we did not break too much :-)




Dev/Test/CI stuff

2018-05-14 Hotfix

  • Fetching emails to platform mail addresses is more robust against broken mail dates now. #195

2018-03-14 Hotfix for 2018-02-28





Hotfixes 2018-03-04

  • Never use PDO Boolean binding to avoid silent insert failures PDO Bug leading to notification bells for unverified users joining regions missing @NerdyProjects

Hotfixes 2018-03-02

  • Remove broken filemanager from content management system (content, email templates) @NerdyProjects
  • Fix preview for mass mailer @NerdyProjects

Dev/Test/CI stuff

  • Use Deployer to auto-deploy the foodsharing software


  • Use modern ddeboer/imap library to fetch emails for internal mail system fixing some emails go missing on the way !323 @NerdyProjects
  • Events have not been createable/editable due to refactoring mistake @NerdyProjects
  • Mumble events can be created again #315 @NerdyProjects


  • Addresspicker: Street/house number editable again, better description for address search @NerdyProjects


Release notes

Wuhay, this is the first release after our hackweek. Quite a lot has happened: Nearly 4000 lines of code have been changed, half of the files have been moved into a better structure and all pages are now served from a twig base template. As a side change, we now run the latest PHP 7.2.2 and are updating more and more internals to more recent technologies as well as modern coding techniques.


  • Use of bcrypt as hashing algorithm to store passwords
  • Added fairteiler to be shown by default on the map for not registered users and foodsharers !319 by @valentin.unicorn
  • Removed the working groups from the team->teammember page !262 @BassTii
  • Changed way of gendering in passport from "/" to "_" !251 @D0nPiano
  • auto adding of CH-BOTs, Vienna-BIEBs, and ZH-BIEBs to their working groups. !271 by @peter.toennies
  • Renamed footer "Unterstützung" to "Spenden" !273 @BassTii
  • Updates fullpage.js to 2.9.5 for fixing scrolling in firefox, general smoothness !244 @NerdyProjects
  • Page with list of communities for Austria/Germany/Switzerland. !286 by @fs_k
  • Single appointment can be set to "appointment cancelled" (=0 Slots) !372 by @fs_k
  • Changed the Store address format to not have a separate house number !294 @NerdyProjects


  • Remove partly broken store coordinator management from store edit page (should happen with "manage team") !283 @NerdyProjects
  • Allow using more HTML tags in email templates to not break layout !278 @NerdyProjects
  • Reduce size of static images by lossless recompression with trimage !245 @NerdyProjects
  • Change impressum to match current association status @NerdyProjects
  • Remove mass mail recipient options that are ambigous/irrelevant @NerdyProjects
  • Fix missing newsletter unsubscription links for pre-2014 foodsharing.de accounts @NerdyProjects
  • Fix newsletter should only be sent to activated accounts @NerdyProjects
  • Fixed a bug which throwed an error during mail change
  • Show regions in alphabetical order in the region selector (Bezirk beitreten) !267 by @alangecker
  • changed old foodsharing „Freiwilligenplattform“ mailfooter for outgoing replies via mail, which was based on lebensmittelretten !287 @irgendwer
  • consistent use of jumper list (Springerliste) all over the page. !293 by @peter.toennies
  • fixed new fairteiler can not get a region set !294 @NerdyProjects
  • fixed ambassador of other region could edit fairteiler !294 @NerdyProjects
  • phone number validatino removed from login. Mobile Phone instead of landline phone asked. !361 by @fs_k


Dev/Test/CI stuff



Release notes

Happy Birthday, foodsharing!

This release brings a new landing page as well as more spelling and grammar fixes.

Otherwise, it removes some non-working UI elements.

Thanks to all contributors who made this release possible (in alphabetical order):

Breaking changes


  • When users are added to a region or a working group, their ID is shown next to their name. !214 @NerdyProjects
  • Upgraded fontawesome to version 4.7, adding 196 available icons !227 @thinkround
  • New landing page implemented along with a restructuring of the navigation bar !221 @thinkround



Dev/Test/CI stuff


Releases notes

Our first release using the new approach, yay!

This release contains some important structural improvements, perhaps most significantly, we are now using composer for dependencies where possible, and running on php7.

There are also a good number of smaller, but visible changes to the site, mostly bugfixes, but a few new features too.

Many many thanks to all the contributors that made this possible (in order of appearance in the changelog):

Breaking changes




Dev/Test/CI stuff

The wilderness months

  • a bit of this and a bit of that

2016-10-10 and before