- Aktuelles Changelog
Aktuelles Changelog
Release "Olive", 2025-??-??
- Added a custom error page #1559 #526 !3117 !3952 @_fridtjof_ @SaiCode
- More detailed redirect information when trying to access pages of a region you are not a member of. #1006 !3835 @AntonBallmaier
- Add navigation buttons for Maps, Waze & more navigaion providers #2301 !3953 !3960 @SaiCode
- Added a public region page that is accessible without being logged in or member of the region. #1006 #2308 !3835 !3991 !4023 @AntonBallmaier
- Add components for required messages on special actions. Used them when verifying users #1715 !3776 @AntonBallmaier
- Include user agent in support ticket creation #2212 !3838 @AntonBallmaier
- Increased the size of the chat box title !3592 @robinkernel
- Rewrite Legal style to Vue & UI style fixed !3911 @chriswalg @SaiCode
- Prevent autofil save form for adress !3740 @chriswalg
- Frontend design changes in profile #1936 !3937 @McGoldi
- Userstorage saved to Localstoage !3621 @SaiCode
- Ambassadors can choose if user will be informed with bell and mail when creating ID cards #2313 !3995 @McGoldi
- Update team Page (linking / design) !3999 @SaiCode
- Create a personal immediately after finishing the store manager quiz !3983 @alex.simm
- Improved burger menu for mobile !3989 @chriswalg
- Resolve "region filter bug on profile page: Blank screen when navigating store list" #2295 !3940 @chriswalg
- Prevent multiple support ticket submissions !3951 @SaiCode
- Fix rounded corners in profile settings #2118 !3904 !3975 @JoMarianek
- Words in Markdown are wrapped correctly #1356 !4005 @Mel
- Get rid of xhr completely !3826 !3933 @chriswalg
- Update Vuelidate !3889 @SaiCode
- Removed jquery !3884 @chriswalg
- Moved basket store to pinia !3687 @chriswalg
- Remove jquery-ui and some other jquery extentions !3883 @chriswalg
- Refactor global statistik page to vue #1771 !3909 @chriswalg !3926 @SaiCode
- Rework partner page !3886 #2262 !3956 @SaiCode
- Remove an unnecessary API request from the region chooser !3930 @alex.simm
- Rework rest controller !3879 !3935 !3893 !3880 !3936 !3892 !3942 !3943 !3939 !3923 !3969 @chriswalg @alex.simm
- Moved WebSocket-Server communication to one class #1769 !3421 @KoeMai @alex.simm
- Update to php 8.2 !3947 @chriswalg
- Update to php 8.3 !3944 !4021 @chriswalg
- Better File input !3881 @SaiCode
- Update webpack to 5 !3621 !3964 !4000 @SaiCode
- Service worker moved to Google Workbox !3621 @SaiCode
- Removed props from the Vue components of region subpages #1838 !3948 @alex.simm
- Fixed the bounding box of queries for nearby baskets and food share points #1857 !3916 @alex.simm
- Changed api/base.js to axios for better error handling and added sentry's CaptureConsole integration to better monitor #1805 !3990 !4020 @chriswalg
- Use composition api for mobile in Navigation !3988 @chriswalg
- Refactored MapControl to bootstrap-vue !3987 @chriswalg
- Refactored contact page to static vue page !3751 @chriswalg
- Removed unnecessary database queries !4006 @alex.simm
Dev/Test/CI stuff
- Update dev docs Vue component integration to use prepareVueComponent !3910 @chriswalg
- Added renovate as dependencies automation tool !3882 @chriswalg
- Fix the service worker build !3925 @_fridtjof_
- Fixed pipeline testTriggerFetchWarningNotificationWithMixedPickups !3928 !3934 @SaiCode
- Improve Playwright tests (with DB acces) & update playwright to 1.49.1 !3920 @SaiCode
- Migrate Sentry to self-hosted instance !3946 @stcz
- Bump sentry vue to 7.120.2 !3959 @chriswalg
- Upgrade backend Sentry SDK to 5.1 !3958 @_fridtjof_
- Update jsdom to 25.0.1 !3966 @chriswalg
- Update league/commonmark to 2.6.1 !3967 @chriswalg
- Update vitepress and dependencies !3965 @chriswalg
- Removed unused ts-node-dev #2122 !3970 @chriswalg
- Remove multible unused dependencies !3974 @SaiCode
- Update socket-io to 4.8.1 !3981 @chriswalg
- Update mocha to 10.8.2 !3979 @chriswalg
- Update webpack-dev-server to 5.2.0 !3978 @chriswalg
- Update nesbot/carbon to 2.72.6 !3980 @chriswalg
- Update websocket dependencies !3982 @chriswalg
- Moved backend-acceptance to public gitlab runner !3992 @chriswalg
- Added progress bars to the seed script !3663 @SaiCode @alex.simm
- Fix tests in ForumPostCest !3998 @chriswalg
- Added retry and more timeout in WorkingGroupApiCest->sendMailToGroup !4007 @chriswalg
Hotfix 2024-01-20
- Show an error message on the dashboard about email activation #1985 !4008 @alex.simm
- Foodbasket address changed fixed #2284 !3945 @McGoldi @AntonBallmaier
Release "Nektarine", 2024-12-13
- Disable preview mode for Markdown component after message was sent #2039 @tq-bit
- Add feedback on login form for invalid / missing email address #2061 @tq-bit
- Add API endpoint for creating blog posts !3455 @alex.simm
- Store walls now support image attachments !3577 @AntonBallmaier
- Create option for multiple themes with dark mode as a start #2054 !3500 !3653 !3720 !3902 @SaiCode #2229 !3831 @AntonBallmaier
- Allow users to change their own passwords #581 !3435 @alex.simm
- Allow loading more wall posts #2056 !3580 @AntonBallmaier
- Add a hygiene quiz that can be edited by the hygiene working group #2074 #2146 #2204 #2211 #2236 !3540 !3668 !3722 !3798 !3806 !3842 @AntonBallmaier
- Allow support group admins to change someone else's login email address #2031 !3482 @alex.simm
- Added wait timer to leaving home district #2090 !3562 @SaiCode
- Added a new frontend for managing store categories #1263 !3405 @alex.simm
- Improved map marker selection for stores #1659 !3596 @AntonBallmaier
- Added an achievement administration page #2073 !3604 @AntonBallmaier
- Added new Digital Foodsharing Passports for Android and iOS Wallets !3591 !3858 !3897 #2197 @SaiCode
- Food baskets support multiple images now. Image quality issues are resolved. #1797 #1714 #2120 !3304 !3711 #2226 !3828 @AntonBallmaier
- Added the option to test a quiz from the quiz editor. #2112 !3612 @AntonBallmaier
- Ambassadors can now see the previous home district and last pickup of users in their region. #2004 !3675 @AntonBallmaier
- Added bells for mentions in forum. #1850 !3671 @AntonBallmaier
- Added a button to the markdown input for mentioning users #1850 !3670 #2153 !3692 @AntonBallmaier
- Added the option to send a message with a store aplication #2017 !3461 @AntonBallmaier
- Added a french foodsaver quiz that can be edited but not yet accessed #2149 !3672 @AntonBallmaier
- Added a tab in the banana modal for sent bananas. #2075 !3581 !3676 @AntonBallmaier @SaiCode
- Added a system to allow forum moderators to hide and restore posts #1351 #1646 !3419 #2224 !3825 @AntonBallmaier
- When using foodsharing in mutliple tabs, their state is now synchronized #2148 !3693 #2228 !3830 @AntonBallmaier
- Forum threads that need activation trigger a bell notification #289 !3703 @alex.simm
- Improved map marker caching #2106 !3712 #2223 !3824 @AntonBallmaier
- Added a map marker selection for ambassadors to display users #1759 !3714 @AntonBallmaier
- Added top banner for future bundestag petition #2180 @AntonBallmaier
- Added the option to mark quiz questions as mandatory. Mandatory questions get included every time. #2179 !3760 @AntonBallmaier
- Added support form for our new zammad ticket system !3210 !3873 @chriswalg @alex.simm
- Add push notification toggle and prompt users to use push notifications for the chat #1967 !3375 #2214 !3814 @AntonBallmaier
- Added store hygiene requirement #1508 !3756 @AntonBallmaier
- Add data privacy notice to hygine quiz !3792 @AntonBallmaier
- Improve accessibility in create forum thread form !3488 @iron9
- Improve listing of non-active region members !3568 @iron9
- Slightly adjusted the banana badge in the user profile @tripleb-fs
- Bananas given by a user are kept when that user is deleted #1864 !3492 @AntonBallmaier
- Changing the geo link to map in storelist for desktop #1993 !3550 @Nika-Mel @McGoldi
- Added an attachment label to the mailbox #1988 !3583 @alex.simm
- Added markdown for publicInfo in store and map bubble !3389 @chriswalg
- Add more breadcrumbs where needed !3606 !3614 #1987 @McGoldi
- Changed the way the quiz status is handled #2116 !3618 @AntonBallmaier
- Rework default options in store information #33 !3623 !3637 @chriswalg
- Changed the Icon for resolving basket requests #2119 #1363 !3636 @SaiCode
- Change limit to 535 / 520 for public_info -> store !3646 @chriswalg
- Reworked the list of store applicants. !3461 @AntonBallmaier
- On mobile, always show button to mark chat message as read #2110 !3659 @iron9
- Temporarily disabled the member list for countries and Europe #2147 !3677 @alex.simm
- Sort store applications by date #2151 !3694 @AntonBallmaier
- Improved the look of the store applicants modal on small screens #2152 !3695 @AntonBallmaier
- Added the author avatar in the blog list #2154 !3696 @AntonBallmaier
- Unified the different icons used for store managers #2087 !3699 @AntonBallmaier
- Some visual improvements related to store aplications #2157 !3702 @AntonBallmaier
- "Thumb voting" polls can be created with only one option #975 !3684 @alex.simm
- Multiple improvements to the quiz module #975 !3716 @AntonBallmaier
- Given EDITORIAL_GROUP the same rights as ORGA-User to edit or add content pages !3717 @chriswalg
- Allow deleting bananas that the user gave #2163 !3716 @AntonBallmaier
- prevent admins of parent groups access to sub groups settings #2044 !3701 @McGoldi
- Remove restriction to foodsharing wiki links in the quiz editor #2178 !3759 @AntonBallmaier
- Use input date browser support for birthdate input in RegisterBirthdate.vue and ProfileSettings.vue !3738 @chriswalg
- Use https for calendar api requests #2177 !3775 @AntonBallmaier
- Bananas can only be recieved or given by verified users #2161 !3779 @AntonBallmaier
- Update support link !3778 !3803 @McGoldi
- Shuffle question answers for quiz tries. #2199 !3796 @AntonBallmaier
- Rename achievements in German from "Errungenschaften" to "Vermerke" and than to "Sticker" #2202 !3795 !3832 !3843 @AntonBallmaier
- Improved partner page layout #2203 !3818 @AntonBallmaier
- The number of attached files in emails is limited to 10 #1896 !3791 @alex.simm
- Disable autocomplete on search inputs in store member list !3805 @iron9
- Store chain info can now be entered using the markdown editor #2220 !3817 @AntonBallmaier
- Improved chat markdown rendering #2231 !3834 @AntonBallmaier
- Rework passport and verification for ambassadors and foodsaver !3627 !3833 !3837 !3849 !3856 !3878 !3894 @chriswalg
- Order groups in profile by name !3843 @AntonBallmaier
- Use abbreviated names in poll columns on small devices !3843 @AntonBallmaier
- Increased maximum Pickup Slots from 10 to 50 (configureable via config) !3628 @SaiCode
- Add Loading animation to Load more in pickup history #2227 !3859 @SaiCode
- Resolve quoted string is not parsed correctly in mail address #2142 !3757 !3895 @anja0884
- Resolve "Spelling mistake in dates: "Verantstaltung" @Nika-Mel @McGoldi
- Fix sleeping hat display for future sleep times #1881 !3437 @AntonBallmaier
- Test push notifications are only sent to the new device #960 @alex.simm
- Split email in businesscard if is too long !3600 @chriswalg
- foodsavers can't report a store (empty list) #2107 !3605 @McGoldi
- Improved loader !3634 @SaiCode
- Added Error Handling for bells read API !3644 !3899 #2270 @SaiCode
- Correct spelling mistake !3651 @McGoldi
- Fixed Invalid Time when time is undefined #1924 !3652 !3656 !3912 @SaiCode
- Fix typos and inconsistent spelling in email templates !3657 @iron9
- Fix duplicate 'kg' in global statistics #2108 !3658 @iron9
- Fix time zone problems in store log #977 !3673 @AntonBallmaier
- Fix vue warn messages on create new thread page #2109 !3697 @AntonBallmaier
- Fix more than 6 months back selectable in store log #2102 !3698 @AntonBallmaier
- Notifications are again sent via e-mail and bell for posts in Food Share Points !3690 @martincodes-de
- Fixed blog permission for EDITORIAL_GROUP !3700 @chriswalg
- Options are not discarded anymore when editing a poll #975 !3684 @alex.simm
- fixed danger button text contrast !3707 @SaiCode
- Catch service worker registration problems. #1914 !3729 @AntonBallmaier
- Fix for not saving the working group type when adding a new working group #2044 !3701 @McGoldi
- Fix 3 occureces for foodsharing always in lower case !3748 @McGoldi
- The mobile phone number was unintentionally a mandatory field in the registration form. This has been fixed !3726 @chriswalg
- Fixed address requests to Geoapify for all languages #2184 !3772 @alex.simm
- Fix short term fill ins counting #1597 !3774 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed server error when fetching search index #2185 !3777 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed bug that resulted in showing profile setting button on unverified profiles to unpermitted users. #2171 !3773 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed problems for orgas editing food share points from outside their regions. #2216 !3816 @AntonBallmaier
- Added missing translation key #2213 !3815 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed some store settings being enabled to unpermitted users in the frontend #2210 !3808 @AntonBallmaier
- Added fallback for unloaded chat member names #2218 !3819 @AntonBallmaier
- Include jumper last names in store log #2200 !3820 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed basket distance formatting #2225 !3829 @AntonBallmaier
- Fix error for pass history entries when the creating bot account is removed #2222 !3845 @AntonBallmaier
- Fix logic for when badges are displayed on profile pages !3843 !3852 @AntonBallmaier
- Fix max length for public info in stores !3843 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed the region's type in the menu on the region page #2176 !3850 @alex.simm
- Fixed type error in StoreRestController::getListOfStoreStatusForUser #1921 !3870 @chriswalg
- Fixed badly formatted date for Safari #2249 !3872 @SaiCode
- Added better error handling for bad translations and Google/Apple wallet creation #2249 #2271 #2272 !3873 !3903 !3908 @SaiCode
- foodsharers can't start the hygiene quiz !3898 @McGoldi
- Hide Posts for non foodsaver users in Profile #2273 !3905 @SaiCode
- Added strip_tags for renameConversation in MessageGateway #1111 !3907 @chriswalg
- Fixed the redirect to the legal page #2206 !3839 @alex.simm
- Added computed column
#2198 !3437 !3809 @AntonBallmaier - Added an enum for wall types in the backend #1996 !3573 @alex.simm
- Handle store walls like all other walls #2010 !3577 @AntonBallmaier
- Bananas now use the API !3581 @AntonBallmaier
- Moved region store to pinia !3619 !3629 !3679 @chriswalg
- Moved userStore to pinia for future improvements !3531 !3617 !3632 !3877 @SaiCode
- Reduced the number of database requests in some store API endpoints #1662 !3615 @alex.simm
- Removed jQuery autosize !3635 !3689 @SaiCode
- Port the register controller to Symfony !3594 @alex.simm
- Port the application controller to Symfony #1994 !3603 @alex.simm
- Port the message controller to Symfony #1994 !3633 !3719 @_fridtjof_
- Replace TinyMCE with Quill #2141 !3660 !3726 @SaiCode
- Refactored add and edit form to vue and removed jquery tagedit #2137 !3520 @chriswalg @alex.simm
- Remove all usages of deprecated columns email_pass and email from fs_bezirk #1853 !3710 @AntonBallmaier
- Port the logout and relogin controllers to Symfony !3682 @alex.simm
- Refactored join info page to vue !3737 @chriswalg
- Clean up code for maintenance and background tasks !3735 @_fridtjof_
- Port the dashboard controller to Symfony !3736 @_fridtjof_
- Entries from the content API are rendered in Vue !3743 @alex.simm
- Remove
in favor ofProfile
#1998 !3713 @AntonBallmaier - Clean up entrypoint and legacy code !3744 @_fridtjof_
- Use
!3726 @chriswalg - Got rid of a global variable !3764 @_fridtjof_
- Port the workgroup controller to Symfony !3766 @_fridtjof_
- Remove most usages of superglobals !3768 @_fridtjof_
- Port the mailbox controller to Symfony !3784 @_fridtjof_
- Port the voting controller to Symfony !3782 @_fridtjof_
- Reworked food share point page to use API and vue. #1577 !3730 @AntonBallmaier
- Port the business card controller to Symfony !3782 @_fridtjof_
- Fully moved StoreUserControl which still handled redirects into its Symfony counterpart !3793 @_fridtjof_
- Port the index controller to Symfony !3799 @_fridtjof_
- Remove the legacy entrypoint for routing and rendering pages !3799 @_fridtjof_
- Reduce address search code redundancies #2186 !3810 @AntonBallmaier
- Removed unnecessary database queries from the user details API endpoint !3807 @alex.simm
- Removed unused script.js:initialize !3827 @chriswalg
Dev/Test/CI stuff
- Improved API tests runtime !3506 @alex.simm
- Removed redirect after submit in foodsharepoint edit form to fix test !3527 @chriswalg
- Added a dev docs article on "Logic in the Database" !3437 @AntonBallmaier
- New API for submitting food share points !3372 @alex.simm
- Update dompurify to 3.1.6 !3641 @chriswalg
- Update twig to 3.14.0 !3642 @chriswalg
- Update socket.io to 4.6.2 !3643 @chriswalg
- Update babel/core to 7.23.2 !3645 @chriswalg
- Devdocs: Huge update from Docusaurus to VitePress #2124 #1755 #1913 !3640 !3655 @SaiCode
- Removed jquery tablesorter #2136 !3648 !3689 @chriswalg
- Deleted the lookup command and module @alex.simm
- Data for the region subpages is now fetched from the API #1838 !3624 !3715 !3765 @alex.simm #2169 !3734 @AntonBallmaier
- Wait for Devdocs Assets to be loaded before generating the devdocs site !3662 @SaiCode
- Updated Clean script with clean node_modules !3688 @SaiCode
- Removed some unnecessary database queries #1995 !3709 !3718 !3725 @alex.simm
- Added a command to move old uploaded pictures to the API #1182 #1440 !3631 !3822 !3874 @alex.simm
- Fix missing sql dump creation in test script !3739 @chriswalg
- Added dataSource.xml and sqldialects.xml for JetBrains IDEs !3755 @chriswalg
- Removed unused hidden dialog !3761 @alex.simm
- Changed removed command mysql and mysqldump to mariadb and mariadb-dump !3770 @chriswalg
- Updated Symfony, FOS Rest bundle, and phinx !3787 @alex.simm
- Update twig to 3.14.2 !3788 @chriswalg
- Added zammad docker container to dev system !3771 @chriswalg
- Finalize Release Nektarine !3867 @AntonBallmaier
Hotfix 2024-08-29
- Hide some private data in profile settings page if is not me !3575 @chriswalg
Hotfix 2024-08-22
- Fix loading only selected stores on inital map marker load #2085 !3557 @AntonBallmaier
- Made private mail address of users accessible to Ambassadors again. #2081 !3555 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed banana icon to show checkmark instead of plus on user profiles where you anready gave a banana. #2082 !3554 @AntonBallmaier
- Fix store wall loading issue #2091 !3558 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed phone number input on profile settings !3546 @chriswalg @SaiCode
- Fixed breadcrumb dissapearing on phones #2077 !3548 @SaiCode
- Fixed "Missing special warning message, if foodsaver leaves home district" !3551 @chriswalg
- Fixed ambassadors being able to set the home region of users without home region that are in their region #2088 !3560 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed some browsers disallowing downloading files because of http #2086 !3561 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed an error in map marker drawing #2080 !3563 @AntonBallmaier
Release "Mandarine", 2024-08-18
- Improved direct links to forum posts #1912 !3293 !3328 @AntonBallmaier
- People who (maybe) attend an event are now informed via bell when there are new posts on the event wall. #228 !3336 @AntonBallmaier
- Show title of forum post in window header (again) !3338 #1591 @McGoldi
- Added an achievements overview page !3348 @AntonBallmaier
- Warning mails informing store managers about empty pickup slots can now be disabled #1941 !3341 @AntonBallmaier
- Add page-redirect after login !3334 @AntonBallmaier
- Delete accounts that were more than 5 years inactive. Add profile setting to protect account from deletion #19 !3134 !3541 @fs_k @AntonBallmaier
- Added a location button to the map main #638 !3357 @alex.simm
- Added a popup for food share points on the map !3360 !3371 @alex.simm
- You can now load more entries in the store log #1969 !3383 @AntonBallmaier
- Storemanagers get an extra warning before removing users from a store team, if they currently occupy slots #1825 !3368 @AntonBallmaier
- Added three new search result types: mail, event and poll #1728 !3398 !3498 @AntonBallmaier
- Optional reason for reports added !2833 @fs_k @AntonBallmaier
- Added API endpoints for managing store categories #1263 !3405 @alex.simm
- Display senders picture in notifications !3373 @AntonBallmaier
- Give access to reporter private mail address #1765 !3423 !3489 @AntonBallmaier
- Users can be linked in markdown using @
now #1850 !3177 @AntonBallmaier - Applications to working groups trigger a bell notification to the admins #933 !3274 !3479 @alex.simm
- The password in the login form can be made visible !3459 @alex.simm
- Baskets can be placed at any location !3452 @AntonBallmaier
- Added tooltips to map markers !3466 @AntonBallmaier
- Display the distance to the store when applying #2016 !3460 #2070 !3530 @AntonBallmaier
- Text of checkbox "Mailversand aktivieren" didn't change anymore #1954 !3358 @ToLei
- Restricted access to email attachments !3345 @alex.simm
- Stores, where you are a jumper are now displayed at the bottom of the stores dropdown menu !3364 @AntonBallmaier
- Improved the calendar export !3378 !3449 !3497 !3534 @AntonBallmaier
- Pickups are displayed on dashboard for 30 minutes longer !3382
- Removed address on businessCard !3362 @chriswalg
- Give admins of quiz group permission to view and delete quiz sessions !3422 @AntonBallmaier
- Refactored report module to Controller, vue and api !3423 !3518 !3539 @AntonBallmaier
- Change region link generation from /?page=bezirk& to /region?
- Removed application wall #321 !3436 @AntonBallmaier
- Removed store state COOPERATION_STARTING #414 !3410 !3444 !3445 !3448 @chriswalg
- Added the WhatsApp link to the social icons in the footer #2035 !3484 @alex.simm
- The profile wall now shows up to 200 posts #2055 !3505 @AntonBallmaier
- Temporarily deactivated the Android push handler !3512 @alex.simm
- Show error for invalid landline number on dashboard !3514 @chriswalg
- Change EMail Address Verification replaced by new implementation !3481 @KoeMai
- Improved release notes !3522 @AntonBallmaier
- Add permission explanation to report list link #2064 !3529 @AntonBallmaier
- moved from photon.komoot.io to geoapify for search #1565 !3543 @SaiCode
- Store containers now remain open or closed per store. #2019 !3706 @AntonBallmaier
- Changed the headline for group applications #1916 !3353 @ToLei
- Removed special permission text from the IT group #1894 !3273 @alex.simm
- Fixed the permissions to see applications for working groups #1934 !3320 @alex.simm
- Fix typos in info texts !3327 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed calendar exports breaking for events with linebreaks in their description !3350
- The correct region is now preselected when creating an event !3366 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed passport generation not working #1944 !3376 @AntonBallmaier
- Resolved some UI inconsistancies !3370 @AntonBallmaier
- double foodsharing.network in group links #1978 !3409 @McGoldi
- Threads with reduced visibility get handled in the search properly now #1728 !3398 @AntonBallmaier
- Some fixes for the quiz module !3418 @AntonBallmaier
- Store chain information is visible on the store page again #1946 @alex.simm
- Fixed the rendering of dates that is close to now #1948 !3430 @alex.simm
- Fixed display error of deleted users in store log #1971 !3432 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed activity setting on dashboard #1937 !3433 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed "use home address"-switch in edit basket modal #1897 !3452 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed tooltip display in member list #2009 !3453 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed store log null access error #2007 !3451 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed type error in profile menu #2002 !3468 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed map performance problems #1940 !3466 @AntonBallmaier
- Handle service worker registration error #1914 !3469 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed
rerender on source change #2020 !3467 @AntonBallmaier - Fixed loading more entries in store log #2023 !3472 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed link in food share point map bubble #1940 !3471 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed store distance display for users without valid geolocation !3476 !3503 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed query problem in
#1828 !3470 @AntonBallmaier - Fixed unexpected exception in BusinessCardGateway #2051 !3504 @alex.simm
- Fixed food basket expired at not shown #2058 !3511 @McGoldi
- Fixed encoding for publicInfo field in store #2043 !3516 @chriswalg
- Removed search results for groups the user has only applied to #2062 !3523 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed Attribution showing html istead of the resulting rendered html #2067 !3532 @SaiCode
- Fixed Wrong data for home district used in region header and statistics #2059 !3517 @McGoldi
- Fixed searchbar modal error #2140 !3705 @AntonBallmaier
- Reduce complexity of RegionTransaction.GetJoinMessage() by session information !3242 @KoeMai
- Remove unneeded u_loadCoords function !3277 @stcz
- Reworked region admin page and removed XhrMethods #1412 #1414 #1416 #1417 #1181 #1939 !3193 !3346 @AntonBallmaier
- Modernized EventControl to a Symfony controller !3260 @chriswalg
- Rebuild quiz module #1666 !3119 !3329 !3403 @AntonBallmaier
- Refactor the nearby baskets list to vue !3294 !3391 !3477 @alex.simm
- Refactored profile to vue !3184 !3225 !3343 !3446 !3485 !3494 !3536 @chriswalg #2040 !3496 @AntonBallmaier
- Moved passports to region memberlist #1799 #1326 !3251 !3388 !3439 @chriswalg
- Modernized StoreChainControl to a Symfony controller !3292 @chriswalg
- Rework team page in vue !3248 !3351 @chriswalg
- Refactored event page and creation / editing to vue #952 #997 #1514 #1740 #1910 !3387 @AntonBallmaier
- Refactored the main map to vue !3230 !3335 !3402 !3486 @alex.simm
- Remove unused session code !3361 @KoeMai
- Remove E-Mail address from session !3394 @KoeMai
- Extend Session with CurrentUserRegionInterface !3354 @koemai
- Extract
into new serviceUserStatusTransactions
!3377 @KoeMai - Remove obsolete and unused run.php !3395 @_fridtjof_
- Provide CurrentUserRegionInterface for Session as independent implementation !3390 !3400 @KoeMai
- Refactored settings page completely to vue and merged with foodsaver edit page for ambassador and orga user !3249 !3426 !3457 !3495 !3526 !3524 !3526 @chriswalg
- Cleaned up the ApplicationGateway #1975 !3411 @alex.simm
- make ActivityGateway:fetchAllStoreUpdates faster #1907 !3441 @fs_k @AntonBallmaier
- Modernized LegalControl to a Symfony controller !3447 @chriswalg
- unused columns in fs_foodsaver have been removed #1945 !3440 @fs_k
- Removed a legacy gateway function for groups #2049 !3501 @alex.simm
Dev/Test/CI stuff
- Added backend support for getting, adding and updating achievements. #1724 !3317 !3318 @AntonBallmaier
- Reduced the number of emails per mailbox in the test data !3330 @alex.simm
- Remove unused code !3340 @alex.simm
- Fixed errors in the seed script !3355 @alex.simm
- Uploaded files without a usage type are deleted in the nightly maintenance #1182 !3363 @alex.simm
- Added an API endpoint for creating content entries !3379 @alex.simm
- Removed obsolete functions in StoreXhr #1609 !3399 @alex.simm
- Added missing languages for syntax highlighting in the docs #1547 !3407 @alex.simm
- Updated phinx to version 0.16 #1774 @alex.simm
- Removed obsolete version field from docker compose files !3442 @_fridtjof_
- Added a rate limiting to the file upload #1896 !3450 @alex.simm
- Updated the version of tecnickcom/tcpdf !3473 @alex.simm
- Replaced goAndExit with Symfony's redirect !3474 @alex.simm
- Bump minishlink/web-push to 9.0.1 !3507 @chriswalg
- Added a git blame ignore file !3525 @_fridtjof_
- Add feature toggle for mail search #2066 !3528 @AntonBallmaier
- Added a Symfony command for deleting old accounts !3538 @alex.simm
Development documentation
Hotfix 2024-07-01
- Fixed type error in DonationGoalInformation #1970 !3385 @chriswalg
Hotfix 2024-05-21
- Added translations for new bell types !3337 @AntonBallmaier @alex.simm
Hotfix 2024-05-11
- Fix Quiz Role not increasing #1930 !3315 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed invalid dates in store bubbles on the map !3322 @alex.simm
- prevent missing time in group application form !3319 @chriswalg
Hotfix 2024-05-05
- Show missing region menu entries to orgas #1927 !3299 !3310 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed the editing of content pages #1919 !3302 @alex.simm
- Polls can be edited until they start #1920 !3303 @AntonBallmaier
- Workaround for StoreBubble.vue on map !3300 @chriswalg
- Fix permissions for profile notes wall !3305 @alex.simm
- show maySendRequests and mayAccessStorePage buttons together if they true #1925 !3307 @chriswalg
- Resolve "Bell notification dialog closes after deleting a bell" #1923 !3309 @chriswalg
Release "Laugenbrezel", 2024-04-30
- Added a ChainSearchPicker Modal in StoreInformation !2863 !3259 @chriswalg
- Follow-up for donation banner !3281 @chriswalg
- Added a map link to store pages !3113 @AntonBallmaier
- Added a map to the foodsharepoint page #1035 !3097 !3195 !3236 @alex.simm
- Added an Info vue commonent for explainin parts of the website. #1852 !3181 @AntonBallmaier
- Group different bell events, like it is done for the forum !3073 !3271 @AntonBallmaier
- Stickiness of threads can have more values now allowing for better thread sorting !3205 @AntonBallmaier
- Added an info box for ambassadors to make sure the user name field is not misused #204 !3204 @AntonBallmaier
- Improves the BBB integration !3050 @stcz
- Make navigation menu sticky @AntonBallmaier @chriswalg
- Added marker clustering to the basket map !3013 @alex.simm
- Minor improvements in the mailbox frontend #1668 !3108 !3203 !3258 !3266 @alex.simm
- The contact pages are merged into one, and the content is automated. !3143 !3174 !3176 @AntonBallmaier
- Delete uploaded photos when they are not used anymore #1182 !3121 @alex.simm
- Improved search #1728 !3150 @AntonBallmaier
- Strip EXIF data from uploaded PNG files #375 !3151 @alex.simm
- Users can only be added to a store if they are already in that region #20 !3180 @alex.simm
- Some regions are not listed in the region chooser dialog anymore #1335 !3164 @alex.simm
- Pinned threads are no longer sorted by name !3205 @AntonBallmaier
- Removed infinity loading from forum lists #1231 !3229 @chriswalg
- Enabling the Display of Occupied Slot Details in the Confirmation Dialogue #1862 !3213 @c-h-i-c-k-e-n
- Removed salutation in email template #1745 !3246 @chriswalg
- Emails in the mailbox are listed paginated #1668 !3278 @alex.simm
- Added caching (5 minutes) for nearby baskets !3267 @chriswalg
- remove misplaced line in store team view !3088 @buntel
- Fixed error caused by broken background color values for image rotation !3105 @_fridtjof_
- Fixed link to region page in name change modal !3125 @chriswalg
- Fixed images breaking markdown layout !3144 @AntonBallmaier
- Added .network as top level domain recognized in markdown link parsing !3179 @AntonBallmaier
- Improve SQL performance for search of near baskets !3185 @KoeMai
- Fixed creating and editing region mailboxes for orga users !3182 @AntonBallmaier
- Improved permission checks for event creation #489 !3187 @alex.simm
- Fix sign in date time in slot modal #1870 !3228 !3250 @chriswalg
- Fixed mail address to field in mailbox module !3226 @chriswalg
- Fixed datepicker in pickup modal #1751 !3231 @chriswalg
- Fixed date tooltip for events on dashboard #1835 !3275 @alex.simm
- Fixed the login link on the profile page !1901 !3289 @alex.simm
- Added a retry for deadlocked database queries !3296 #1869 @AntonBallmaier
- Prevent marking a bell as read if it was already deleted !3298 @alex.simm
- Switched Annotation to Attributes, implements Test and general code style adjust for Activity REST Endpoint !2975 !3090 @BibaltiK
- Move mobile detection to PageHelper (only user of information) !3116 @KoeMai
- Move buddy-list management from Session to module "Buddy" !2987 @KoeMai
- Removed ProfileXhr !3067 @AntonBallmaier
- Changed mailbox rest controller to php 8 attributes !2980 @chriswalg
- Refactored the map control component to vue !3051 @alex.simm
- Move hastodoquiz from session to Quiz Module !3075 @KoeMai
- Remove not used mail session variables !3147 !3158 @KoeMai
- Replace Role-class by Role-Enum and remove need of fAuthentication !3078 !3120 !3123 !3122 @KoeMai
- Added a missing bell type !3022 @alex.simm
- Rebuild the wall using vue #45 #1800 #1830 !3045 !3112 !3135 !3255 @AntonBallmaier
- Move UserOptions to Settings Module !3146 !3225 @KoeMai
- Avoid access to global $_SESSION !3099 @KoeMai
- Refactor region page to vue !2794 !3157 !3227 !3241 !3247 !3253 !3268 !3284 @chriswalg
- New map bubble for stores in Vue !2988 !3128 !3166 !3201 @alex.simm
- Renamed bezirk to region in urls helper !3126 @chriswalg
- Prepared for removal of run.php in favor of Symfony's console !3118 @_fridtjof_
- Modernized BlogControl to a Symfony controller !3096 @_fridtjof_
- Modernized BasketControl to a Symfony controller !3127 @_fridtjof_
- Cleaned up twig extension config !3124 @_fridtjof_
- Remove session stored user image as default image #1769 !3170 @KoeMai
- Refactored store creation page to vue !3136 @chriswalg
- Removed unused store edit code !3137 @chriswalg
- REST endpoint for editing content entries !3098 @alex.simm
- Created confirmationDialogue mixin !3140 @AntonBallmaier
- Removed unused event invitation code #1739 !3149 @AntonBallmaier
- Removed duplicate region member page and profile XHR !3169 @AntonBallmaier
- Modernized StoreControl to a Symfony controller !3160 !3198 @chriswalg
- Move Workgroup is Admin Check method from session to module #1769 !3168 @KoeMai
- Move location information in session to user #1769 !3148 !3185 @KoeMai
- Remove unused variables from session #1769 !3161 @KoeMai
- Replaced every usage of the Lat-lon-picker with the Vue leaflet component !3185 @alex.simm
- Improved Avatar component !3155 !3189 !3257 @AntonBallmaier
- Refactored group page to vue !3162 !3223 @chriswalg
- Improved store team list #1833 !3207 !3270 @AntonBallmaier
- Modernized LoginControl to a Symfony controller !3237 @_fridtjof_
- Refactored profile to vue and symfony controller !3184 @chriswalg
- Modernized ProfileControl to a Symfony controller !3199 @_fridtjof_
Dev/Test/CI stuff
- Remove obsolete picture upload code !2990 @alex.simm
- Updated maintenance page !3052 @chris.walg
- Bump nelmio/api-doc-bundle to 4.18.1 !3080 @chris.walg
- Introduced Rector to modernize code !3084 @_fridtjof_
- Update backend dependencies !3094 @_fridtjof_
- Modernize code to use PHP 8.1 features !3095 @_fridtjof_
- Added "/api/statistics" Endpoint and Refactor Statistic Api !2989 @BibaltiK
- Upgraded PHPUnit to version 10 !3092 @_fridtjof_
- Upgraded to Symfony 6.4 !3129 @_fridtjof_
- Work around a bug in Sentry's query profiling integration !3133 @_fridtjof_
- Allow more attributes per line in vue #1848 !3175 @AntonBallmaier
- Added profile pictures to seed data #738 !3172 @AntonBallmaier
- Removed the obsolete jquery-jcrop package #1047 !3192 @alex.simm
- Fixed the outdated notification job !3214 !3215 @_fridtjof_
- Optimized client bundle size !3216 @_fridtjof_
- Bump node to 20.11.1 @chriswalg
- Modernized FoodSharePointControl to a Symfony controller !3106 @_fridtjof_
- Upgrade webpack-dev-server to v4 !3220 @_fridtjof_
- Update some backend dependencies !3232 @_fridtjof_
- Added server caching and rest endpoint for donation banner !3163 @martincodes-de
- Deny v-html elements in vue to reduce XSS risk #1840 !3218 !3280 !3287 @stcz
- Updated fontawesome to 6.5.2 #1779 !3263 @alex.simm
- Uploaded files are tagged with their usage type #1182 !3243 @alex.simm
- Split up "backend" tests by suite !3200 @_fridtjof_
Development documentation
Hotfix 2024-03-13 (Fix XSS Vulnerability and Mails)
- Fix XSS vulnerabilities in Baskets, Mails and Blog !3219 @stcz
- Fix delivering CC mails and add error message for BCC !3171 @stcz
Hotfix 2024-02-18 (Bell translations)
- Added translation keys for grouped bells !3152 @AntonBallmaier
Hotfix 2024-02 (Donation banner)
- Added a donation banner !2930 !3111 @chriswalg
Release Patch "Kiwi", 2024-01-21
- Removed static IT news content page and changed it to freshdesk page !3056 @chriswalg
- Optimized width of store and dashboard !3053 @chriswalg
- Fix saving regular pickups !3060 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed arbitration report overview !3062 @fs_k
- Add email to recipient list when focus is lost !3058 @alex.simm
- Render vue basket bubbles when selecting a basket from the list #1812 !3057 @alex.simm
- Provide default location for location search form #1806 !3065 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed toSpliced undefined for older browsers #1801 !3066 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed vue element not found exception #1810 !3063 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed Basket Modal for users without valid home address #1811 !3061 @AntonBallmaier
- Display time in map basket bubbles correctly #1809 !3059 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed invalid Array length error #1807 !3064 @AntonBallmaier
- Replaced markdown markup for links in mailbox email view !3071 @chriswalg
- Handle AccessDenied Errors when reloading store logs #1803 !3070 @AntonBallmaier
- Fixed the filter parameter of the calendar URL #1814 !3072 @alex.simm
- Added search for mail address and reset button for input in mailbox addressbook !3076 @chriswalg
- Fixed filtering region types for AddressBook.vue in mailbox module !3077 @chriswalg
- Moved button to top and added scrolling for basket bubble as workaround !3079 @chriswalg
- Fixed rendering of the map in Safari #1816 !3074 @alex.simm
- Added mobile mail list separator and removed the horizontal scrollbar !3082 @buntel @chriswalg
- Suppress error when a vue tree is not found on the profile edit page #1817 !3085 @alex.simm
Release "Kiwi", 2024-01-14
- Improve bell notifications for forum posts #719 !2827 !2826 @AntonBallmaier
- Added a MarkdownInput component, that is used every where md is used. !2865 !2893 @AntonBallmaier
- Storemanagers see how far applicants to the store live away #1661 !2772 !2893 @Anton Ballmaier
- Threads can be renamed !2882 @AntonBallmaier
- The button to jump to the start or end of a thread can be accessed from anywhere in the thread !2882 @AntonBallmaier
- Exported calendars can be filtered by the invitation status #1535 !2873 @alex.simm
- Members of the Store Coordination GOALS group / ambassadors can add more than 3 storemanagers and remove the last one !2895 @AntonBallmaier
- Added spanish translation !2892 @irgendwer
- Food baskets can now be given a location different from the users home address !2906 !3021 !3036 @AntonBallmaier
- Made store log accessible by store managers !2902 @AntonBallmaier
- The source code of forum posts can now be copied !2913 @AntonBallmaier
- Added confirmation modal to sending mail when creating a new thread !2877 @AntonBallmaier
- Buddies can now be removed !2919 !2993 @AntonBallmaier
- If youre phone number is invalid, you get informed about that on the dashboard now !2916 @AntonBallmaier
- When answering posts in the forum, the answered message is now quoted !2937 @AntonBallmaier
- Permissions as Orga-user are now displayed on users profile pages #1757 !2955 @AntonBallmaier
- Provision of RestApi for a foodsharepoint for the map bubble !2946 @BibaltiK
- Users have the ability to configure columns for the user in store list and store chain list !2733 @buntel
- Users have the ability to keep the list filters and sort order on refresh (default: enabled) !2733 @buntel
- b-table could now be displayed more mobile friendly. On small screens the table is displayed in a grid-layout !2733 @buntel
- Allow forum moderators to write and everyone to delete their posts in closed threads !3019 @AntonBallmaier
- Changed team state translation from full to closed !2831 @chriswalg
- Add "call" (tel:) button visibility also for desktop, not only mobile" #1138 !2835 @chriswalg
- Administrating threads has a cleaner look !2882 @AntonBallmaier
- Pinned Threads are sorted by name !2883 !2891 @AntonBallmaier
- rework slot dropdown to modal #1228 !2813 !2915 !2944 @chriswalg
- Changed behaviour from deleting unconfirmed slots at midnight into keeping them #1707 !2901 @irgendwer
- Reworked all search functionality !2886 !2914 !2963 !3023 @AntonBallmaier
- Markdown in forum posts is now rendered in the front end to reduce inconsistencies !2913 !2917 @AntonBallmaier
- When adding buddies there is now a confirmation pop-up !2919 @AntonBallmaier
- Change the direction of score voting !2920 @AntonBallmaier
- Select no value by default in score voting !2920 @AntonBallmaier
- Store wall posts can be deleted without waiting a month by store managers #1758 !2956 @AntonBallmaier
- Moved StoreInformationModal to a tab on store page and changed the buttons for chats and leaving team !2874 !2979 !2995 !3026 !3048 @chriswalg
- Show required label for phone number during register !2964 @thomas.hauschild
- Optimized images via https://github.com/apps/imgbot !2966 @thomas.hauschild
- Simplified Event invitation system #1736 !2926 @AntonBallmaier
- Email notifications about an application to a working group contain a new link to that application #1697 !2973 @alex.simm
- Replaced the Twitter link with Bluesky #1779 !3006 @alex.simm
- GOALS-ELECTION-Group added. !3001 @fs_k
- Replaced viking avatar with a less vikingish one !3032 @irgendwer
- Replaced graphic group symbol with the corresponding fontawesome symbol !3009 @irgendwer @neriton
- Temporarily disabled the store list for countries and Europe !3027 @alex.simm
- GOALS-ELEction Admins are automatically added to globaly election exchange group !3031 @fs_k
- Added error handling for cache helper for bell notifications or other requests !2869 @chriswalg
- Allow adding regular pickups even if there is one for every day already !2897 @AntonBallmaier
- fix if last activity date is „0000-00-00 00:00:00“ #1746 !2939 !2853 @chriswalg
- fix reaction tooltip with deleted users !2909 @AntonBallmaier
- Controll characters like * can now be escaped using the front end md engine !2913 @AntonBallmaier
- make relative links generated in the beta-version readable in the prod version !2924 @AntonBallmaier
- Fix server error when trying to log in on beta @AntonBallmaier
- Fix variable replacement on "fairteiler" page
- Fix the display of long names in passport generation #1634 !2941 @AntonBallmaier
- Fix security problem #1692 !2940 @AntonBallmaier
- Allow ambassdors and store coordinator to delete wall posts again !2978 @chriswalg
- Prevent load store log for jumper !2978 @chriswalg
- Fix operation on empty icon string #1709 !2970 @KoeMai
- Fix sorting by member state !3020 @buntel
- Clear browser cache when logging out to prevent cached data leaking into next logged in session !3024 @AntonBallmaier
- Center Team member images properly !3037 @AntonBallmaier
- Only load user details when logged in !1798 @alex.simm
- Refactor mailbox modul to vue and rest api !2580 !2870 !2871 !2918 !2934 !2971 !3002 @chriswalg @alex.simm
- Use REST for quickreplying to wall posts !2795 @alex.simm
- Cleaned up a lot of core code all over the place !2738 @_fridtjof_
- Preparations to routing/link building code for future porting to Symfony controllers !2738 @_fridtjof_
- Moved the database connection to Doctrine DBAL !2801 @_fridtjof_
- Refactored the list of editable content to vue !2862 @alex.simm
- Use REST for statistic !2879 !2887 @fs_k
- Modernized ContentControl to a Symfony controller !2876 @_fridtjof_
- Modernized TeamControl to a Symfony contorller !2881 @_fridtjof_
- Refactor food basked creation to vue and rest api !2906 @AntonBallmaier
- Replaced the maps on basket pages with vue and removed vMap !2880 @alex.simm
- Modernized RegionControl to a Symfony controller !2741 !2945 @_fridtjof_
- Modernized StatisticsControl to a Symfony controller !2953 @_fridtjof_
- Switched the quickreply function for emails on the dashboard to use the mailbox API #1668 !2921 @alex.simm
- Modernized MapControl to a Symfony controller !2986 @_fridtjof_
- Restrict CSRF protection to REST API by namespace instead of manual exclusions by annotation !3005 #1782 !3008 @_fridtjof_
- Changes the basket bubble on the map to vue #1608 #1788 !2905 !3028 @alex.simm
- Refactor StoreListComponent.vue !2733 @buntel
- Refactor storage.js !2733 @buntel
Dev/Test/CI stuff
- removed CHANGELOG.md merge=union !2866 @chriswalg
- Updated quality tools !2867 @_fridtjof_
- Show CS Fixer results in gitlab !2867 @_fridtjof_
- Added the Symfony profiler and debug toolbar !1580 @_fridtjof_
- Added feature toggles !2633 @martincodes-de
- The backend now provides the map tile api key for the client #1074 !2621 !2925 @alex.simm
- Update PHP deployer to version 7.3.3 !2931 @chriswalg
- Bump vue-advanced-chat to 2.0.10 !2927 @chriswalg
- Added database tables for achievements !2910 @martincodes-de
- Added a rate limiter to the login endpoint !2672 @alex.simm
- Added feature toggle for achievement system !2933 @martincodes-de
- Added playwright e2e test framework !2803 @thomas.hauschild @chriswalg
- fix selenium tests - added ulimits in docker !2950 @chriswalg
- Update codeception to 5.x !2605 @chriswalg @peter.toennies
- Updated playwright to 1.40.1 !2948 @thomas.hauschild
- Added eslint, husky, prettier and documentation for playwright tests !2949 @thomas.hauschild
- Various playwright config changed, see !2952 @thomas.hauschild
- Migrations to playwright !2959 !2960 !2961 @thomas.hauschild
- Improved scripts/clean compatibility !2972 @thomas.hauschild
- Add a playwright docker container and script for local testing !2968 !2982 !2991 !3003 @chriswalg
- Updated Contributors section in README.md !2954 @thomas.hauschild
- Fixed some DevDocs references !2974 @thomas.hauschild
- Removed InfluxDB !2983 !2894 @chriswalg
- Fixed faulty Code in FoodsaverGateway !2994 @BibaltiK
- Fix seed command in dev setup !3004 @chriswalg
Development documentation
Release "Jackfruit", 2023-09-09
- Ongoing polls a user has not yet voted in are displayed on the dashboard. !2349 @AntonBallmaier
- Provide RestApi to edit store !2515 !2625 @KoeMai
- New UI for Stores information and modification of stores !2645 !2685 !2688 !2731 !2736 !2752 !2793 !2852 @KoeMai
- Added turkish translation !2720 @Evren
- Store chains can now be manged from the website. The working group "Betriebsketten" contains a tabular overview of all chains. !2251 !2273 !2701 !2767 !2769 @AntonBallmaier @KoeMai
- Store markers on the map can be filtered by the user's membership #1025 !2682 @alex.simm
- Store chain information is visible on the store page !2742 @alex.simm
- Add home district count to region top #79 !2692 @Morgy93
- Storemanagers can set a description for pickup slots #1653 !2757 !2781 @AntonBallmaier
- Improved bell menu #1684 #1685 #1686 #1687 !2832 !3014 @AntonBallmaier
- Added a new content page for it infos to menu !2590 @chriswalg
- Removed freshdesk link to Support and renamed contact to contact & support !2590 @chriswalg
- Updated the number of registered users on the start page !2629 @alex.simm
- Added home region and verified columns to member tables of regions and working groups !2602 #1548 @alex.simm
- Minor updates in the frontend of the voting tool #975 !2640 @alex.simm
- Show title of forum post in window header !2658 #1591 @McGoldi
- Support and orga-user can search users with e-mail !2651 !2663 @chriswalg @martincodes-de
- focus foodsharing tab of the same kind if clicking a push notification !2671 @buntel
- close push notification of the same thread or same kind if clicked !2671 @buntel
- Removed the additional button in the report modal #1599 !2677 !2782 @alex.simm
- Show forum text if foodsaver deleted again !2697 @chriswalg
- Add CTA on the profile-page for calendar export #1583 !2705 @sefn
- Remove relative time from last pickup #1571 #1643 !2706 !2744 @sefn
- Removed unused global report !2763 @chriswalg
- Improved pickup table display on smaller devices !2779 @AntonBallmaier
- Added a validation for login form, to prevent send a api call. !2787 @chriswalg
- Remove closed stores from map, dashboard and navigation #786 !2790 @chriswalg
- Add user id to bbb conference name !2821 @chriswalg
- Truncate only if title is longer than 150 characters !2819 @chriswalg
- added a checkbox doesNotAffectStore in report form !2839 @chriswalg
- Orthographic changes in German tests !3016 !3030 @irgendwer
- Reimplementation of the StoreManager empty pickup E-Mail notification !2574 @KoeMai
- Outgoing mails were sent out with an invalid charset !2572 @_fridtjof_
- Return the correct data from the user details REST endpoint #1534 !2575 @alex.simm
- Fixed some typos #1539 !2585 @alex.simm
- Fix some broken links !2586
- Show the report button on the own profile page !2589 @alex.simm
- Hacky workaround to replace $amp in urls from chat messages #1531 !2594 @chriswalg
- Fixed some stability issues with incoming Mail processing !2598 !2607 @_fridtjof_
- Removed remains of mapbox-gl in the LeafletMap component #1570 !2628 @alex.simm
- Made creation of business cards for foreign languages work #1575 @andre161292
- Fixed deleted notification subscriptions for forum threads whenever a user is removed #1066 @McGoldi
- Use strip_tags instead of preg_replace for basket phone to keep + sign #1005 !2650
- Fix wrong Content-Length header in mailbox attachment and passport download !2664 @stcz
- close push notification on android phones !2671 @buntel
- Fix the vue import on the settings page #1618 !2691 @alex.simm
- fixed kick message length #1540 !2694 @Morgy93
- reduce font-size on the mobile index page #1624 !2704 @sefn
- condition check and fallback for profiles and avatars in chat components #1584 !2719 !2725 @chriswalg
- fixed map showing grey when zooming in too close #1632 @florianunsinn
- Bugfix for Date-Formatter #1571 !2706 @sefn
- Fixed push notifications button #1638 !2728 !2729 @florianunsinn
- In the user details, only include that a calendar token exists but not the token itself !2735 @alex.simm
- Fixed undefined "mailbox" #1612 !2746 @chriswalg @alex.simm
- Workaround for unvisible attachments because long mailbox names !2751 @chriswalg
- Fixed errors in delayed vue map initialisation #1637 #1660 !2750 !2773 !2791 @chriswalg
- Check if thread exist before display the thread #1650 !2756 @chriswalg
- Fix no error messages on BadRequestHttpExceptions on beta !2701 @KoeMai
- removed styleguide from non-dev environments #1636 !2745 @sefn
- fixed map storing chat status independantly from all other pages #1598 !2732 @florianunsinn
- Fixed the loading of wall posts associated with reports !2770 #1648 @alex.simm
- catches bell-closing bug if no bell was found (symptom treatment) !2766 @martincodes_de
- Pickup options can no longer be loaded multiple times in the pickup table !2779 @AntonBallmaier
- Temporarily disable store page and member page for Europe and Germany !2777 !2788 @alex.simm
- Restricted the search permissions by role and regions #1642 !2768 !2815 @alex.simm
- Fixed the old paths of working group pictures !2809 @alex.simm
- Disable send button in NewThread.vue if body and title is empty !2810 @chriswalg
- Update member list after adding a member !2811 @chriswalg
- Fix missing thumbnails in store team list !2818 @chriswalg @irgendwer
- Fix that the region chooser does not show lower regions when changing a higher region !2823 @alex.simm
- Fixed broken link in the region admin map for orga users !2834 @irgendwer
- Correct and improve several german language texts !2828 !2840 !3007 @irgendwer
- Fix condition check for date in release banner !2846 @chriswalg
- Fix condition check for release banner !2846 !2850 @chriswalg
- fix vue update loop, that causes the site to crash when switching form landscape to portrait view !2832 !3014 @buntel
- Replaced structureClone in store information for older browser !3043 @chriswalg
- added poppins font in Styleguide !2564 @Niklas003
- Use email address DTO and let the MailboxGateway handle JSON encoding !2520 !2712 @alex.simm @neriton
- Replaced the usage of a function in FoodsaverGateway with a more ressource saving function !2595 @alex.simm
- Use Store DTO in StoreGateway !2515 !2611 @KoeMai
- Move business logic for editing store into StoreTransaction !2515 @KoeMai
- Fix TeamStoreStatus and move getStoreMarkers to StoreGateway !2560 @KoeMai
- Replace the region tree with a new vue component #1623 !2483 !2747 !2774 @alex.simm
- Move uploadlogic and actions from controller to transactionclass for reuse !2478 @martncodes-de
- Reimplement create new forum thread in vue js !2627 !2748 @chriswalg
- New vue component for address search !2632 !2669 @alex.simm
- Replaced get store information to rest api !1449 @KoeMai
- Put Date and time in two lines at User Dashboard Card "Nächste Abholungen". #1448 !2588 !2707 @Niklas003 @sefn
- Replaced the history dialogs on profile pages with a vue component !2587 @alex.simm
- Moved verification to memberlist !2646 !2698 @chriswalg
- The broadcast banner fetches its content from the API #1284 !2661 @alex.simm
- New vue component for blog posts !2676 !2687 @alex.simm
- Changed forum post response to empty content #1499 !2638 @krauterisator
- Refactored store !2458 !2798 !2802 !2806 !2807 !2814 !2816 !2820 !2824 @chriswalg @alex.simm
- Refactor add pickup modal !2693 !2784 @chriswalg
- Refactor edit pickup rules to vue component and moved it to storeInformationModal !2686 !2731 @chriswalg
- Refactor own store list in vue !2668 !2683 @chriswalg
- Refactored the list of group applications to vue, which not also shows profile pictures #343 !2696 @alex.simm
- Refactor the list of food share points in a region to vue !2702 @alex.simm
- Refactor notification settings page to vue and rest api !2700 !2778 !2825 @chriswalg
- Refactor setting sleeping mode to vue !2749 !2760 !2855 @chriswalg
- Refactor user passport generation page #1617 !2660 !2758 @chriswalg
- Replaced the form for changing the email address with a vue component !2753 @alex.simm
- Refactor account deletion to vue !2775 @chriswalg
- English customization in code, unused routes removed !2936 @BibaltiK
Dev/Test/CI stuff
- Fix given null parameter !2550 @BibaltiK
- Small Improving Changes on GitLab CI !2565 !2566 !2567 !2568 !2582 @stcz
- Add $SKIP_CI_TESTS Variable to deploy production faster if needed !2581 @stcz
- Change identity style from tab to space !2571 @BibaltiK
- Python Script to generate Release Notes from gitlab MRs !2548 @alex.simm
- Restart all foodsharing services after production deployment !2583 @stcz
- Clean up scripts a bit more !2480 @_fridtjof_
- Introduce a public/ directory for static content !2486 !2599 @_fridtjof_
- Add a infrastructure documentation !2579 @stcz
- Update Symfony to latest patch versions !2604 @_fridtjof_
- Update deployer to v7.1.3 !2600 @chriswalg
- Update some backend dependencies(09-2023) !2601 @chriswalg
- Bump socket.io (client and server) to v4 (credits to @janopae),,) superagent to v9, node-dev to v8, and ts-node-dev to v2 !2614 !2630 @peter.toennies
- Improve CI to not build same things multiple times !2569 @stcz
- Get rid of includes/setup.php !2609 @_fridtjof_
- bump fontawsome to v6, glob to v8, mkdirp to v2, jsdom to v21, and sinon to v15, remove dotenv !2613 @peter.toennies
- improved the script which reports outdated packages to Slack !2619 @peter.toennies
- Clean up Symfony related code and config !2608 !2623 @_fridtjof_
- Improved test stability when geocoding is involved !2620 @_fridtjof_
- some updates to composer packages. Removed deprecations in order to prepare for Symfony 6 ! 2617 @peter.toennies
- Improved scripts. repaired outdated notify. Made test rerun faster. Made clean more powerfull !2622 @peter.toennies
- Delete faulty mails on imap server !2591 @stcz
- Replaced FS_ENV to "${1:-dev}" for containers-start to solve unbound variable !2542 @chriswalg
- Made scripts work with docker-compose-plugin !1587 @andre161292
- remove trailing whitespace from CHANGELOG.md !2690 @Morgy93
- [DevDocs] Added follow-up link for local dev environment on getting ready page !2689 @Morgy93
- cache bell request and limit to 1 minute !2722 !2755 !2762 !2765 @chriswalg
- Cache userDetails, limit request to 1 minute and only load once on dashboard !2727 @chriswalg
- switch from /bin/bash to /usr/bin/env to allow more setups like nixos !2708
- Use one database dump before tests so that the tests are not depending on each other !2701 @koemai
- Fix deprecated strtolower in MailsControl.php #1569 !2718 @stcz
- Added security page !2764 !2783 @martincodes_de
- Add security.txt with contact information !2776 @stcz
- added functionallity to new FoodsharingControllers to prepare and render vue components !2730 @martincodes-de
- Updated some backend dependencies !2721 @chriswalg
- Remove migration to remove linebreaks in forum posts #1438 !2817 @chriswalg
- Show beta or dev in Logo !2812 @chriswalg
Development documentation
Release "Icecream", 2022-12-18
- The number of unread mails is now displayed as a red badge. !2188 !2230 !2715 @AntonBallmaier @chriswalg
- The housenumber of companys shouldn't be saved seperately anymore. #1146 !2222 !2413 @martincodes-de
- Improved Calendar exports. Events are now included and pickup descriptions contain links. !2182 @AntonBallmaier
- Past events are shown now below current and upcoming events within the overview !2162 !2531 @merhoc @chriswalg
- Events show the year in event list !2531 @chriswalg
- Commitment statistics on profile !2208 !2217 !2353 !2359 !2435 !2557 @fs_k
- Allow the foodsaver, which is verifiable, to create itself in the profile settings (without cut markers) !2198 #chriswalg
- The profile page now contains one unified pickup section. Future pickup options are now visible in that section. !2211 !2226 @AntonBallmaier
- Pickup statistics on profile !2208 @fs_k
- Added buttons to thread view to navigate faster to the first and last post in this thread - the thread has to be min. 3 posts !1250 @martincodes-de
- Dashboard revamped, shines in a new style and new features !2227 !2245 !2248 !2252 !2254 !2261 !2262 !2263 !2264 !2265 !2267 !2266 !2268 !2461 @sefn @martincodes-de
- In the footer of the website, "For developers" is added under "Participate" to create an easier way to IT. !2241 @NINI1988
- On the login page, "Stay logged in for one day" is saved in local storage for the next logins. !2249 @NINI1988
- Food-share-points are listed in the topbar search #1251 !2260 @alex.simm
- On all external links is now a visible indicator !2280 @sefn
- At stores under pickup history, storemanagers can now see the signed out foodsavers from pickup slots from past 7 days with the signout date. !2363 @martincodes-de
- Voter Turnout Percentage can be seen if the poll has completed !2377 @viveknshah
- Provide RestAPI to get backend defined common meta information for stores like "max count of slots per pickup" !1373 @koemai
- GOALS-BOARD-Group added. Global Admin exchange group for local board members. !2295 @fs_k
- Provide RestApi to list all stores of an region and expand details !2466 !2507 !2502 @KoeMai
- Provide RestAPI to get backend defined common meta information for stores like "max count of slots per pickup", and store creation required informatio !1373 !2448 @koemai
- District rules for maximum number of pickups in a timeframe accross severall stores combined can be set !2414 !2530 @fs_k
- Provide RestAPI to change teamstatus of a store !2406
- Added RestAPI for regular Pickup configuration !1373 @koemai
- Added RestAPI to create a new store !2484 @koemai
- The chat has been modernised !2301 !2498 !2508 !2514 !2533 @NINI1988
- Added new body font !2426 @sefn
- Checks in the id card creation function if only one foodsaver is selected and then reduces the size to the area for a single id card. If more than one foodsaver is selected, then the old logic takes effect and an A4 sheet is used. !2198 #chriswalg
- Send a bell notification and email, if a foodsaver was verified. !2198 #chriswalg
- Unifiying the foodsaver adress change page and adress change page for ambassadors !2171 @NINI1988
- Set fileformat jpg / png for wallposts !2229 @chriswalg
- Removed the possibility to edit the member list on a working group's edit page !2228 !2562 @alex.simm
- Info for foodsharer how can change the name !2240 @chriswalg
- Renamed the button to update displayed language !1232 @martincodes-de
- On mobile devices the forum profile image is smaller !2237 @sefn
- Color set is unified and removed vanilla bootstrap !2293 !2303 @sefn
- The content of the footer is now dynamic !2297 @sefn
- RestAPI
Provides memberstatus and all related stores of user !2318 @KoeMai - RestAPI
extended with regions and groups !2352 @KoeMai user/current/groups - RestAPI
add endpoint for regions and groups !2352 @KoeMai - Display of the number of members in the header for working groups adjusted analogously to the districts !2374 @BibaltiK
- Display "No pickup slots available" if there are no pickup slots !2375 @BlackScorp
- Fix Console error !2376 @BlackScorp
- Delete events when leaving region !2381 @BlackScorp
- Phone Numbers are displayed even if they are invalid (e.g. do not start with +49) !2378 @BlackScorp
- After logging out, you remain on the current web page, if it is publicly accessible. !2388 @BibaltiK
- Use pagination in the list of past polls #975 !2385 @alex.simm
- Change show pickup time from date to datetime !2412 @BibaltiK
- Added a link to translation progress page in language selection modal @Nickthenerd93
- Fixed sending warnings to store managers about unoccupied pick-up slots !969 @rnoennig
- added "Untergruppen" to to top bar menue for workgroups with subgroups @Nickthenerd93
- renamed "Gruppenübersicht" to "Gruppenübersicht globaler Arbeitsgruppen" #1393 !2391 @viper-kun
- added icon to map menu item !2427 @martincodes-de
- Added information how to remove recurring pick-up dates to get rid of warnings about unoccupied slots !891 @rnoennig
- Make store list of a user visible for store managers to whose store he/she applied. #1445 !2437 @AntonBallmaier
- The link on a store edit page leads back to the store #1402 !2513 !2553 @tutNichts
- Self mentainend GOALSAdmin Exchange Groups. Postponed. !2518 @fs_k
- When going back during registration, email and password are unchanged. !2184 @AntonBallmaier
- Push notifications can be (de-)activated in the settings again #1239 @alex.simm
- Show the region name in the updates overview on the dashboard even when the titel is long #1207 @Caroline Fischer
- Using the sleeping function on the translated website is working again #1133 !2225 @alex.simm
- Prevent "Payload to large" errors due to padding in web push #1213 !2212 @alex.simm
- When setting a sleeping interval starting in the future, you no longer get a sleeping hat right away. !2215 !2563 @AntonBallmaier
- The public profile page can handle names with unicode characters #1265 !2239 @alex.simm
- Fix a type error for the report button on profile !2246 #1271 @alex.simm
- Fixed a bug where iOS devices zoom into an input field !2235 @sefn
- Fixed a bug where the avatar sleeping status is not visible !2268 @sefn
- The lifetime of baskets are now really in days, before the hours and minutes wasn't compared. It was possible to add a basket at 11pm with the lifetime of 1 day, but it would be deleted 12am. !1243 @martincodes-de
- Email attachment icon is no longer shown on all emails. !2242 @AntonBallmaier
- Fix: On dashboard activity post with a markdown list has no margin to the respond button. !2278 @NINI1988
- iOS users should now open the adresses with maps.app !2236 @sefn
- Force content which is too broad to scroll, so the the Topbar will never leave the screen width !2258 @NINI1988
- A wall post with multiple lines will use the complete available size to display its text !2277 @NINI1988
- Restrictions on the view of the store list in profile !2273 @chriswalg
- Show only chat link if user is member in store !2304 @chriswalg
- Fix XSS Vulnerability at login page !2351 #1252 @stcz
- Logging from removal of store managers. Corrected logging use for appointing store manager. !2365 @fs_k
- The tooltip from foodbasked enquiry edit button blocked the clicking if only 1 enquiry was active. !2368 @martincodes-de
- Reaction button hasn't different color if already reacted !2373 @martincodes-de
- polyfill added !2387 !2519 @sefn
- add public information when creating a new store !2397 @BibaltiK
- The excerpt from the operating pinwall is displayed again on Mobile. !2393 @martincodes-de
- Reduced the show-more functionality on activity posts !2401 @sefn
- Fix the list of nearby baskets based on the user's home location !1908 @alex.simm
- Show date inn preview of voting module !1408 @Friedrich-B
- CreateEditStoreCept, should run smoother !2433 @sefn
- Add margins to sendmail form buttons !2424 @diejani
- Clean up pickup endpoint and catch DomainException: No pickup slot available problems !1407 @KoeMai
- StoreCest, improved and removed unnecessary elements !2434 @sefn
- Fix the link in the notification regarding old profile photos #1424 !2459 @alex.simm
- If session persistent and current date not equal to last_login, update last_login date on every dashboard reload !2450 !2495 @chriswalg
- Prevent access to missing conversation member image
- New AvatarList doesn't show avatar on foodsharepoints !2479 @alex.simm
- Show all Photos on Team Page #1512 !2488 !2544 @BibaltiK
- Before the object is created, it is checked whether the controller could be resolved beforehand. !2487 @BibaltiK
- checks if user is logged in so that a businesscard can be created !2492 @BibaltiK
- Prevent an unnecessary 404 error on the calendar page !2510 @alex.simm
- Fix the paths of old pictures of foodsharepoints #1490 !2519 @alex.simm
- Prevent invalid states in notification icons #1465 !2536 @AntonBallmaier
- Prevent errors in the calendar export caused by events with wrong dates #1301 !2532 @alex.simm
- Sanitize public info in store to prevent xss !2538 @chriswalg
- Sanitize chat messages to prevent xss #1515 !2537 @chriswalg
- Rewrite method to create mailboxes !2596 @martincodes-de
- Currently running events are shown within the event overview until their end !2162 @merhoc
- Use the same event panel view within the event overview as in other places !2162 @merhoc
- Simplify code in the content module @alex.simm
- Use a REST endpoint for quickreplying to forum threads #798 @alex.simm
- Extract some redundant permission checks into one function. !2203 @AntonBallmaier
- The Navigation is reworked !2296 !2440 @sefn
- Rebuild store options to vue #2231 @chriswalg
- Changed deleting wall posts to the API #798 !2253 @alex.simm
- Rebuild profile infos to vue !2276 !2287 @chriswalg
- Rebuild join region to vue !2294 @sefn
- Rebuild profile menu to vue !2281 @chriswalg
- Let the community bubble on the map fetch its own content !2311 @alex.simm
- Use REST API for setting the user's sleep status #798 !2282 @alex.simm
- Rename Region\Type -> Unit\UnitType to make it search able and clear !2352 @KoeMai
- Improve quality/tests of manual pickup RestAPI !2369 @KoeMai
- Renmae Region\Type -> Unit\UnitType to make it search able and clear !2352 @KoeMai
- Removed unused private functions in the backend !2425 @alex.simm
- Improve documentation tooling for OpenAPI RequestBody !2421 @KoeMai
- Store TeamStatus moved to vue and REST API !2453 @chriswalg
- Replaced may() to mayRole() !2457 @chriswalg
- Replace the user avatar lists with a vue component !2460 !2501 @alex.simm
- LoginForm: Removed duplicated content and imported NavLoginEntry.vue !2471 @chriswalg
- LoginForm: Removed duplicated content and moved to client/src !2471 @chriswalg
- Remove unused Endpoints from RestAPI !2499 @BibaltiK
- Changed store cooperation status to an enum !2473 !2496 !2505 @KoeMai
- Replaced the edit form for working groups with Vue #1409 !2439 @alex.simm
- Removed links to foodsaver page and moved functions to member list !2512 !2524 !2561 @chriswalg
Dev/Test/CI stuff
- Added Gitpod and refactored permissions !2386 !2399 !2402 !2428 @sefn @chriswalg
- Scripts for Gitpod reworked and docker-compose cleanup !2405 @sefn
- bump node to version 16 !2135 @peter.toennies
- Update mdbook to 0.4.18 #1178 !2206 @alex.simm
- Change all emitted Vue events to kebab-case and add linter rules #996 !2163 @alex.simm
- Switch to an iCal package that is PHP8 compatible #1065 !2151 @alex.simm
- replace tap-spec by tap-arc and bump superagent to V7 !2129 @peter.toennies
- Added an Index to speed up the pickup slots. !2193 @AntonBallmaier
- Updated symfony backend dependencies !2214 @alex.simm
- Added instructions to run nightly maintenance to dev docs. !2215 @AntonBallmaier
- Remove questions from quiz sessions after the session is finished or aborted #1030 @alex.simm
- Results of quiz sessions will be removed two weeks after the session is finished or aborted #1030 @alex.simm
- Add a workaround to upload files to the startpage. #1245 !2233 @stcz
- Added missing indices to the store database table !2232 @alex.simm
- bump mocha to versio 10 !2255 @peter.toennies
- Add how to connect other device with local development website to dev docs !2259 @NINI1988
- Fix the url to api doc for dev env !2290 @chriswalg
- Replace SwiftMailer with Symfony mailer #1188 !2247 @alex.simm
- Updated php-cs-fixer to 3.8 !2274 @alex.simm
- Add a variable to set the connection method for bounce mail processing !2350 @stcz
- Some small code cleanup surrounding
@_fridtjof_ !2357 - Run maintenance daily and generate stats in new stats script and added them to seed script !2379 @chriswalg
- Moved variable DELAY_MICRO_SECONDS_BETWEEN_MAILS to config file #1389 !2383 @chriswalg
- Added the cli commands bin/console foodsharing:daily-cronjob and foodsharing:stats !2407 @chriswalg
- Replace
#1047 !2404 @schanso - Added mayRole function to Session class and made may function deprecated #1277 !2341 @alex.simm
- Fix maintenance script test #1430 !2429 @rnoennig
- Update php to version 8.1 !2358 !2491 @chriswalg
- Remove unused triage bot in CI !2444 @chriswalg
- Update backend dependencies(12-2022) !2441 @chriswalg
- Fix "bid" contains a number !2476 @BibaltiK
- Fix use Statemen !2500 @BibaltiK
- Added setting for the cs-fixer to sort the usage imports !2509 @BibaltiK
- Fix FoodBasketCreateCept - added wait(2) !2523 @chriswalg
Development documentation
- Add generator for database documentation !2275 @KoeMai
- Moved DevDocs from mdbook to docusaurus !2465 @sefn
- Improved Devdocs to include Rest API !2493 @sefn
- Added tutorial to create bug tickets as non-tech person !2542 @martincodes-de
Release "Heidelbeere", 2022-05-01
- It is now differentiated between completely new foodsavers and foodsavers who were verified before. #1129 !2149
- The settings page now contains information about requesting a name change. !2163 @AntonBallmaier
- Add E-Mail of reported user in overview !2120 @fs_k
- Store-related conversations include a link to their store now !1807 !2134 !2147 @ChrisOelmueller
- Removed deprecated "Edit Team" button in the store view for store managers
- Removed the limit of calendar entries in iCal export #1167 !2131 @alex.simm
- The too conspicuous attention mark before delete account menu entry in profile settings has been removed !2165 @NINI1988
- Long chat names are now better visible !2161 @AntonBallmaier
- Reordered the input elements on the profile settings page !2174 @AntonBallmaier
- Make map legend colapsable !2166 @NINI1988
- Make map legend collapsible !2166 @NINI1988
- Updated the link to instagram on the startpage !2179 #1206 @alex.simm
- Set a timeout on the sending chat messages to websockets !2167 #1069 @alex.simm
- add/remove Admins over memberlist for groups and regions !2143 @fs_k
- It will be logged who deleted a user profile @alex.simm
- Improved nightly maintenance runtime !2176 @AntonBallmaier
- Fix the community marker map for regions that do not yet have a pin #1183 !2154 @alex.simm
- Redirect to login for user that is not logged in at https://foodsharing.de/?page=login&sub=resendActivationMail #1136 !2138 @ESchae
- Fix typos in forum markdown hints. !2167 @NINI1988
- Fixed the user search pointing to a non-existing path !2170 @alex.simm
- The visibility of the StoreWall can be toggled again !2177 @nudin
- Prevent text-overflow in thread posts in forum !2392 @FlorianMaak
- The visibility of mobile submit-button on fairteiler page !1392 @FlorianMaak
- move even more hardcoded language to language files !2109 !2183 @jonathan_b
Dev/Test/CI stuff
- removed the "request" package !2136 @peter.toennies
- Upgraded deployer to the last version (v7-rc4) !2139 !2140 @_fridtjof_
- Bump "babel" to reduce vulnerabilities !2137 @peter.toennies
- Bump "mocha" to v9 and "jsdom" to v19 to reduce vulnerabilities !2144 @peter.toennies
- bump symfony to 5.4, codeception modules to 2 !2142 @peter.toennies
- replace fzaninott/faker by fakperphp/faker !2142 @peter.toennies
- Removed old code that handled picture upload !2128 @alex.simm
- Fixed markdown code in IT tasks documentation to actually render links as URLs !2150
- added info to devdocs: !2146 @jonathan_b
- Added verification and pass history to the seed data #738 !2127 @alex.simm
- Add default values for several db table columns !2669 @Morgy93
Release "Grapefruit", 2022-01-13
- Set iCalendar location for exported pickup events #1139 !2072 @iron9
- Display community pin for local foodsharing communities. #53 !2060 !2081 @fs_k
- Added norwegian translation !2107 @alex.simm
- Select the community pin on a map !2102 @alex.simm
- Allow admins of the working group "Redaktion" to edit blog posts #34 !2061 @alex.simm
- When using a blacklisted email domain the registration process is blocked #1059 @CarolineFischer
- "New event" page requires login !2058 @Buntelrus
- Add a button to the group member list for removing members !2073 @alex.simm @chriswalg
- Add a management mode to group member list to add and remove members !2075 !2119 @chriswalg
- Add frontend functionality to display 'today' or 'tomorrow' in the event header instead of date !2069 #1120 @alexander-sav
- change german wordings in translate file !2080 @Jonathan_B
- Replace picture upload for blog posts with the new upload API #45 !2089 @alex.simm
- adds information on what gets deleted with the user profile !2106 @jonathan_b
- Renamed last map filter option to "other stores" and added English translation for this !2153
- Fixed the list of responsible store members in REST responses !2033 #1124 @alex.simm
- Fixed for content edit !2062 @fs_k
- Fix for store change !2065 @fs_k
- Fix for future timeslot visibility to use Europe/Berlin timezone !2070 @fs_k
- Unverified users who change their home region are not deverified again !2093 @alex.simm
- Some checks for PHP data types in order to avoid Sentry errors !2001 !2099 @alex.simm
- move more hardcoded language to language files !2108 !2122 !2110 @jonathan_b
- Get Members in MemberList.vue from Rest Api !2094 !2111 !2123 @chriswalg @alex.simm
- Refactored the format of the quick search index !2115 @alex.simm
Dev/Test/CI stuff
- Update codeception to 4.1.22 because of a security fix !2055 @Morgy93
- Enable Gitlab dependency scanning !2056 @_fridtjof_
- Fix the return values of database functions !2067 #916 @alex.simm
- All REST endpoints are sorted into categories !2079 #1144 @alex.simm
- exchange description for lat: lon: in translations so that it makes sense !2084 @jonathan_b
- Fix docker setup breaking down because of InfluxDB 2 !2086 @_fridtjof_
- Add triage bot to pipeline !2074 @iron9
- Remove wrong query parameter in the calendar API #1147 @alex.simm
- added crossreferenced infos to devdocs #1149 !2082
- Run tests for websocket server ("chat server") on CI again !2091 @janopae
- exchanged name of active dev in the devdocs !2103 @Jonathan_B
- Fix warning about mkdir in upload controller !2117 @alex.simm
Release "Feige", 2021-09-24
- Allow users to remove trust bananas on their own profile #592 !1920 @alex.simm
- Added a button that allows removing users from the email bounce list !1927 @alex.simm
- For unconfirmed pickup slots, explain in the popup text that a store manager still has to confirm it. !1949 @blinry
- Forum threads can now be closed !1851 !1990 !2045 #724 @alex.simm
- Add french and italian translation to language chooser !1964 !2039 @alex.simm
- Introduces Push Notifications for the Android App !1647 !1976 @dthulke
- Improve wording in German texts, to make the language more consistent, clear, and inclusive in some places. !1959 @blinry @Claraaa @alex.simm @fs_k
- Display same-day pickups when confirming to sign into a pickup slot !1827 !2040 @ChrisOelmueller
- Show membership in profile for workgroups !1988 !1996 @chriswalg
- IT-Support Admins can delete bananas upon request over support@foodsharing.network. !2002 @fs_k
- Added a user search field to the store management panel !2007 !2033 @alex.simm
- New calendar API including token management #80 !1719 !2029 !2045 @alex.simm
- Set iCalendar status for exported pickup events !2030 @iron9
- Profile storelist now shows store cooperation status !1828 !1935 @ChrisOelmueller @chriswalg
- Added a partners page for foodsharing.at !1931 @alex.simm
- Redesign startpage !1778 !1982 !1991 !1997 !2015 @chriswalg @Morgy93
- Edit Team in stores is no more, functionality moved to team management mode !1810 !1811 @ChrisOelmueller
- Added a link in Footer.vue to our beta testing issues on beta and dev !1961 @chriswalg
- Make the own personal address visible for the logged in user, as it is already for ORGA #994 !1957 @leonja
- Harmonise the order of links to subpages in the header line and on the page of the work group (AG) and region (Bezirk) #1080 !1954 @andreasklumpp1
- New pickupslots availability moved from midnight to actual pickuptime. #1024 @fs_k
- Convert regular slots to manual slots as soon as someone joins an empty slot !1825 @ChrisOelmueller
- Added a title name for social icons and replaced manitu logo in svg format to footer !1985 @chriswalg
- Allow admins of the newsletter group to see the full list of regions !2011 @alex.simm
- Enabled session cookie checkbox in login form and enabled persistent session for 1 day #956 !2013 @Morgy93
- Allow authors of poll to decide if the options will be shown in a random order #975 !1986 @alex.simm
- Notice as a popup in store for the menu item "Edit Team" where this new function is located !2020 @chriswalg
- Let email input field of login page autofocus !2027 @iron9
- Activate autocompletion for login form !2022 @iron9
- Admins of Voting Workgroups are automatically member of a overall voting in praxis workgroup !2038 @fs_k
- User with administrativ orga power are part of the orga koordination group !2038 @fs_k
- Make expected format of input in user settings clearer !2032 @iron9
- translations: changed wording in calendar module !2076 @Jonathan_B
- Long links in the location field of events do not overflow the location box
- Prevent a timeout when creating polls for many users !1893 @alex.simm
- Allow orga to apply for working groups !1953 !1973 #1050 @alex.simm
- Excluded wall post author from store team members notified about new post !1960 @fabian.rudolf
- Business Card generation: show info and cut off the rest if street or plz + city is longer than 49 characters #834 !1489 @treee111
- Fix permissions for content IDs @alex.simm
- Fix link to wiki on the registration page !1992 @alex.simm
- Fixed the link texts in the newsletter email template !1993 @alex.simm
- Render HTML markings in subject line of email teplates #714 !1899 @alex.simm
- Fixed profile badges hidden for foodsharers #1086 !1978 @andreasklumpp1
- Prevent stores to show up multiple times #1063 !1900 @bjarne.schindler
- Fix errors that occur for non-existing password reset keys !2004 @alex.simm
- Text overflow fixed !2008 #1105 #1106 @YertleTurtleGit
- the function FoodsaverGateway:getOrgaTeam now factors in the user role Orga !2038 @fs_k
- Set correct MIME type for attachments which are fetched via IMAP #1092 !2041 @Thylossus
- Update documentation: Give more on information on how to post a testing task in the forum
- Reimplement storelist in user profiles in Vue !1828 @ChrisOelmueller
- New look for event header panels and dashboard invitations including the event's region #992 !1717 #1079 !1940 #1075 !1943 @chriswalg @ChrisOelmueller @fs_k
- Use new upload API for profile photos !1916 !1929 !1932 !1933 !1994 @alex.simm
- Request region children for the region picker from a new endpoint !1934 !1949 #823 @alex.simm
- Remove StoreModel remains, introduce DTO for editing stores !1814 @ChrisOelmueller
- Use a new REST endpoint for deleting emails !1979 #798 @alex.simm
Dev/Test/CI stuff
- Update mdbook to 0.4.7 !1938 @chriwalg
- Update some frontend dependencies(09-2021) !1892 !1939 !1950 @chriswalg
- Fixed restart behavior for some docker containers !1937 @_fridtjof_
- Update some backend dependencies(09-2021) !1942 @chriswalg
- Update minishlink WebPush to version 6 !1745 @peter.toennies
- Remove obsolete code for picture uploads !1969 @alex.simm
- Update chat dependencies !1962 !1751 @chriswalg
- Added a foodsharing glossary to our dev docs !1936 @chriswalg
- Delete links in docker compose yml files. It seems to work without it and podman does not work with it. !1972 @chriswalg
- Add basic markdown linting features !2016 @Morgy93
- Update betaTestingIssues link !2028 @Morgy93
- Update docs and MR template for latest beta testing guidelines !2019 @Morgy93
- Update sentry-symfony to latest version !2042 !2047 @_fridtjof_
- Add docs about markdown and documentation in general
2021-04-09 Hotfix
- Add permission checks to REST endpoints !1944 @alex.simm
2021-03-30 Hotfix
- Change DTOs for dashboard updates to use date objects !1926 @alex.simm
2021-03-26 Hotfix
2021-03-22 Hotfix
- Fixed a small logic error that lead to unnecessary and invalid requests being made !1918 @_fridtjof_
- Fix permission problem in region admin module when saving working groups without functions !1917 @alex.simm
2021-03-15 Hotfix
- Fix nightly calculation of store statistics !1914
Release "Erdbeere", 2021-03-14
- New menu entry for changing the language of the website #1015 !1877 !1880 @alex.simm
- Show icon and tooltip for working groups with extra functions !1846 @alex.simm
- Added a button that allows the creator of a poll to delete it within the first hour #975 !1906 !1912 @alex.simm
- New look for mailbox folder list (rewrite in Vue) !1788 @ChrisOelmueller
- New icons for login and join buttons on topbar, public profile and loggedInFixedNav !1849 @TheSoulT
- New Workgroupfunctions for Store coordinator, report, mediation, arbitration, FSMANAGEMENT (without functionality), PR (without functionality), moderation !1841 @fs_k
- Hide map label in topbar only if displayed on mobile or user is a foodsaver !1869 @joanna-gabis
- Added hasConference permission to Type::COUNTRY, Type::FEDERAL_STATE !1844 @chriswalg
- Added LinkedIn and Youtube as social icon in footer !1850 @chriswalg
- Remove active baskets if a user is deleted !1867 #983 @alex.simm
- Report and Mediation button is not visible against foodsharers !1874 @fs_k
- Updated english translations !1875 @kingu @alex.simm
- Redirect to previous page when logging in using the topbar #689 !1887 @alex.simm
- DevDocs enhanced about GOAL-System #1046 !1884 @fs_k
- Bell for reports #1046 !1900 @fs_k
- special workgroup functions can only be edited by global workgroup creation team. report admins and arbitration admins can't report each other only new reports shown in report list. #1046 !1902
- Regionoptions for profile mediation / report Buttons #1046 !1903
- Allow users to see their own registration date !1907 @alex.simm
- activate all workgroup functions. Restrict certain functions in self-management (report, arbitration, fs-management) #1046 !1909 @fs_k
- Sort list of past polls and allow filtering them #975 !1901 @alex.simm
- Fix transmitted choices in checkbox voting !1847 @alex.simm
- Fix frontend validation in new poll form !1854 #975 @alex.simm
- Fix loading of dashboard updates that contain wall posts from deleted users !1858 @alex.simm
- Set correct placeholder in automated response email for unknown email addresses !1866 @alex.simm
- logging when user is removed from a pickup slot from the user profile !1870 @fs_k
- Remove users from every store team and pickup slot on deletion !1872 @alex.simm
- Blank lines in Markdown on the form for editing store information are now also displayed as blank lines !1878 @stepin
- Removed a duplicate and broken submit button from the workgroup application dialog !1889 @_fridtjof_
- Prevent sending empty quickreplies on the dashboard #944 !1891 @alex.simm
- Fixed a bug where URLs could be broken in some niche cases !1888 @_fridtjof_
- Use the correct filename for attachments when sending an email !1904 #755 @alex.simm
- Truncate the commit hash for beta version. The commit hash was to long in small resolutions !1905 @chriswalg
- Fix creation of polls to which only ambassadors are invited !1901 @alex.simm
- Remove unused code from the Flourish library !1789 @_fridtjof_
- Initial preparations for migrating controllers to Symfony !1784 @_fridtjof_
- Vue component for release notes, split into 1 file per release !1832 @ChrisOelmueller
- Simplify controller logic for the
query parameter !1845 @_fridtjof_ - Unify and move workgroup-function handling to own gateway !1730 @ChrisOelmueller
- Made most current translation .yaml weblate compliant !1835 @tinuthir
- Modernize wallpost module initialization !1772 @ChrisOelmueller
- Replace bell identifiers by enum class #987 !1764 @alex.simm
- Replaced inline css style 'clear:both' with corresponding css class !1859 @scarya
- Move map marker requests to a REST endpoint !1863 @alex.simm
- Split pickup-related gateway functionality off of StoreGateway !1800 @ChrisOelmueller
- Use DTO for creating new stores, remove parts of StoreModel !1809 @ChrisOelmueller
- Use more general queries in the nightly stats calculation for stores !1871 #622 #9 @alex.simm
Dev/Test/CI stuff
- Made ForumPostCest more reliable !1853 !1856 !1857 !1882 @_fridtjof_
- Added Xdebug config for macOS !1804 #932 @muffelrudaijer
- Several more PHP7 annotations !1760 @ChrisOelmueller
- More annotations and correctness fixes !1761 @ChrisOelmueller
- Bumped some container versions !1865 @_fridtjof_
- Updated mdbook to 0.4.6 !1876 @chriswalg
- upgrade webpack-cli and webpack-bundle-analyzer to v 4 !1767 @peter.toennies
- Update some frontend dependencies(03-2021) !1842 !1881 !1890 !1892 @chriswalg @_fridtjof_
- Update some backend dependencies(03-2021) !1885 !1897 @chriswalg
- Fixed Xdebug !1883 @_fridtjof_
- Improved table cleanup during seed command !1859 @scarya
2021-02-08 Hotfix
- Follow-up: Make the order of values in voting options consistent from left (negative) to right (positive) !1868 #975 @alex.simm
2021-01-18 Hotfix
- Make the order of values in voting options consistent from left (negative) to right (positive) !1860 #975 @alex.simm
Release "Dragonfruit", 2020-12-31
- Add button that marks emails as unread !1681 @alex.simm
- Implement a Webcal URI for iCal export !1716 @chriswalg @ChrisOelmueller
- Add Button in message and bell list in the topbar to mark all bells and all conversations as readed #935 #1016 !1673 !1725 !1787 TheSoulT
- Store managers can remove old store posts #92 !1690 @ChrisOelmueller
- Allow displaying recent pickup history in profiles !1715 !1763 #989 @ChrisOelmueller
- Given trust bananas will now notify the receiver via Bell !1795 #548 @muffelrudaijer
- Topbar search query for numeric ID now returns profile link for that ID !1783 @ChrisOelmueller
- Notify a user who is accepted to a workgroup with a bell #808 !1708 @alex.simm
- Don't set "follow by email" as default when opening a new thread !1676 @Caluera
- New favicon created with support for all platforms and browsers !1720 !1741 @chriswalg
- Notify a user who is accepted to or declined from a workgroup with a bell #808 !1708 !1721 @alex.simm
- Only display broadcast message for logged-in users !1757 @ChrisOelmueller
- Recolor formerly brown topbar to beige !1762 @ChrisOelmueller
- Adjust structure and color scheme of dashboard activity updates !1753 @ChrisOelmueller
- Ambassadors can access management for workgroups in "their" region from topbar #965 !1742 @ChrisOelmueller
- Send chat notifications by mail, only if last login is less than 6 months away !1623 @chriswalg
- Replaced in topbar donation page to twingle pages !1773 @chriswalg
- Complete redesign of the footer !1769 !1805 !1834 @chriswalg
- Allow editing of polls in the first hour !1786 #975 @alex.simm
- Restrict the search in a store's edit team dialog to people from the same region !1812 #1012 @alex.simm
- Rewrite blogpost management list in Vue !1791 @ChrisOelmueller
- Resolved the CooperationStatus tooltip "no longer exists" and "No contact yet" in StoreList !1714 @chriswalg
- Markdown support for store posts #921 !1690 @ChrisOelmueller
- Update voting tool functions and usability !1813 !1792 !1726 !1780 !1793 !1829 #975 #1021 @alex.simm @fs_k @ChrisOelmueller
- Fully display hour and minute values when editing pickup times #1001 !1754 @ChrisOelmueller
- Add login checks to all forum endpoints to prevent errors !1739 #993 @alex.simm
- Resolved newsletter flag: Disable the default value to false !1779 @chriswalg
- Resolved the user registration: Removed adding the accepted_date to getPnVersion !1779 @chriswalg
- Disabled session cookie checkbox in login form and, until there is a solution in issue 956 and persistent session disabled after each request, so that LastLogin is set correctly again !1785 @chriswalg
- If Ambassador removes user from District verification is not removed and history is not written !1803 @fs_k
- Fix a possible crash with reactions to deleted forum posts !1797 !1802 @ChrisOelmueller
- Check if mail addresses are verified, allow sending out new verification mails #564 !1334 !1817 !1818 @pfaufisch @chriswalg
- Fix a rare problem with push notification data !1798 @ChrisOelmueller
- Fix javascript error when closing a chatbox before the conversation is loaded !1823 @alex.simm
- Prevent deletion of group/region with stores, subregions, or fairsharepoints !1774 #905 @alex.simm
- Flatten some workgroup function calls !1702 @ChrisOelmueller
- Remove some long-unused grabInfo code !1695 @ChrisOelmueller
- New endpoints for requesting and setting dashboard activity options !1669 @alex.simm
- Deprecate and remove most of v_activeSwitcher !1697 @ChrisOelmueller
- Deprecate
!1700 @ChrisOelmueller - Remove obsolete
helper !1693 @ChrisOelmueller - Deprecate / remove some obsolete view helpers !1693 @ChrisOelmueller
- Deprecate both
variants !1699 @ChrisOelmueller - Reimplement user verification as REST endpoints !1696 @ChrisOelmueller
- Move xhr functions for store requests to REST !1755 @alex.simm
- Replace isOrgaTeam checks with may(orga) #883 !1680 @ChrisOelmueller
- Rewrite store wall with REST and Vue !1690 !1750 @ChrisOelmueller
- Rewrite store application screen in Vue !1756 @ChrisOelmueller
- Some changes to Session and PageHelper group handling !1742 @ChrisOelmueller
- Clean up IndexController and some related code !1775 @_fridtjof_
- Remove some unused global JS !1766 @ChrisOelmueller
- Rewrite trust banana dialog in REST and Vue !1770 @ChrisOelmueller
- Introduced a session versioning mechanism to avoid having to log out all users in order to refresh them !1820 !1831 @_fridtjof_
- Migrate dashboard updates to REST and DTO !1767 @ChrisOelmueller
Dev/Test/CI stuff
- Update many frontend dependencies !1723 @chriswalg
- JS linter now asks for dangling comma !1728 @ChrisOelmueller
- Update backend dependencies(12-2020) !1732 !1740 @chriswalg
- Update Composer to version 2 and PHP to version 7.4.11 !1734 @peter.toennies
- Fixed
scripts !1737 @_fridtjof_ - Increase phpstan analysis level to 5 and fix all issues !1674 !1729 @ChrisOelmueller
- Remove the abandoned deployer/recipes package and deployer/phar-update and update deployer to v 7 !1743 @peter.toennies
- Annotate some variables in unit tests, streamline namespace "imports" !1748 @ChrisOelmueller
- Remove unused
CI script #979 !1750 @ChrisOelmueller - Update Nelmio API doc bundle to 4.0.1 !1747 @alex.simm
- upgrade webpack-merge to v 5 !1744 @peter.toennies
- Replaced gitbook v1 to mdbook !1738 @chriswalg
- Improved the RegisterCest.php: This check the variants with and without newsletter now. !1779 @chriswalg
- Make build/test CI interruptible when new commits are pushed !1799 @_fridtjof_
- Fix an incredibly unlikely potential crash when editing a workgroup !1796 @ChrisOelmueller
- Update docker images to node:14.14.0-alpine3.12, redis:6.0.8-alpine and ruby:2.7.2-alpine3.12 !1724 @chriswalg
2020-11-25 Hotfix
- Fix the CSP to make the map work again !1776 @_fridtjof_
2020-10-23 Hotfix
- Fix komoot's URL for address search !1727 @alex.simm
Release "Cranberry", 2020-10-11
- Display deep link to forum posts, better responsive layout #937 !1650 !1652 @ChrisOelmueller
- New store status "permanently closed" #786 !1655 @ChrisOelmueller
- Add voting tool #309 #975 !1633 !1668 !1687 !1691 !1692 @alex.simm
- Add FairSharePoint Function Workgroup #974 !1667 !1679 @fs_k
- Send a message with optional custom text when rejecting or kicking someone from a pickup slot !1677 #595 @alex.simm
- Add ageband to statistic page !1685 @fs_k
- Activity page shows only last entry to buddywall, eventwall, fairsharepointwall !1694 @fs_k
- Leaving a district is captured in history. Leaving a home district removes verification. !1358 @fs_k
- Removed FAQ section !1568 @chriswalg
- Disable chat notification by mail for new users. #949 !1620 @chriswalg
- Removed quiz description #737 !1565 @chriswalg
- Removed unused legal agreement for new amb's #821 !1619 @chriswalg
- Allow translating lots and lots of text !1637 !1666 @ChrisOelmueller
- Workgroup Admins of Startpage and Team/Partner page can edit their pages #967 !1651 @fs_k
- Moved guide page (ratgeber) to wiki page #776 !1567 !1664 @chriswalg
- Add store log for different user activities in store #553 !1658 @fs_k
- Orga may 'delete' foodbaskets #51 !1670 @fsk_k
- Display public profile for deleted users as well !1703 @ChrisOelmueller
- fetchrate is not shown as long as reporting system is down !1706 @fs_k
- Sort forum search results by last update !1704 @ChrisOelmueller
- Filter outdated baskets from REST responses #706 !1608 @alex.simm
- Removed form for new amb's #821 !1619 @chriswalg
- Fix default center value for leaflet map !1644 @alex.simm
- Exclude author of FoodSharePoint posts from notification emails !1638 #835 @alex.simm
- Try to correct scrolling to requested forum post #930 #968 !1650 @ChrisOelmueller
- Allow adding workgroup admins or members if none exist currently #896 !1637 @ChrisOelmueller
- Fix server error when activating new email address that has already been activated #966 !1664 @alex.simm
- Fix disappearing store traffic light when store name is long !1682 #984 @ChrisOelmueller
- Fix last creation date in pass generation table when creating multiple passes !1684 #686 @alex.simm
- Fix a page crash with unexpected URL parameters !1686 @ChrisOelmueller
- Optimise the creation of many event invitations #958 !1710 @alex.simm
- Move registration request to the REST endpoint #819 !1632 !1642 @alex.simm
- Renamed unused table fs_basket_has_wallpost and removed related code #889 !1569 @chriswalg
- Rewrite forum thread list in Vue #86 #764 #962 !1650 !1652 @ChrisOelmueller
- Use existing use search endpoint for tagedit autocomplete !1588 @alex.simm
- Move removal of store requests to new REST endpoint !1648 !1683 @alex.simm
- Move buddy requests to REST endpoint !1646 #847 #798 @alex.simm
- Use TranslatorInterface for many old translations !1637 !1655 !1659 !1662 !1663 !1666 !1688 @ChrisOelmueller
- Prepare event invitations for REST !1627 !1657 @ChrisOelmueller
- Refactor some translations from twig to messages.de.yml #824 !1639 @chriswalg @jonathan_b
- Clarify and extract some permission handling !1671 @ChrisOelmueller
- Some PHP linting chores and more type hints !1641 !1654 @ChrisOelmueller
- Move bell XHR requests to REST !1659 @alex.simm
- Introduce some more specific store gateway functionality !1686 @ChrisOelmueller
- Replace Vue filters with prototypes !1689 @ChrisOelmueller
- Remove unused Xhr methods for region applications !1707 @alex.simm
- Deprecate
!1701 @ChrisOelmueller - Rename
variables tothread
!1645 #840 @Caluera @ChrisOelmueller - Deprecate
!1698 @ChrisOelmueller - Make navigation bar responsive !1532 !1821 @moffer
- Refactor translations from twig email templates to yml to messages.de.yml !1640 #824 @jonathan_b @chriswalg
Dev/Test/CI stuff
- Fix banana unit test !1649 !1656 #964 @alex.simm
- Update devdocs for database migrations in phinx, fedora 32 and WSL2 !1675 @chriswalg
- Increase phpstan analysis level to 3 and fix all issues !1654 @ChrisOelmueller
- Increase phpstan analysis level to 4 and fix all issues !1672 @ChrisOelmueller
- Fix
CI script #979 !1712 @ChrisOelmueller - Fix
not removing test containers !1806 #1027 @muffelrudaijer
2020-08-11 Hotfix
- Fix removal of non-existing user photos in nightly maintenance !1634 @alex.simm
- Allow seeing basket markers on map without being logged in !1636 @alex.simm
Release "Birne" (pear), 2020-08-09
Major changes
- New store-team list !1499 !1591 !1593 !1621 @ChrisOelmueller
- Workgroup Function: Welcome to workgroup #945 !1544 !1612 @fs_k
- Sort own (managed) stores to top of topbar store list #920 !1546 @ChrisOelmueller
- Allow opening bell notifications in new tab #912 !1540 @ChrisOelmueller
- Added Workgroup Function: Welcome to workgroup !1544 @fs_k
- Add integration with BigBlueButton video conferencing system !1561 @NerdyProjects
- Show an error notification if the user is redirected from a region page to the dashboard !1571 @alex.simm
- Better highlight the position picker input-box !1583 !1586 @ChrisOelmueller
- Removed faq and replaced to external freshdesk support form in top and footer menu #817 !1587 @chriswalg
- Call foodsaver from pickup slot dropdown menu #772 !1591 @ChrisOelmueller
- Hide all phone numbers for unverified store team members and jumpers !1591 @ChrisOelmueller
- Show an popover for the "remember me"-function, if clicked in password field on login page !1585 #370 @TheSoulT
- Add a link to reset the password in the login popover !1585 @TheSoulT
- Store managers can toggle team list mode to sort by last pickup !1593 @ChrisOelmueller
- Public profile page, to allow checking badge validity #688 !1604 @ChrisOelmueller
- Ask whether message draft should be kept when switching between chat conversations !1621 @ChrisOelmueller
- Make titles of forum threads searchable !1609 #99 @alex.simm
- Clarify that new forum threads won't reach members inactive for more than six months !1553 ("merging" !1385 and !1233) @zommuter
- Push notifications for group chats no longer sound like the message addresses the user specifically !1574 @_fridtjof_
- Exclude workgroups from the "my groups" section in the topbar search for which the user was not yet accepted !1589 @alex.simm
- Only count pickups via the function getMyStore until the current day !1599 @chriswalg
- Stop overwriting mailbox names if they contain unread mails #789 !1600 @ChrisOelmueller
- Prevent page from jumping to top when deleting bells !1597 @ChrisOelmueller
- Fix crashing "All my stores" page when user has no home district !1616 #936 @alex.simm
- Fix creation and deletion of buddy bells !1618 #942 @alex.simm
- Fix wrong viewer/session ID on profile page !1629 @alex.simm
- Move master-update function for regions to the rest controller !1547 @alex.simm
- Add missing endpoint for deleting forum threads !1545 #913 @alex.simm
- Use rest endpoints for basket deletion and the coordinates on the baskets map !1550 @alex.simm
- Remove Magnific Popup by rewriting trust banana UI code to fancybox !1530 !1556 @ChrisOelmueller
- Some refactorings from StoreModel to StoreGateway !1196 !1554 !1558 #9 @svenpascal @alex.simm
- Modernize icon handling of store bells + fairteiler bells #907 !1560 !1566 !1597 @ChrisOelmueller
- Rewrite store team list in Vue !1499 !1591 @ChrisOelmueller
- Increase phpstan analysis level to 2 and fix all issues !1575 @NerdyProjects
- Use Request/Response objects in the application entry points !1576 @_fridtjof_
- Do not show unsubscribed email subscriptions for forum threads in notification settings #893 !1570 @chriswalg
- Remove and refactor some PHP translations &22 !1583 !1590 @ChrisOelmueller
- Rename Fair-Teiler to Fairteiler #906 !1590 @ChrisOelmueller
- Rename "Service" classes to "Transaction" classes and move them to the corresponding modules @janopae !1475
- Rename "Helper" namespace to "Utility" @janopae !1475
- REST API: file uploads with resizing of images in foodshare points !818 @alangecker
- Removed dependency on old Db class from some classes !1598 #9 @alex.simm
- Move sending of bananas to new REST endpoint !1617 #798 @alex.simm
- Remove jquery contextmenu, refactor some dashboard view code &22 !1606 @ChrisOelmueller
- Refactor profile view, permissions, and pickup schedule overview !1604 @ChrisOelmueller
- Rewrite store pickup history in Vue, using the Pickup components &9 &22 !1611 @ChrisOelmueller
- Move entry points to Symfony controllers @_fridtjof_ !1602
Dev/Test/CI stuff
- Include sentry as symfony bundle to hopefully not miss error reporting for Rest API anymore !1562 @NerdyProjects
- Include Phinx database migration tool for (hopefully soon) automated migrations and less confusion about database state !1549 @NerdyProjects
- Install phinx as a separate project in deployment !1584 @NerdyProjects
- made development on Windows possible again by tweaking direcotry cache and line endings !1603 @peter.toennies
- Add emails to seed data !1601 @alex.simm
- Update to Symfony 5 / FOSRestBundle 3 !1573 @NerdyProjects
2020-07-15 Hotfix
- Disabled report link on profile page and Xhr functions for sending reports !1610 @alex.simm
2020-06-15 Hotfix
- Allow emails for password reset and email address change to be sent with higher priority !1557 #925 @alex.simm
- Gender value for women and man is now fixed !1564 @chriswalg
- Show on profile a warning if the private mail adresse is on bounce list for orga and foodsaver them self. #931 !1572 @chriswalg
- Update devdocs to recommend Docker Desktop for Win10 Home !1578 @_fridtjof_
- Use gitlab ci services instead of building and running docker images in CI !1577 @NerdyProjects
2020-06-01 Hotfix
- Allow to accept privacy notice, so people can become store managers again !1551 @NerdyProjects
2020-05-18 Hotfix
- Added tooltips to Dashboard Activities-Overview filter options !1526 @mr-kenhoff
- Be more robust against errors in the WebSocket Chat server: Let request suceed anyway. !1525 @NerdyProjects
- Fix crash on incoming email that would generate a bounce !1524 @NerdyProjects
- Fix broken data in internal email system email storage for sender address !1523 @NerdyProjects
- Migrate all broken email storage sender addresses to be valid !1523 @NerdyProjects
- Fix accessing null value as array in FairteilerView. !1527 @NerdyProjects
- Fix wrongly accessing null values in Fairteiler. !1527 @NerdyProjects
- Fix javascript error accessing the map the first time / without localstorage. !1528 @NerdyProjects
- Fix issuing invalid SQL IN() query !1534 @NerdyProjects
- Fix not logged in users getting errors when things should have been logged to their not-existing session !1531 @NerdyProjects
- Fix accessing invalid location for users without a session or without an address. !1538 @NerdyProjects
- Fix Content Security Policy violation for web worker for older browsers (fixes push notification for older browsers) @NerdyProjects
- Wrap long email address in user profile #828 !1541 @ChrisOelmueller
- Make the instant search in the topbar use a new rest endpoint without legacy wrapping code for search results !1522 !1559 !1579 @alex.simm
Dev/Test/CI stuff
- Migrate gitlab CI config to use rules instead of only/except !1529 @NerdyProjects
- Do not run CI tests before deployment !1529 @NerdyProjects
- Do not run gitlab dependency scanning job as nobody used the output !1533 @NerdyProjects
- Explain (wanted) php code structure in devdocs !1463 @flukx
Release "Apfelsine" (orange), 2020-05-16
- Introduce Web Push Notifications #336 !734 @janopae
- Re-enable pickup slot markers after production release !1331 !1307 @jofranz
- Refactored register form to multi step pages in vue !1099 !1309 !1370 !1401 !1476 @chriswalg @moffer @ChrisOelmueller
- Redirect to login page after login failed !1342 @chriswalg
- Display icon for verified Foodsavers in store popup #766 !1294 @pfaufisch
- update twig to version 3 @peter.toennies
- update bootstrap-vue to version 2.7 #807 !1382 @ctwx_ok @peter.toennies
- Added number of food share points to statistics !1351 #81 @alex.simm
- Switch the tile server from maps.wikimedia.org to MapTiler !1355 @dthulke
- Orgas are now able to delete wallposts for foodshare points !1359 @pfaufisch
- Show internal email address on user's own profile !1386 #465 @alex.simm
- Dashboard updates can be filtered !735 !1424 @D0nPiano @ChrisOelmueller
- Updates from events + foodsharepoints displayed on dashboard !735 !1441 #227 #588 @D0nPiano @ChrisOelmueller
- Picture thumbnails are included in dashboard snippets of wallposts !735 #454 @D0nPiano @ChrisOelmueller
- Link Avatar pictures on dashboard to profiles !735 #464 @D0nPiano @ChrisOelmueller
- Add option for new forum threads in unmoderated fora to send mail or not !1233 #64 @jofranz @Caluera
- Make it possible to unfollow forum bells #271 !1191 !1467 @jofranz @chriswalg @ChrisOelmueller @moffer
- Introduce permissions for user profile data handling: maySeeHistory(), mayAdministrateUserProfile(), mayHandleFoodsaverRegionMenu() and mayDeleteFoodsaverFromRegion() !1288 !1438 @jofranz @alex.simm
- Improve Metrics collection: Log execution timing including database execution timings for all controllers now. !1480 @NerdyProjects
- Release notes introduced and replaced with the changelog !1474 @chriswalg
- Extend the lifetime of persistent sessions after every request !1496 @dthulke
- Include thread title in bell notification for forum posts #869 !1487 @ChrisOelmueller
- Load store menu in the top bar only when the menu is opened in order to make the slot markers release ready !1502 @janopae
- Update all package dependencies to current as of 2020-05-11 !1503 @NerdyProjects
- Allow changing the language for all translation capable texts !1485 @NerdyProjects
- Allow adding people to conversation by putting their ID into the recipient field !1508 @NerdyProjects
- Return less results for the user search when creating a new conversation !1513 @NerdyProjects
- Now, it returns everybody who is in the same groups as you but excludes people that are just in state or country groups (e.g. Niedersachsen, Deutschland, Europa).
- Ambassadors additionally get all people in their ambassador regions and subregions
- Orga and Welcome team get all people, now also including foodsharers
- Massively optimize performance of user search when creating a new conversation !1513 @NerdyProjects
- Don't ask to accept the legal requirements when not logged in. #811 !1384 @CarolineFischer
- On Mobile last pickup and member since information is shown on team list in stores #788 !1335 @fs_k
- Date strings on Dashboard are now displayed in correct language #606 !1316 @pfaufisch
- Fixed mails not displaying line breaks !1317 !1344 @pfaufisch
- Improved the banner on welcome page for mobile devices !1329 @chriswalg
- Makes a break with longer words so that e.g. links in the store description don't come across the page #715 !1269 @chriswalg
- Region statistics for ambassadors do not include workgroup admins anymore #778 !1341 @Caluera
- Fix bug preventing publishing, editing and deleting of blog posts !1349 @pfaufisch
- Fix small bug in sending quickreply messages without personal field !1321 !1367 @alex.simm
- Fix WallpostPermissions now deny read access by default #352 !1353 @pfaufisch
- Fixed mailboxes not beeing generated for some users !1356 #705 @kheyer
- Resolve "If name of the district or adress is too long on the business card, this is cut off or goes over the edge" #700 !1362 @chriswalg @kheyer
- Fixed Dashboard to display activity stream after date-fns update !1366 @pfaufisch
- Fix broken bell menu caused by missing date conversion !1364 @dthulke
- Strip whitespaces from email addresses before sending them !1372 #802 @alex.simm
- Fix "Mobile: can't apply to stores, window cut off" #765 !1357 @panschk
- Don't include unconfirmed slots into statistics and fetch history !1360 @caluera
- Fix reapplication not possible after beeing denied once !1277 #767 @chris2up9
- Fix missing region id bug for food share points !1375 @alex.simm
- Fixes crash in the date formatting logic when updating the list of bells !1388 @dthulke
- Fixed bug in email template rendering during when quickreplying to forum threads !1403 @alex.simm
- Links in shortened dashboard updates no longer invalid due to cut-off #691 !735 @D0nPiano @ChrisOelmueller
- Now possible to have many disabled sources of dashboard updates #365 !735 @D0nPiano @ChrisOelmueller
- Fixes the marker loading in the region admin tool !1415 @dthulke
- Adjusted picture sizes of slots, thread posts and of menubasket. !1298 !1423 #735 @moffer
- Fix registration link on login page !1425 #856 @alex.simm
- Submenus of burger menu (mobile view) for example 'Infos' can be scrolled. !1411 #838 #837 @moffer
- Fix link of top-left icon in navbar and make the hover-heart appear more often !1421 #853 @alex.simm
- fixed arrow handling !1408 @jonathan_b
- Show a prompt to select a home district on the dashboard if none is choosen #716 !1123 @lebe1 @dthulke @Caluera
- Make the description clearer for the mail option when opening new thread !1453 @Caluera
- Fix issues introduced with push notifications #831 #841 #857 !1442 !1443 !1444 !1445 !1446 @janopae
- Short Description is shown on profile and purpose of both self descriptions is made clear in settings !1145 #656 @fs_k @Caluera
- Fallback to raster tiles if the browser does not support WebGL !1455 @dthulke
- Correct wording: "Fairteiler" and "FairTeiler" to "Fair-Teiler" in some files #890 !1479 @treee111
- Correct Dashboard preview of ordered + unordered lists #455 !1481 @ChrisOelmueller
- Fix gender selection during registration that was set to 'unselected' by mistake @alex.simm
- TagEdit color correction when hovering #867 !1514 @ChrisOelmueller
- Fixed outgoing mails not displaying line breaks !1317 @pfaufisch
- Name generation for chat groups has been extracted to an own method method, which is now used by push notifications and in the E-Mail generation for missed chat messages. The new method does a slightly better job at naming; beta testers are welcomed to check the E-Mails generated for missed chat messages. @janopae
- Improve mayEditStore() to fail faster !1311 @jofranz
- Restructure the definition of the Region ID constants. !1325 @theFeiter
- Remove moment.js dependency. !1303 #678 @ctwx_ok
- Moved the button for new stores to vue store list !1282 !1339 @chriswalg
- Refactored wakeupSleepingUsers to MaintenanceGateway !1301 @Caluera
- Removed obsolete jsonp warning code in xhrapp !1319 #777 @alex.simm
- Add function to database class that allows inserting multiple rows !1267 #757 @alex.simm
- Remove Sessions from Gateway-Classes !1314 @panschk
- Exchange nightly not fully working bell update check with the daily/reliable method !1312 @jofranz
- Update date-fns to version 2.9.0 !1042 !1363 !1422 !1447 @chriswalg @ChrisOelmueller
- Moved newsletter test functionality from Xhr to Rest API !1354 @alex.simm
- Removed lost@foodsharing address and added sending a reply email if an address was not found #510 !1346 @alex.simm
- Redesigned the option to delete FS account if not agreeing with privacy policy. !1318 @thefeiter
- Use larger SQL queries for event invitations instead of many small queries !1285 #774 @alex.simm
- redirected the refs from storelist.vue to lang.de.yml !1386 #824 @jonathan_b
- Extended the text in footer for "DoNotReply"-Mails with the information not to reply to the message #826 !1389 @thesoult
- redirected hardcoded German strings from topbar to lang.de.yml !1410 #824 @jonathan_b
- recreate Dashboard update-overview with vue components !735 !1424 @D0nPiano @ChrisOelmueller
- changed ActivityModel to return data without HTML or JS !735 !1424 @D0nPiano @ChrisOelmueller
- New function for deleting store wall posts via rest !1390 #9 @alex.simm
- Get rid of /upload.php !1365 @_fridtjof_
- Removed unused delPost xhr function !1417 @alex.simm
- Removed ActivityModel by moving functions to ActivityXhr !1434 #9 @alex.simm
- Reimplement footer in vue !1437 @ChrisOelmueller
- redirected the german refs from storestatusicon.vue and pickuplist.vue to lang.de.yml !1392 #824 @jonathan_b @thesoult
- Refactored store infos to vue js !1406 !1477 !1492 @chriswalg @ChrisOelmueller
- Moved profile Rest endpoint to user controller !1374 @alex.simm
- Removed the two deprecated functions from Session.php !1259 @koenvg
- Extend RegionPermissions to a mayAdministrateRegions() method. Removes the topbar menu entry if false !1236 @jofranz
- Update to PHP 7.4.5 and fix some backwards incompatible changes @NerdyProjects
- Add database constraints to fs_faq !1436 @ffm_hessen
- Replace XHR request for baskets in topbar by existing REST endpoint !1472 @alex.simm
- CSS adjustments for foodbasket page, mobile dashboard view with columns !1494 @ChrisOelmueller
- Port WebSocket server ("chat") to TypeScript and refactor it in an object oriented way !1470 @janopae
- Leaving regions is done by new Rest endpoint !1459 @alex.simm
- Replaces hard coded Links in AdminMenu !1510 @mr-kenhoff
- Moved database request for the maintenance script from model to gateway !1394 #9 @alex.simm
Dev/Test/CI stuff
- Add "linux" tag for finding CI servers !1332 @nicksellen
- fix some doc annotations !1361 @_fridtjof_
- update mkdirp to version 1 @peter.toennies
- added german contributing guide and english FAQs to devdocs !1376 @Jonathan_B
- updated sentry to version 2 @peter.toennies
- update codeception to version 4, phpunit to version 9, and sebastian/diff to version 4 #1369 @peter.toennies
- Less ports are exposed to the dev computer's network now !1367 @_fridtjof_
- replace raven by the newest sentry JS SDK @peter.toennies
- update loader-utils to version 2, url-loader to version 4, and file-loader to version 6 @peter.toennies
- improve the statistics for outgoing mail in grafana !1395 #64 @dthulke
- Update sentry javascript SDK from 5.15.2 to 5.15.4 because it was broken. !1402 @chriswalg
- added information in devdocs @jonathan_b
- replace all uses of npm by yarn !1397 @peter.toennies
- improve PHP Database documentation, add new convenience methods and make delete safer !1399 @_fridtjof_
- Added a workaround to devdocs for fedora 32 or debian 10 and docker !1439 @chriswalg
- added information on our Workflow and how to solve Merge Conflicts in devdocs @jonathan_b
- added text about refactoring to devdocs @Caluera !1464
- added text about releases to devdocs @Caluera !1486
- Changes text for posting test tasks in beta Slack channel @moffer !1471
2020-04-22 Hotfix
- Use Geoapify as tile server and use mapbox gl to render vector tiles !1405 @dthulke
- More accurate email rate limiting !1419 @jofranz
- Set height for topbar and removed the height of div#main. Now is the broadcast message completely readable !1383 !1391 !1432 @chriswalg
- Improve the statistics for outgoing mail in grafana !1395 #64 @dthulke
- Fixed rendering error when replying to forum posts !1447 @ChrisOelmueller
2020-03-26 Hotfix
- Use WebSocket connection to determine whether a user is online or not !734 @janopae
- Adds a null check to the chat server to avoid null WebSocket messages !1398 @dthulke
- start documenting database tables and columns !1259 @flukx
2020-03-16 Hotfix
- Fix nightly fetcher warnings by using expected id instead of betrieb_id allowing all nightly maintenance methods to be executed again #747 !1348 @jofranz
- Limit forum notifications to users logged in last 6 months #64 !1385 @fs_k
Another release from your lovely dev Team. A lot of changes have been done "under the hood" that will help developers with modernization of the codebase and to improve the website further. A lot of old code has been removed, restructured and database access has been improved. Some nightly maintanance have been optimized. A more user friendly overview of the new improvements can be found here: https://foodsharing.de/region?bid=741&sub=forum&tid=98018 accessable for every foodsaver.
- Adds a proper error messages if users specify their birthday in the wrong format !1114 @dthulke
- Add email shortcut to regions and workgroup side menu !1118 @jofranz
- Add email count to menu shortcut to make it easier for workgroup and region admins to respond to unanswered mails !1124 @jofranz
- Changed slot icons for pending (transparent again) and comfirmed to font awesome !1116 @chriswalg
- Enable pickup-list for foodsavers own profile in profile view which was only visible for ambassadors/"BOTs" before. !1122 @jofranz
- Add amount of foodsavers to in-/active lists in region foodsaver menu !1117 @jofranz
- Add "Termin"/"Date" and bot/amb "forum"/"board" as dashboard post type !1148 @jofranz
- Add foodsaver id to store team search results when manually adding a foodsaver #660 !1150 @jofranz
- Add foodsaver id to search results when starting a new chat #660 !1149 @jofranz
- The number of active basket requests are shown and baskets request can be withdrawn and rejected by the basket provider !1121 #710 @dthulke
- Add fs id to food share point admin management search results #660 !1152 @jofranz
- Warn basket users without location data and inform them why it makes sense to provide those in order to use baskets on the website !1143 @jofranz
- Sort the stores-list by the added-on date as default !1161 @treee111
- Redirect from a wall of regions (e.g. "Deutschland", "Arbeitsgruppen Überregional") to the forum. Walls only exist for workgroups #750 !1186 @treee111
- Save mail quickreplies to sent folder #611 !1166 @alex.simm
- Filter not cooperating stores ("does not want to cooperate" and "gives to (other) charity") out of dropdown menu list #323 !1144 @jofranz
- Basket rest endpoint returns the list of requests to show them in the app !1169 @dthulke
- Open video on start page in external tab to avoid csp issues #617 !1177 @dthulke
- Improves usability of the topbar using screen readers !1179 @dthulke
- Change "impressum" in newsletter footer to new fs postal address !1205 @jofranz
- Show events on dashboard which started one/more days in the past and are ongoing !1215 @treee111
- Allow to configure site to send CSP headers without a report-uri !1210 @nicksellen
- Increase workgroup application limit numbers !1218 @jofranz
- Show foodsharer id in profile for everyone !1232 @jofranz
- Menu entry for newsletter email sending is only active if mayAdministrateNewsletterEmail() permission is true !1235 @jofranz
- Admins of newsletter workgroup (331) now have access to the newsletter module additional to orga members !1235 !1256 @jofranz
- Show a error message, if changing a mail address failed !1091 @chriswalg
- Add info about limitations of nightly slot warnings !1275 @jofranz
- Send an email to the amb and group workgroups (AGs) if the last admin/amb leaves a workgroup/region !1153 @jofranz
- Updated foodsharing etikette for registration process !1295 @chris2up9
- Refactored and changed time range for store fetch warning mails for store manager to today + tomorrow instead of 15:00 limit !1289 @jofranz
- fixed page crash when as ambassador on region -> foodsaver clicking on one foodsaver !1278 @Caluera
- Correct title for map page !1276 @chris2up9
- fixed the jpeg image detection in the flourish library, leading to people not being able to login anymore !1100 @alangecker
- Set initial region in new store form to undefined if it is a larger region or country !1112 #418 @alex.simm
- Removed hidden profile pic in settings !1090 @chriswalg
- Add previously uploaded picture to the edit form for food share points !1136 #727 @alex.simm
- When answering a long e-mail, the send and cancel button disappeared. The buttons moved next to fileupload #404 !1127 @chriswalg
- Automatically relogin after joining work group !1113 #125 @alex.simm
- Disable possibility to show stores for foodsharers #132 !1146 @jofranz
- Fixes SQL query in helper method to delete bells. This may has caused errors when approving slots #712 !1142 @dthulke
- Increase search min length in store and fsp team management list #396 !1151 @jofranz
- Do not initialise ReportList vue component if it is not shown !1159 @dthulke
- Ensures quiz break message after three failures inbetween 30 days #736 !1162 @svenpascal
- Prevent forum thread email sending to countries and federal states !1160 @jofranz
- Prefetchtime is now correctly stored when creating a new store !1170 @dthulke
- Change the close icon in pickup slot message and food basket request form to a better position #731 !1172 @chriswalg
- Fixed FoodSharePoint deletion problem #642 !1168 @alex.simm
- Show correct message immediately after failing the 5th quiz try #729 !1176 !1313 @svenpascal @chriswalg
- Narrow down permissions to not allow ambassadors calling newsletter sending xhr methods !1197 @jofranz
- Fix database method which prevents newsletter sending #754 !1198 @jofranz
- Improved SQL query which caused that the team of large work groups could not be updated anymore #726 !1199 @dthulke
- Use font awesome icons for store status indicators to avoid that they disappear when the store name is too long #742 !1190 @dthulke
- Avoid duplicate names in user autocomplete !1223 @dthulke
- Fix error when logging out while not logged in !1240 #753 @alex.simm
- Prevent exception for orga users if a deleted user profile is visited @jofranz
- Added missing login check for local reports page. Previously there was an empty table with no data !1238 @jofranz
- Added missing login and permission check for mailbox page, making sure only BIEBs can see the mailbox #771 and #769 !1260 @pfaufisch
- Added missing login and permission check for mailbox page !1260 @pfaufisch
- Remove "Aktionen"-column from list of user stores !1252 @koenvg
- Fix wrong may group use. Admins of EUROPE_REPORT_TEAM (region/workgroup id: 432) now actually have reports permissions on a level with orga !1250 @jofranz
- !1199 fix: Remove group members only from specific group instead of all groups and regions !1258 @jofranz
- Redesign for chatbox and messages page !1265 @chriswalg
- Center basket map on Germany if logged out !1249 #740 @alex.simm
- Show correct from/to information in mailboxes !1264 !1239 #603 @alex.simm
- Fix adding members to mailboxes by orga !1255 !1302 !1308 #677 @alex.simm
- Fix missing translations for MenuBasketsEntry. !1271 #761 @ctwx_ok
- disable delete account buttons for non-orga users !1279 @Caluera
- repaired link to profile in the very first pinwall post #512 !1281 @Caluera
- Disallow foodsharing email addresses to be used as password restore addresses !1268 #744 @alex.simm
- Remove email addresses from the bounce list before sending a confirmation mail !1268 #756 @alex.simm
- Move map control elements on small devices #695 !1286 @lea.mzw
- Move bellupdatetrigger() to maintenance class only executing it nightly. Accidentally fixes the date distance to a unconfirmed slot which was reseted every 5 minutes before !1300 @jofranz
- Made the list of recipients of a mail foldable to avoid unreadable mails !1280 #65 @alex.simm
- Name change of regarding fairsharepoint contact person to "Ansprechpartner" !1305 @fs_k
- Fixed broken tooltips !1304 @ctwx_ok
- Fix error message when downgrading a foodsaver and do only downgrade if user role has decreased !1323 @pfaufisch @jofranz
- Temporarily disable pickup slot markers for production release !1307 @jofranz
- Passportgenerator list sorted by name default, workgroups are not shown anymore !1310 @fs_k
- Fix text overflow problems with events and notifications #722 #876 !1487 @ChrisOelmueller
- Bots can now add up to three new store managers to abandoned stores #209 #405 !1319 @pfaufisch
- Optimize database access for legal queries !1292 @CarolineFischer
- refactored to use count() instead of more complicated expressions !1273 !1296 @Caluera
- Removed support for old passwords stored in sha1 or md5, since we switched to Argon2 now almost 2 years ago. !1095 @alangecker
- Reduced complexity of the profile module !1037 @peter.toennies
- refactored blog from model to gateway !789 #9 @peter.toennies
- refactored statsman from model to gateway !1111 #9 @peter.toennies
- refactrored the food share point module !1108 !1105 @peter.toennies
- Removed broken nightly bell deletion maintenance script !1180 @dthulke
- Uniform foodsharing colors on the whole page #75 !1174 @chriswalg
- statistic kilo code refactoring !999 @jofranz
- statistic kilo calculation optimized in sql !999 @fs_k
- Removed unused xhr_out method !1208 #132 @alex.simm
- Introduce content id constants for content pages !1200 @jofranz
- Replaced some hardcoded sql with prepared statements !1207 #757 @alex.simm
- Removed some dead code !1213 @svenpascal
- Remove food basket pinboard frontend from !969 entirely !1203 @jofranz
- Refactored database access from controllers to gateways !1192 #9 @alex.simm
- Removed unused clearAbholer() method, which would falsely remove all fetches from a user which need to stay for documentary reason !1216 @jofranz
- Replaced REPLACE INTO queries with prepared statements !1124 #757 @alex.simm
- Renamed "Verschwendungsfasten" to "foodsharing-Städte" !1222 @D0nPiano
- Replace SettingsModel by SettingsGateway !1163 #9 @svenpascal
- Moved mayHandleReports() to ReportPermissions class with deprecation in Session class !1241 @jofranz
- Introduce very basic permissions for FAQ editing. Removes the topbar menu entry if false. For now this only replaces orga permissions in accessing the FAQ admin tool !1245 @jofranz
- Move mayEditQuiz() from session to own permission class with deprecation in Session class. Added some example implementations. !1242 @jofranz
- Introduce permissions for content administration. For now there are no additional permissions given. Removed the entry from the menu if permission is false !1243 @jofranz
- Introduce mayAdministrateBlog() permission in BlogPermissions.php and use it for current permission checks. It rebuilds previous behaviour. Removes the topbar entry from the menu if permission is false !1246 @jofranz
- Introduce mayManageMailboxes() permissions. Removed the entry from the menu if permission is false. !1244 @jofranz
- Introduce store creation permissions and use it for at three different places where a store button is shown. Also use it at before showing store creating page !1237 @jofranz
- Moved database access from RegionXhr, MailboxXhr, and ForumService to gateways !1228 #9 @alex.simm
- Removed Xhr method for posting store wall posts (xhr_addPinPost) and made it part of the REST API (POST on /api/stores/{id}/posts}. !1226 #719 @janopae
- Removed mayLegacy function from session !1248 @alex.simm
- Introduce NewsletterEmailPermissions class for mayAdministrateNewsletterEmail() permission checks !1235 @jofranz
- Removed SQL statements from Session, BasketXhr, and XhrMethods + fix !1261 !1247 #9 @alex.simm
- Switched use of Session::id to Session::may !1257 @pfaufisch
- Refactored FoodsaverModel to FoodsaverGateway !1178 !1266 !1299 #9 @svenpascal
- Updated dependencies and fixed broken templates !1272 !1283 @ctwx_ok
- Removed class IndexGateway as it serves no purpose !1270 #763 @panschk
- Remove unused stats and maintenance methods of nightly stats run !1274 @jofranz
- Refactored region gateway to use more prepared statements !1297 @alex.simm
Dev/Test/CI stuff
- add dependency scanning GitLab CI configuration !1183 @nicksellen
- adds error infos to the exception of an unpreperable query !1195 @dthulke
- Added docker toolbox download link for windows users in dev docs #733 !1147 @lebe1
- Remove hotUpdateChunkFilename config option workaround !1202 @jofranz @nicksellen
- Fix DebugBar !1212 @nicksellen
- Add scheduled CI job to print outdated dependencies to slack !1221 @nicksellen
2019-11-14 Hotfix
- disabled the new report list on region level @peter.toennies @jofranz
- Updated duplicated delete() method to avoid deprecation error crashes in sentry !1141 @jofranz
2019-10-08 Hotfix
- nearby baskets on dashboard were missing foodsaver name and creation time @peter.toennies
- remove email and gender from some responses in MessageXhr.php !1098
Long time of silence from the IT, you might think. And yes, the last release is four month ago. But we have been busy all the time. A lot is getting cleaner in the background and we are continuously improving the connection between our homepage and our two native apps. And we have even included some new features for you.
Major changes
- New pick-up list
- Added Rest endpoint for nearby baskets !875 @alex.simm
- updated bootstrap-vue to v2.0.0-rc28 @peter.toennies
- Added Rest endpoint for the current user's profile !880 @dthulke
- improved the region join selector text #562 @peter.toennies
- Allow subgroups to groups !904 @fs_k
- pickup list includes now stores in sub-districts, year added, divers separated !906 @fs_k
- Added a city-column to the store list table, added row-details on mobile devices, stores now ordered by name #456 !679 @tihar
- Added yellow info box with a warning not to change the address fields. Visible for orga/bot in "edit profile" menu !911 @jofranz
- Added active foodsaver and jumper count to store popup on map !920 #620 @fs_k
- Added yellow info box with "how to use the address picker" and what this data is used for to:
- Added average daily fetch count to statistics page !900 @chris2up9
- Use SwiftMailer for outgoing emails !925 @NerdyProjects
- Shake it! Randomly shuffle ambassadors and working group admin's list order to make it harder always to contact the most senior one !924 @jofranz
- Added Rest endpoint for users !916 @alex.simm
- improved description for photo upload in user settings !902 @peter.toennies
- Moved pickup signup logic into API !874 @NerdyProjects
- Rewrite pickup list on store page in vue !874 @alangecker @NerdyProjects
- Removed TOX-ID in foodsaver settings #31 !935 @chriswalg
- Removed twitter and github for Team-Member !944 @chriswalg
- Sorted trust bananas by date #550 !970 @sepulcrum89
- Added a mailto hyperlink for group mail in workgroup #139 !948 @chriswalg
- Added one week as an option for automatic pickup slots in store settings !945 @jofranz
- Added Rest controller and normalization for stores !885 @alex.simm
- new chat design with badges and layout changed !928 @kniggerich
- Disabled new food basket comments while showing pre existing ones for another while during migration period until there are no comments left !969 #534 @jofranz
- Add my own last date of pickup to particular store info box to help stores with pickup rules/limitations !893 @jofranz
- Show last event wall posts on the dashboard update-section for events which got not declined #227 !417 @fs_k @jofranz
- Team list in store view is now collapsed on mobile as it was with pinboard comments already !983 @jofranz
- Added Rest endpoint to edit baskets !992 @alex.simm
- Graz BIEBs automatically added nightly to their working group !987 @peter.toennies
- Added reference to OpenStreetMap to the map attribution #661 !1009 @dthulke
- Added Rest endpoint for fair share points !1012 @dthulke
- Add backend logic for changing basket locations !1021 @alex.simm
- Updated the wording regarding "not more than 2 foodsavers per pickup !1029 @peter.toennies
- Fixed bell notifications for new wallposts in stores !1030 @jofranz
- The map is zoomed out in case no address is specified instead of showing the ocean !1053 @dthulke
- A region's reports are now accessible for the ambassadors in charge via the region menus !1041 @peter.toennies
- Add basket counters to statistics #81 !1045 @chris2up9
- Placed event buttons correctly for mobile on dashboard #640 !1044 @henrikhertler
- Link avatar pics to user profile at report. !1047 @moffer
- Prevent email form from sending mails to "noreply" addresses. Blocked by a warning !1065 @jofranz
- Adding apple-app-site-association file to allow Universal Linking in our possible apps !1082 @rastadapasta
- restrict pickup statistic on country level to orga !1073 @fs_k
- Profile button "remove from all slots" is now only enabled for orga !968 #362 @fs_k
- Fixed a bug in MessageModel.php which caused that conversation members were sometimes not returned !878 @dthulke
- Direct links are referring to correct location when using the nav bar login !864 @YasminBucher
- Fixed broken modal for forum post deletion !894 #599 @peter.toennies
- Show "food basket already got picked up" instead of accidentally showing a blank page !891 @jofranz
- Allow users being deleted out of regions #604 @NerdyProjects
- Topbar now static again after related changes in css !907 !897 @jofranz @alangecker
- Fixed wrong ID for reports in reports list !903 @peter.toennies
- Orga can send bananas again !937 @NerdyProjects
- Mails from trash can be deleted again @peter.toennies
- Redirect to the forum instead of showing 404 on deleting the last post of a thread. #626 !953 @ctwx_ok
- Moved "forum-title-buttons" into the second line #591 !949 @chriswalg
- Fixed order of event invites on the dashboard !938 #608 @peter.toennies
- Walls do now show 60 comments instead of 30 !940 #630 @peter.toennies
- It is now possible for every foodsaver to see and join a pre existing event links of a district or working group. This foodsaver only needs to be part of this specific group where the event was created #273 !912 @jofranz
- Fixed scroller maxHeight for fair-share-points and AMB foodsaver list !972 @jofranz
- Show Warning and prevent save if sleeping timespan has no complete date given #632 !957 @fs_k
- Fixed and moved ipIsBlocked method which is used on the team page contact form. Added minutes to warning message !974 @jofranz
- Enable ambassador's new threads by default. #614 !967 @ctwx_ok
- Fixed fancybox loading (apple) and navigation sprites !977 #644 !1433 #717 @jofranz @ChrisOelmueller
- Updates from the regional "bot-forum" / ambassador board are now shown on dashboard #40 !994 @jofranz
- Fixed hidden attribution-line on main map !980 #661 @mr-kenhoff
- Fixed date display for chats in the top bar overlay. !988 @ctwx_ok
- Passport generation is now reliable working with all genders. !997 #665 @mr-kenhoff
- Don't return outdated baskets via the REST API !1008 @dthulke
- Fixed saving an edited quiz answer !1006 #408 @svenpascal
- Added contact form email information to email body/text as a workaround to make it possible for people to reply !979 @jofranz
- Return images attached to a wall post in the WallRestController !1013 @dthulke
- Don't show forum updates from deleted users on dashboard !1011 #666 @alex.simm
- Fixed role description for gender 'diverse' !1016 #674 @svenpascal
- Fixed broken quiz after refactoring !1017 @svenpascal
- Verify quiz session status without having a second learning break !1018 #673 @svenpascal
- Show message and redirect page after deleting an account !1028 #533 @alex.simm
- Fixed the createThread call inside the ForumRestController !1031 @ctwx_ok
- Remove forum thread subscriptions when leaving group !1020 #593 @alex.simm
- Fixed sorting of dashboard entries on initial loading !1035 #681 @ctwx_ok
- When logging in, referenced redirects work now. !1034 #563 @peter.toennies
- Open link to markdown description in a new window !1050 #698 @chriswalg
- Open wiki.foodsharing.de in top menu bar in new window !1051 @chriswalg
- Deleting report notes now possible for Orga and admins of the report team. Writing user notes now possible for orga only !1038 #537 @peter.toennies
- Fix appearance of event accept/decline buttons on small screens !1027 #640 @petersielie
- Do not allow signing out of past pickups !1058 #633 @alex.simm
- The avatar sleeping mode in forum is visible now. !1055 #679 @chriswalg
- Fixed occupied one-time pickups that showed up unoccupied !1059 #633 @alex.simm
- Fixed end date not being displayed when editing existing multi-day events !995 #277 @tihar
- Link in chat-message notification email now leads to corresponding conversation !1064 #703 @rastadapasta
- Improve the readability of the data protection agreement during registration #652 !1056 @chriswalg
- Only show food baskets which are not timed out on dashboards basket range and latest list !1004 @jofranz @peter.toennies
- Fixed invisible overbooked pickups !1069 #633 @alex.simm
- Workgroups overview optimized for mobile view #702 !1063 @chriswalg
- Bugfix for sentry issue regarding the #vue-pickuplist !1074 @ctwx_ok
- Removed question form for data privacy !1077 #166 @chriswalg
- Fixed the check for empty address data on the foodsaver dashboard !1076 @peter.toennies
- Bugfix for empty pickup list !1078 @ctwx_ok
- Set width 50px for user pics in region member list !1080 @chriswalg
- Put the footer on pages with less content at the bottom of the page !1087 #590 @chriswalg
- Bugfix for end date being required when creating single-day event !1084 @tihar
- Removed the obsolete and insecure foodsaver bubble for our map !1093 @peter.toennies
- Removed forum subscriptions for people who left a district or workgroup !1071 #655 @alex.simm
- Refactored profile from WorkGroupModel to WorkGroupGateway !898 #9 @svenpascal
- The page does not use fullpage anymore. New landing page !597 #393 @theolampert
- Reduce Load on every Request to RegionControl !921 @alangeker
- reduced codebase around map markers. !588 @chriswalg @peter.toennies
- Refactored conversations API and related javascript !592 @theolampert
- Converted nightly maintenance methods deactivateOldBaskets() and deleteUnconfirmedFetchDates() into gateway !976 @jofranz
- Refactored team page. Got rid of legacy methods !974 @jofranz
- Refactored fetch weight menu handling and moved weight methods into a helper class !1002 @jofranz
- Refactored QuizModel into a QuizGateway !998 #9 @svenpascal
- Refactored pickup slot deletion methods, kicked out duplicated code/vars and deleted not used code !968 @jofranz
- Use new storePermissions instead of chaining previous permission checks in stores !990 @jofranz
- Refactored the WallPost module !1038 @peter.toennies
Dev/Test/CI stuff
- enable functional tests (symfony kernel running inside conception; for limits see inside tests/functional folder) !884 @NerdyProjects
- Use BSD tools in scripts/clean instead of GNU tools for Unix (macOS/OSX) bash. !889 @svenpascal
- updated codeception to version 3 @peter.toennies
- include rules from !511 in devdocs @flukx
- updated eslint to v6, eslint-config-standard to v14, eslint-plugin-node to v10, and eslint-plugin-html to v6 @peter.toennies
- updated webpack loaders. sass to v8, eslint to v3, style to v1, css to v3, file to v4, null to v3, url to v2, and mini-css-extract-plugin to v0.8 @peter.toennies
- update watch to version 1 @peter.toennies
- add caching for volumes in dev mode !1075
2019-08-30 Hotfix
- Handle chat messages according to their stored encoding be ready for !887 @NerdyProjects
2019-06-17 Hotfix
- Have unique single additional pickups to comply with current master backend !934 @NerdyProjects
2019-06-09 Hotfix
- InfluxDB Metrics via UDP !882 @alangecker
- Allow receiving emails with an empty body for the internal mailing system @NerdyProjects
- Updated deployment for new production server @alangecker @NerdyProjects
- remove verbose output of bounce mail processing and mail fetcher, add bounce mail stats to influx db @NerdyProjects
- remove progressbar from cron scripts !919 @NerdyProjects
2019-05-17 Hotfix
- Clarify message when you cannot sign up for a pickup. @NerdyProjects has been working on the pickup backend in the last months so the website does not allow you to sign up for pickups that are further in the future than the setting in the store allows (1-4 weeks). The frontend does not yet follow that behaviour (showing pickup slots always for more days than allowed to sign up), but if you want to sign up, the backend disallows that and you get an error message. @NerdyProjects currently works on redoing the pickup frontend as well and we hopefully get it shiny in a few days :-)
- fixed the switched store publicity settings @peter.toennies
Hey again, another release for you. Nothing big, but a lot of small. Most noticeable things will be changed email templates as well as more buttons which properly work on mobile now.
Major changes
- gender and pickup statistic information in regions #582 !858 @fs_k
- Messages to working groups (AG) are now sent in email copy to the member sending them. #493 !774 @zommuter
- API to display report per region allowing ambassadors to work on their reports !529 #296 @NerdyProjects
- Vue.JS implementation of reports page !529 #296 @theolampert
- It is now possible to sign out from my main region (and chose a new one) #26 !778 @peter.toennies
- Made email notifications great again #450 @zommuter:
- Reworking menue (Added "Aktionen" menu item, made some pages available also in logged-in menu, added several new pages on politics and transparency) #473 !739 @fs_k @D0nPiano
- Fit popup dialogs to smartphone and desktop screens with different conditions !826 @jofranz :
- Profile: verfication and pass history (BOT functionality)
- Profile: report user
- Store: manually add team members (BIEB functionality)
- Store: change automatic pickup times (BIEB functionality)
- Store: slot join
- Store: slot leave
- Added button/badge to user profile with amount of food baskets created. Enabled postCount as a button/badge even if the person has 0 posts #466 !788 @jofranz
- Chat section "All messages" is now accessible on mobile !670 #419 @Defka @jofranz @D0nPiano
- Showing number of foodsharers in statistics. Small graphical changes. !832 @jofranz @peter.toennies
- Ambassadors and orga-members need to be approved by store managers for pickups. !415 #225 @fs_k
- Ambassadors of Austria are automatically included to the Austrian AMB working group @peter.toennies
- Added logout Rest endpoint !866 @alex.simm
- Orga can delete quizzes #364 !767 @fs_k
- Return 404 instead of 403 for non-existing forum threads !761 @NerdyProjects
- Store member status icons suitable to status on ambassador view of profiles !766 @flukx
- Properly escape store names in request popups !778 @NerdyProjects
- Clarify that PLZ/Ort have to be selected in the map and cannot be modified manually #497 !790 @zommuter
- Non-followers can comment on Fairteilers again #457 !691 @janopae
- Add CSP headers that work with Austria/Switzerland sites !793 @nicksellen
- Allow blog posts to be properly formatted !795 @djahnie
- Some email templates still referred to lebensmittelretten.de instead of foodsharing.de !805 @zommuter
- Fixed bug in Database.php class where count() is returning bool (0/1) instead of the actual amount in int !788 !813 @jofranz
- Fix excerpt generation (dashboard overview, email excerpts, ...) to be unicode aware and not return more characters as it should !812 @NerdyProjects
- Put more useful information in forum moderation emails and workgroup contact emails !812 @NerdyProjects
- Fix width of inputfields to a defined value !834 @peter.reutlingen
- Mailbox users can be autocompleted/managed again !852 @NerdyProjects
- When a orga views a profile of a user who has never logged in before, the last login date shown now "never" instead of todays date !846 @Caluera
- Also display sleeping foodsavers in members list !861 @jofranz
- Fix in the AddBasketAction to allow setting a description and message preferences while creating a basket in the Android App !863 @dthulke
- Workaround to fix selecting adresses in Vienna !854 @dthulke
- Make comments visible again on fair-share-points for non-registered users !867 @fs_k @jofranz
- Show pickup amount in store if set over 50 kg. #546 !862 @svenpascal
- Tidy up content security policy !870 @NerdyProjects
- removed the geoClean and LostRegion modules !756 #103 @peter.toennies
- refactored profile from model to gateway !782 #9 @peter.toennies
- API does not expose full URL to avatar images to allow the frontend to chose the resolution !529 @NerdyProjects
- FluentPDO Query builder integrated to try it out !529 @NerdyProjects
- Refactored mailbox from model to gateway !803 #9 @peter.toennies
- Removed the geoClean and LostRegion modules !756 #103 @peter.toennies
- Refactored profile from model to gateway !782 #9 @peter.toennies
- Forbid to signup for non-existant pickups !783 @NerdyProjects
- Handle pickup signups via rest api !783 @NerdyProjects
- Removed the library class Func.php !716 !750 !776 !784 !797 @peter.toennies
- Get rid of any infomail setting related redis "caching" as all information was already available fresh from the database !812 @NerdyProjects
- Refactored login from model to gateway !828 #9 @peter.toennies
- Completely replaced flourish fDate with Carbon time in niceDate() and ProfileView details for AMBs !835 @jofranz
- Renamed some variables in StoreUserControl.php from German to English. !862 @svenpascal
- Extracted method mentionPublicly($id) in StoreUserControl.php to improve functions’ level of abstraction. !862 @svenpascal
Dev/Test/CI stuff
- Adjust devdocs to being open source !823 @flukx
- Mention test artifacts under „Troubleshooting in devdocs“ !845 @flukx
- add section about font awesome in devdocs !842 @flukx
- Several reference texts in devdocs about used technologies !741 @flukx
- Use CI built assets and vendor for deployment !768 @NerdyProjects
- Use php-cs-fixer, parallel-lint and phpstan in CI build:lint step !775 @NerdyProjects
- Update mocha to version 6 @peter.toennies
- Run all jobs except test and deployment on shared CI runners !780 @NerdyProjects
- Run frontend lint/test/build and backend lint/build in one CI job each !780 @NerdyProjects
- Add php-cs-fixer to
, remove./scripts/fix-codestyle
in favour of./scripts/fix
!781 @NerdyProjects - Remove
as they are continuosly built by webpack-dev-server !781 @NerdyProjects - Make sure old CI containers are removed in test stage !787 @NerdyProjects
- added /nbProject to .gitinore !791 @fs_k
- Seed data for reports !529 @NerdyProjects
- Email templates are no longer stored in the database but the repository #502 !805 !839 @zommuter
- Phase out EmailTemplateAdmin !805 @zommuter
- Flush redis before running tests #135 !807 @nicksellen
- Test email templates for new forum messages !812 @NerdyProjects
- Update copy webpack plugin to version 5, jsdom to v 15, and dotenv to v 8, eslint-plugin-node to v 9, vue-eslint-parser to v 6, and null-loader to v 1 @peter.toennies
- Wrote acceptance tests for showing fetched quantity and store public mentioning (StoreUserCest.php). !862 @svenpascal
2019-02-25 Hotfix
We have to do some database maintenance for !792 which hopefully works fine and fast...
- Fix truncation of messages when using emojis by using utf8mb4 charset #338 !792 @nicksellen
- Fix forum "Antworten" button !786 @nicksellen
- getBezirk in region admin tool fails for all regions that have stores in them #495 !777 @NerdyProjects
We are happy to announce another release which got hundreds of hours of love, lastly from more then 10 people participating in the 2019 february foodsharing.de hackweek, sitting together since last friday at Kanthaus near Leipzig.
This release is a milestone as we finally managed to tackle some issues that increase the security of foodsharing.de and by that the privacy of all our users.
We are very proud to finally release foodsharing with an AGPLv3 licence, making it finally a Free and open-source software.
Major changes
- A security focussed code audit has been done by @alangecker which lead to fixing more than 50 related issues, from which 10 were of critical and 6 of high severity #472
- AGPLv3 licence added. The Gitlab repository is now publically visible
- CSRF protection for most requests to avoid malicious requests deleting accounts or changing data without the users intention to do so
- Lots of XSS vectors have been closed by setting the correct content type on json responses
- Removed backend code to stop old android app foodsharing lebensmittelretten (de.lebensmittelretten.app) from working. The development team cannot take the responsibility for using this app as it implements very bad practices regarding security. We advice all current and recent users of that app to change the password they used on foodsharing.de.
- We are happy with the continuous process of cleaning up our code and reimplementing more and more parts as proper API requests and getting rid of spaghetti-javascript
- On dashboard there now is a symbol indicating the confirmation status of a pickup !661 @jofranz
- Pre-fill end date of pickup history with today's date for comfort reasons !660 @jofranz
- Added the amount of events conditionally to the dashboard event headline in case there is more than one event !650 @jofranz
- Added a new button to the contextmenu which appears by clicking the profilepic in shops #302 !671 @peter.reutlingen
- Make date in event a mandatory field #436 !669 @tihar
- Added API endpoints for basket pictures !671 @alex.simm
- Allow use of markdown in Fair-Teiler description !690 @NerdyProjects
- Joining regions REST API !696 @NerdyProjects
- Added member list for districts and work groups !697 @djahnie
- Prevent group admins to be able to access the passport generation page !706 #392 @jofranz
- Start page content over content manager #470 !701 @fs_k
- Added profile status infos for store and pickup entries for ambassadors !705 @jofranz
- Scale down font size on passports for long names !685 @NerdyProjects
- CSRF protection for API requests !715 @alangecker
- Disabled caching searchindex for uptodate results !727 @NerdyProjects
- Search index is now shared between deployments so we avoid a lot of javascript errors regarding failed requests !657 @NerdyProjects
- Fixed bug in #302 goto_profile_from_teamsite !671 with !675 @peter.reutlingen
- Fixed an SQL injection in an FoodsaverGateway method @alangecker
- Properly escape Fair-Teiler names in all occurrences !690 @NerdyProjects
- Avoid strip_tags on bell data !691 @NerdyProjects
- Permission checks when joining regions !696 @NerdyProjects
- Fixed the bug that the number of pickups in the team list isn't shown when the name is too long. #381 !688 @peter.reutlingen
- Only foodsavers add themselves to working groups !713 @NerdyProjects
- Only allow edting regions as an orga user !714 @NerdyProjects
- higher entropy for security & privacy related tokens !709 @alangecker
- Fix recently broken quiz session storage !730 @NerdyProjects
- Fix broken permission checks in foodsaver xhr module !731 @NerdyProjects
- Fix broken permission checks in geoclean xhr module !731 @NerdyProjects
- Fix broken permission checks in mailbox xhr module !731 @NerdyProjects
- Fix path traversals vulnerabilities !723 @alangecker
- Fix multiple XSS vulnerabilities !722 @alangecker
- Properly show quiz as succeeded when errorpoints match max. allowed errorpoints @NerdyProjects
- Fix wrong stated relationship between user role and home district on user dashboard. Add information about user pickups to dashboard !748 @pmayd
- Only allow creation of stores in a region you are member of @NerdyProjects
- replaced many outdated jquery functions !655 @peter.toennies
- remove unused methods in XhrMethods !694 @NerdyProjects
- trigger Fair-Teiler wallpost notifications in backend !700 @NerdyProjects
- removed the old qr code library and chaged the current qr on the fs-passes to show the fs profile !685 #144 @peter.toennies
- trigger fairteiler wallpost notifications in backend !700 @NerdyProjects
- use API endpoint to delete users to avoid CSRF problems !717 @NerdyProjects
- use API endpoint to delete regions/workgroups to avoid CSRF problems !719 @NerdyProjects
- Refactored loop for avatar placement in event view. Added amount as a parameter !718 @jofranz
- removed unused php, js and css code !720 @alangecker
- user normalisation in conversations API endpoint @alex.simm
- remove unused quickprofile method !755 @NerdyProjects
- fix a few linter warnings !755 @NerdyProjects
Dev/Test/CI stuff
- better webpack splitting !681 @nicksellen
- disable backup_globals for PHPUnit to have unit tests working in dev again !696 @NerdyProjects
- fix xdebug by enabling x-forwarded-for header in webpack devserver !725 @NerdyProjects
- PHP always runs as www-data inside docker to work around permission problems @NerdyProjects
2019-02-19 Hotfix
- Backport some changes that were needed for yesterdays hotfix
- Conversation API returns name (or null) !658 @nicksellen
- Fixup conversation header display !658 @nicksellen
2019-02-18 Hotfix
- fix for 9 SQL injection vulnerabilities #472 @alangecker
- Fix mass mail sender and email output formatting !707 @NerdyProjects
2019-02-16 Hotfix
- Fixed an SQL injection in a FoodsaverGateway method @alangecker
2019-02-02 Hotfix
- readded adresspicker functionality to Fair-Teiler creation page !668 @peter.toennies
- Devdocs: Restructured and added content, fixed typos and punctuation, and unified spelling !617 @llzmb
Matthias: "Are there any concerns about merging the addresspicker / map / geolocation to production?" Peter: "I'd even prefer to go completely from beta to prod. The current state looks fine for me. Less work for you, more features for us... "
Here we go :-) Just a month after our last release. Expect the next one in a month, at the end of the next hackweek happening at Kanthaus.
Major changes
- All maps use free tiles from wikimedia now
- Geolocation (Converting address into geographical coordinates) now using a public service provided by komoot instead of google
- JQuery 3
- PHP 7.3
- Updated tinysort to v3 @peter.toennies
- Added link from names in chatbox title to profiles #100 !614 @colomar
- You can now call a BIEB via the lower info box of a store with just one click !609 @jofranz
- Changelog page now supports links to issues with a # symbol followed by a number like it has been for merge requests before !622 @jofranz
- update htmlpurifier to version 2 !594 @peter.toennies
- add security headers (beta only) !633 @nicksellen
- changed tile maps to wikimedia !639 @alex.simm
- Use typeahead-address-photon for address autocomplete. Update leaflet and typeahead for recent NPM versions in the same go !640 @NerdyProjects
- link top area of welcome message to profile #427 !635 @Defka
- Added a number conditionally to the dashboard event view if there is more than one event !650 @jofranz
- Improve/correct user profile badge count !612 @pmayd
- Datepicker for fetch slots in stores increased to fit 6 week rows #417 !621 @peter.reutlingen
- Changed color of the breadcrumb sitenavigation below the topbar !636 @peter.reutlingen
- Remove fetchrate for users with zero pickups !646 @jofranz
- updated jquery to v3 !631 @peter.toennies
- Removed scrollbars from event view !608 @jofranz
- Restructured / cleaned up CSS for Boostrap / Topbar, leaving Bootstrap defaults where possible !616 @colomar
Dev/Test/CI stuff
- Updated tap-spec in chat to version 5 (fixes vulnerability of lodash) !606 @peter.toennies
- Updated url to 0.11 and tape-spec to version 5 !590 @peter.toennies
- Updated several dev packages: vue eslint parser to v4, eslint plugin vue to v5, css loader to v2 @peter.toennies
- Updated vue-eslint-parser to version 5 and file loader to version 3 !613 @peter.toennies
- Upgrade node to 10.15 and yarn to 1.12.3 !624 @nicksellen
- Remove foodsharing light and API containers in dev setup !624 @nicksellen
- Fix "too many layers" docker issue for influxdb container in CI !624 @nicksellen
- Make client eslint actually fail on error !625 @nicksellen
- Fix a few eslint reported errors !625 @nicksellen
- Add phpstan !634 @nicksellen
- Use PHP 7.3.1 in Dev/Test/CI !644 @NerdyProjects
- Some restrictions for use of composer !627 @peter.toennies
2019-01-24 Hotfix
- Put information about email address change on front page @NerdyProjects
2019-01-22 Hotfix
- Do not send emails to bouncing addresses !645 @NerdyProjects
- Do not ask users why they want to delete their account !647 @NerdyProjects
- Support falsy (0, '') values for variables in client side translations !641 @NerdyProjects
2019-01-19 Hotfix
- prepare support for separated email domain for platform mailboxes !630 @NerdyProjects
2019-01-13 Hotfix
- Use google places session based autocompletion for geocoding to cope with API usage quota !628 @NerdyProjects
- Changed color and typo for the tiny sitenavigation below the topbar !636 @peter.reutlingen
We are happy to release our next version of the foodsharing homepage today. The most beautiful part of that release is not its content but the fact that we have input from 15 different developers. The team is growing steadily, which is really nice.
You will find some new features regarding store pages and food baskets but we have also fixed a big bunch of bugs, updated and cleaned out a lot of stuff, worked on the interface for our upcoming apps and put some work into the mailing system of ours. We hope you will enjoy it.
Merry Christmas :-)
- shows hint in food basket about public information #373 !570 @fs_k
- Fix conversation name when changing store (name) #294 !508 @surrim
- Notify user when bell notifications arrive without need for page reload #328 !542 @janopae
- Fix read/unread behavior for bell notifications #328 !542 @janopae
- New non-festival homepage !546 @michi-zuri
- Only set session cookie when logged in !544 @nicksellen
- Added a second line to hover texts in stores #88 !547 @alex.simm
- New selection for expiration of baskets #340 !553 @alex.simm
- Making the "tpl_msg_to_team" canceling message more informative !545 @jofranz
- Possibility to edit food baskets #342 !549 @annaos
- Updated to JQuery 2.2.x !572 @peter.toennies
- The possibility to automatically ask for new regions has been removed #329 !571 @peter.toennies
- it is now possible to open profiles in new tabs via middle mouse button !574 @peter.toennies
- Database functions can now be called with critera that contain arrays !559 @janopae
- Added a Rest controller for food baskets #345 !557 @alex.simm
- Allow platform mailing system to work with multiple email domains !583 @NerdyProjects
- Changes MessageRestController limit and offsets to use query parameters !587 @theolampert
- Hight adjustments of "next fetches" in store #376 !601 @jofranz
- Foodsavers list is now sorted by name and doesn't reshuffle !578 #54 @odedNea
- Orga members are now able to leave stores they are not responsible for #283 !524 @annaos
- check user permissions in quickreply() in RegionXhr !499 #85 @annaos
- fix exception if request have no "msg"-Attribute in quickreply() in WallPostXhr !499 @annaos
- removed not needed add store button from the dashboard !523 @peter.toennies
- limit conversations sent to client at page loading !542 @janopae
- check permissions before saving a wallpost in WallpostXhr !542 @janopae
- stat_fetchrate is calculated correctly and shown in profile added tvalue in select !598 #281 @fs_k
- fix mail sending by passing instance of Mem to AsyncMail constructor !551 @nicksellen
- fixed wrong html formatting in quick replies to forum posts !534 @peter.toennies
- fixed index check in BasketGateway #354 !556 @alex.simm
- removed fallback for the add date for members in stores #361 !562 @alex.simm
- show correct date in bells for pickups for more than one date !575 #337 by @mirka-henninger
- fixed statistic box on profile page overlapping on small screens @D0nPiano
- Fixed bug in pickuphistory not showing the end date if it's today. Now it also shows past pickups from pickups happend today !577 @jofranz
- Adding pictures to blog posts and Fairteiler work again !581 @NerdyProjects
- Redirect after joining a new region works again !581 @NerdyProjects
- Bell notifications for store fetch confirmations and for new fairteilers are now generated and stored in the database like normal ones #353 !559 @janopae
- Update store bells via new cron command instead on every bell retrieval !610 @NerdyProjects
- More stability for internal email system as emails are handled like external ones now !583 @NerdyProjects
- Fixed safari issue with the navbar !603 @theolampert
- Unify Symfony DI configuration !544 @nicksellen
- Add comments in scripts for quicker start of new developers !563 @flukx
- Minor refactoring of control flow all over the source !554 and !555 @peter.toennies
- refactored EmailTemplateAdminGateway from model to gateway !482 #9 @peter.toennies
Dev/Test/CI stuff
- Add php extensions as composer dependencies, upgrade codeception !558 @nicksellen
- Updated several npm packages (most of them for ci) !564 !565 @peter.toennies
- Use webpack-dev-server instead of webpack-serve !582 @NerdyProjects
- updated webpack and switched to terser !584 @peter.toennies
- Updated whatwg-fetch to version 3 !585 @peter.toennies
- Gather statistics about incoming and outgoing emails !583 @NerdyProjects
- Updated sebastian/diff to version 3 (and phpunit to version 7.3.5) !591 @peter.toennies
2018-08-19 Hotfix
- Use Ctrl+Enter instead Shift+Enter for sending messages
- Fix an issue with the navbar for users of safari 11 !527 @theolampert
- Return 404 instead of 500 or broken layout for non existant pages !525 @NerdyProjects
A spontaneous hack-weekend led to us finally finishing this release. The new topbar is the main feature, paired with a lot of bugfixes of all the things we broke with the last release and the new topbar. Another big thing to note is that we accidentally removed support for a lot of browsers with the last release which should have been fixed again: IE11, Safari and slightly older androids should work again, although I can only ask you to please always keep your devices and browsers up to date!
- new topbar in vue.js !451, #11, #15, #155, #158, #30, #66, #67, #93 @alangecker
- reactive vue stores !451 @alangecker
- resizeable avatar component !451 @alangecker
- updated landingpage with festival content !462 and !471 @michi-zuri
- Only accepted store members see updates on dashboard !412 @fs_k
- Add description about markdown formatting in forum posts !496 @NerdyProjects
- introduce new font fontawesome 5.2 !500 @peter.toennies
- added placeholder text for the birth date in the registration form !505 @peter.toennies
- Search in navbar shows more results, distinct results page removed as it was the same !515 #315 @NerdyProjects @theolampert
- The number of unread messages in chats is now displayed. !3153 @AntonBallmaier
- Chats can be marked as read or unread !3153 @AntonBallmaier
- Changed button to return to profile on the profile editing page !492 #285 @leisinger.sebastian
- Add missing tagedit lib on mailbox edit page !459 #248 @nicksellen
- reenabling source maps on the production build !468 #254 @alangecker
- removed dead login button and updated registration info for food baskets #240 !457 @michi-zuri
- saving mumble events is now possible !478 #276 @wapplications
- Remove broken LoginXhr->login method !465 @tiltec
- Added possibility to change main region to a part of town (region type 9) !470 #268 @peter.toennies
- fetching parent regions without any given region ID is not possible anymore !474 #258 @peter.toennies
- Fix #287 allowing all members of a group to edit that group !487 @NerdyProjects
- Fix #286 making group applications work again !489 @NerdyProjects
- Fix #255 do not improperly render html tags in region side nav !489 @NerdyProjects
- Fix Database commit missing after migrations in dev/test environment !489 @NerdyProjects
- We were losing some emails because subjects contained new lines, filter this now !491 @NerdyProjects
- Fix forum moderation for unverified users / certain regions !490 @NerdyProjects
- Remove bootstrap tooltip class from profile pictures in banana view !493 @NerdyProjects
- Wallpost pictures are displayed again #279 !497 @NerdyProjects
- Move babel config into webpack config to avoid loading errors !494 @NerdyProjects
- Add fetch polyfill to support ie11 !494 @NerdyProjects
- fix wrong usage of region ID lists for post permissions !503 #308 @peter.toennies
- Fix fairteiler/blog picture upload by exposing necessary javascript methods #307 @NerdyProjects
- Admins of Workgroups are called admins again instead of ambassadors !513 #264 @NerdyProjects
- Do not rely on $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] being set #263 !510 @NerdyProjects
- Admins of workgroups are called admins again instead of ambassadors !513 #264 @NerdyProjects
- Map legend now more usable in mobile view !215 #119 @michi-zuri
- Fix joining regions from subpages like profile not possible !509 #300 @NerdyProjects
- Fixed
Invalid Date
-Error on safari !469 @alangecker - Reimplement forum scroll to post functionality !514 #270 @NerdyProjects
- Add back redirect to invalid login event !516 @theolampert
- Reformatting of conversation message times happen in API to avoid javascript error on empty conversation !517 @NerdyProjects @theolampert
- Groups in the menu are also keyboard navigatable !515 #314 @theolampert @NerdyProjects
- Enable autofill username/password for login !515 @theolampert @NerdyProjects
- Fix display of avatars for users without avatars !520 @theolampert @NerdyProjects
- updated corejs to v 3 !1043 @peter.toennies
- removed global $g_body_class variable !451 @alangecker
- removed copy of email sending method for CLI applications !464 @NerdyProjects
- refactored statistics from model to gateway !476 #9 @peter.toennies
- removed several layers of the legacy database-classes structure !477 @peter.toennies
- refactored event from model to gateway !478 #9 @wapplications
- removed several deprecated functions from func all over the source !436 @peter.toennies
- refactored content from model to gateway !481 #9 @peter.toennies
- refactored NewArea module from model to gateway !484 #9 @peter.toennies
- refactored index from model to gateway !480 #9 @peter.toennies
- alfa slab one font now used as npm package !501 @peter.toennies
- octicons font not used anymore !504 @peter.toennies and @michi-zuri
Dev/Test/CI stuff
- Add test for workgroup application / acceptance process !489 @NerdyProjects
- Increase deployer task timeout for more reliable deployments @NerdyProjects
- Add test for forum post creation / moderation / activation !490 @NerdyProjects
- Also lint js/vue files deep inside client/src !520 @theolampert @NerdyProjects
2018-07-22 Hotfix
- Fix links to group application details
2018-07-21 Hotfix
- Fix foodsaver_id access in StatsControl
- Remove broken login popup
2018-07-20 Hotfix
- Fairteiler Walls can be accessed again
- Login Form from Fairteiler removed
- Store name for pickup team notification was missing in serverData
- Deletion of non-existing post lead to 500 instead of 404
- Store statistics could not be updated due to a mistake while refactoring
- Dashboard updates used to show some HTML tags in different entries
- Message notifications have not been sent for some hours
We are quite good at doing major releases every three months. So here we go:
- Enjoy a new shiny forum post view, using a modern implementation in vue.js / bootstrap-vue
- We now require a javascript enabled browser, as we are using more and more modern frontend technologies
- Forum posts will finally not only allow you to use
whatever <you> want to type «»äá<>>>< in there, but also styling using *markdown*
. See Wikipedia: Markdown for an introduction on how to use that - Behind the scenes, we achieved a lot more, that you hopefully don't notice. See the list below for all changes.
You can read a bit more about the recent weeks and happenings of the developers in the Development Blog: Summer hackweek.
Many thanks to @peter.toennies @NerdyProjects @alangecker @theolampert @nicksellen @EmiliaPaz @michi-zuri @tiltec (in order of appearance in this changelog) for all their work done for this release.
- update symfony to 4.1.0 as well as other dependencies !351 @NerdyProjects
- remove user list in forums to allow big regions to work !421 @NerdyProjects
- add php intl component for localized internationalization !421 @NerdyProjects
- add vue.js, bootstrap & scss !430 @alangecker
- new store list with filtering !430 #191 @alangecker
- implement Wallpost API to replace XHR soon !439 @NerdyProjects
- add HTMLPurifier for proper user HTML handling to be used soon !445 @NerdyProjects
- Forum rest api !442 @NerdyProjects
- Reimplement forum thread/post view as a vue component !442 @alangecker
- forum emoji reactions !442 @alangecker
- Vue functions for i18n and date !442 @alangecker
- Proper input sanitizing for forum posts with support for markdown markup !442 @NerdyProjects
- Properly sanitize outgoing HTML mails !442 @NerdyProjects
- All outgoing emails now generate their plain text via HTML2Text !442 @NerdyProjects
- Show Report ID in Detail Report window #246 @fs_k
- updated wording in respect to new report handling procedure !454 @peter.toennies
- removed XSS-possibility in xhr_out method. !370 @theolampert
- Fix pickup slots !390 #215 @nicksellen
- fixed wrong gendering of AMBs in region view and profile view. !386 #214 @peter.toennies
- Added a format placeholder to date input #217 @theolampert
- reduced the height of store info popups by removing the warning frame. !388 #216 @peter.toennies
- fixed wrong usage of gateway in API. !400 @peter.toennies
- fixed missalignment in future-pickups list. !389 #136 @EmiliaPaz
- Regaining support for mobile Safari 10 !396 #221 @michi-zuri
- fix relative loading of some xhr/other urls !422 @nicksellen
- fixes user autocomplete fetching for conversation creation
- fix profile sleeping hat variable #243
- fix bug in region dynatree loading #244 !444 @nicksellen
- Only show forum post removal button when the user is allowed to delete a post !456 @NerdyProjects
- Extract StoreUser module javascript !358 @nicksellen
- refactored and cleaned the whole API module. !368 #9 by @peter.toennies
- refactored Basket to use gateway. !399 @peter.toennies
- refactored Bell to use gateway. !402 by @peter.toennies
- refactored BusinessCard to use gateway. !406 @peter.toennies
- refactored Buddy to use gateway. !405 @peter.toennies
- removed SQL injection possibilities from all existing gateways !398 @peter.toennies
- refactored Application to use gateway. !397 #9 @peter.toennies
- reduced size of DataBase classes !409 @peter.toennies
- refactored login and registration !403 @theolampert
- partial refactor of Basket module !426 @nicksellen
- refactored region module into twig/webpack loaded javascript !421 @NerdyProjects
- add constants class database constants in region module !413 @peter.toennies @nicksellen
- refactor Model.php and ManualDB.php to gateway classes !420 !424 !425 @tiltec
- refactored tablesorter @alangecker
- use instance access for Session !433 @nicksellen
- refactor Map module to webpack !435 @nicksellen
- all entrypoints load most JS/CSS via webpack now !432 @NerdyProjects
- Refactor forum logic to Gateway/Service/PermissionService !442 @NerdyProjects
- Refactor reactions to be more forum specific !456 @NerdyProjects
Dev/Test/CI stuff
- Fix cache clearing during test/deploy !414 @nicksellen
- Add testing for client js !422 @nicksellen
- Improve linting config !431 @nicksellen
- Add ./scripts/dev for running webpack dev env !437 @nicksellen
- Improve linting config more (add vue linting) !441 @nicksellen
- Implement basic dev docs content, make shinier readme with contributors !443 @nicksellen
- Add tests for SanitizerService !456 @NerdyProjects
- fixed region selector (using webpack now). !383 #207 @peter.toennies
- fix new store page !373 #12 @nicksellen
- export chat/betrieb js functions globally !384 #211 @nicksellen
Release notes
This release is mostly pushed by GDPR (German: DSGVO) as this forces us to do some changes. I am not sure yet, if I am positive or negative about that...
Also, we introduce new frontend technology here. I hope we did not break too much :-)
- decreased distance to "close baskets" from 50 to 30 km. !332 #338 by @peter.toennies
- show date and comment of sleeping hat on profile page. !427 #178 by @fs_k
- show home district on profile page. !427 #237 by @fs_k
- sort fairtiler list by name. !357 #171 by @fs_k
- Store Managers business card creation for region. Remove country card. !76 by @fs_k
- Registered users need to fill their birthday and be 18+ for data protection and liability reasons. !377 @NerdyProjects
- Remove google analytics !374 @NerdyProjects
- Remove external paypal donate button and host locally !374 @NerdyProjects
- Privacy policy need to be agreed before the page can be used !379 @NerdyProjects
- Privacy notice need to be agreed by store coordinators/ambassadors !381 @NerdyProjects
- quiz comments are now visible for the BOTs of the quiz team only and not for the oga team. !367 #107 by @peter.toennies
- The notification for quiz comments is now for the Bots of the quiz team only. !367 #107 by @peter.toennies
- Removing a user from regions is possible again. !372 #14 @NerdyProjects
- Fix search bar not working on some pages !364 by @NerdyProjects
- Remove info section from foodsaver page, if it is empty !320
- It is possible to contact working groups again. !343 #403 by @peter.toennies @NerdyProjects
- Fix store fetch count shown on map info bubble !265 @alangecker @NerdyProjects
- fixed disabled unsubscription of forum posts for fair-teiler responsibles. !331 #317 by @peter.toennies
- fixed stripping of whitespace on email field for registration #58 @nigeldgreen
- use babel polyfills to support more browsers !359 @nicksellen
- fixed check for allowed attachment types in the mail app. !363 #183 by @peter.toennies
- data privacy : removed foodsaver / ambassador selection from map. #165 by @fs_k
- fixed potential security issue in profile picture uploads. !371 #84 @theolampert
- updated fpdi plugin to v2.0.2 !351 #168 by @peter.toennies
- complete tidying up of all team related files !321 by @peter.toennies
- replaced the PREFIX keyword in the whole source !339 #421 by @peter.toennies
- refactored and cleaned the whole reports module. !335 by @peter.toennies
- add webpack for managing frontend assets. !345 @nicksellen
- use symfony form builder work work group edit page !347 @NerdyProjects
- introduce CropperJS for handling image cropping (work group edit) !347 @NerdyProjects
- configure dependency injection as yaml, not PHP !347 @NerdyProjects
- refactored and cleaned the whole activity module. !352 by @peter.toennies
Dev/Test/CI stuff
2018-05-14 Hotfix
- Fetching emails to platform mail addresses is more robust against broken mail dates now. #195
2018-03-14 Hotfix for 2018-02-28
- Events can be accepted or denied by non event admins again. !342 #418 by @NerdyProjects
- remove ability for ambassador to add any foodsaver to his/her district !328 #405 by @fs_k and @peter.toennies
- Database multi-row query methods return empty array instead of false on no result !327 @NerdyProjects
- Cleaned up usage of some configuration constants !326 @NerdyProjects
Hotfixes 2018-03-04
- Never use PDO Boolean binding to avoid silent insert failures PDO Bug leading to notification bells for unverified users joining regions missing @NerdyProjects
Hotfixes 2018-03-02
- Remove broken filemanager from content management system (content, email templates) @NerdyProjects
- Fix preview for mass mailer @NerdyProjects
Dev/Test/CI stuff
- Use Deployer to auto-deploy the foodsharing software
- Use modern ddeboer/imap library to fetch emails for internal mail system fixing some emails go missing on the way !323 @NerdyProjects
- Events have not been createable/editable due to refactoring mistake @NerdyProjects
- Mumble events can be created again #315 @NerdyProjects
- Addresspicker: Street/house number editable again, better description for address search @NerdyProjects
Release notes
Wuhay, this is the first release after our hackweek. Quite a lot has happened: Nearly 4000 lines of code have been changed, half of the files have been moved into a better structure and all pages are now served from a twig base template. As a side change, we now run the latest PHP 7.2.2 and are updating more and more internals to more recent technologies as well as modern coding techniques.
- Use of bcrypt as hashing algorithm to store passwords
- Added fairteiler to be shown by default on the map for not registered users and foodsharers !319 by @valentin.unicorn
- Removed the working groups from the team->teammember page !262 @BassTii
- Changed way of gendering in passport from "/" to "_" !251 @D0nPiano
- auto adding of CH-BOTs, Vienna-BIEBs, and ZH-BIEBs to their working groups. !271 by @peter.toennies
- Renamed footer "Unterstützung" to "Spenden" !273 @BassTii
- Updates fullpage.js to 2.9.5 for fixing scrolling in firefox, general smoothness !244 @NerdyProjects
- Page with list of communities for Austria/Germany/Switzerland. !286 by @fs_k
- Single appointment can be set to "appointment cancelled" (=0 Slots) !372 by @fs_k
- Changed the Store address format to not have a separate house number !294 @NerdyProjects
- Remove partly broken store coordinator management from store edit page (should happen with "manage team") !283 @NerdyProjects
- Allow using more HTML tags in email templates to not break layout !278 @NerdyProjects
- Reduce size of static images by lossless recompression with trimage !245 @NerdyProjects
- Change impressum to match current association status @NerdyProjects
- Remove mass mail recipient options that are ambigous/irrelevant @NerdyProjects
- Fix missing newsletter unsubscription links for pre-2014 foodsharing.de accounts @NerdyProjects
- Fix newsletter should only be sent to activated accounts @NerdyProjects
- Fixed a bug which throwed an error during mail change
- Show regions in alphabetical order in the region selector (Bezirk beitreten) !267 by @alangecker
- changed old foodsharing „Freiwilligenplattform“ mailfooter for outgoing replies via mail, which was based on lebensmittelretten !287 @irgendwer
- consistent use of jumper list (Springerliste) all over the page. !293 by @peter.toennies
- fixed new fairteiler can not get a region set !294 @NerdyProjects
- fixed ambassador of other region could edit fairteiler !294 @NerdyProjects
- phone number validatino removed from login. Mobile Phone instead of landline phone asked. !361 by @fs_k
- Consolidate remaining functions and modules !269 @NerdyProjects
- Remove old user registration code !246 @NerdyProjects
- Add initial gateway database classes using PDO !264 @nicksellen
- Add insert/update/delete PDO helper methods !285 @tiltec
- Implement FairTeiler and Region gateway classes !285 @tiltec @nicksellen
- Add Symfony dependency injection container !264 @nicksellen
- Remove unused fpdf font data files !253 @NerdyProjects
- Add twig templating engine !284 @nicksellen
- Add twig templating for main menu and other things !292 @nicksellen
- Remove global usage of Func, DB and ViewUtils Helper classes !289 @NerdyProjects
- Refactor router for HTML controller classes !289 @NerdyProjects
- Make some components ready to be used without global data passing variable !294 @NerdyProjects
- Introduce Request and Response object and used it in WorkGroupControl !294 @NerdyProjects
- Introduce input deserializer/sanitizer/validator component in WorkGroupControl !294 @NerdyProjects
- Extract genSearchIndex to a service class !294 @NerdyProjects
Dev/Test/CI stuff
- Improve
test !279 @tiltec - Reduce flakyness of acceptance tests further !290 @tiltec
- Disable xdebug in CI to increase test speed !290 @tiltec
- Retry failed tests in CI !290 @tiltec
- Enable smartWait for acceptance tests !279 @tiltec
- Enable xdebug remote debugging for development !276 @NerdyProjects
- Add better seed data for use during development !263 @tiltec
- Enable xdebug profiler for dev environment !296 @NerdyProjects
- Use PHP7.2.2 in dev/test/ci to make it ready for production !301 @NerdyProjects
- More tests for FairTeiler and WorkGroup pages !294 @NerdyProjects
- PHP 7.2 compatibility of the code !301 @NerdyProjects
- Added caching for DI container !299 @nicksellen
Release notes
Happy Birthday, foodsharing!
This release brings a new landing page as well as more spelling and grammar fixes.
Otherwise, it removes some non-working UI elements.
Thanks to all contributors who made this release possible (in alphabetical order):
Breaking changes
- When users are added to a region or a working group, their ID is shown next to their name. !214 @NerdyProjects
- Upgraded fontawesome to version 4.7, adding 196 available icons !227 @thinkround
- New landing page implemented along with a restructuring of the navigation bar !221 @thinkround
- Fix namespace error introduced in !220 that made image uploads fail !226 @NerdyProjects
- Also show working groups that don't have an email set !226 @NerdyProjects
- Fix bug introduced in !220 !223 @NerdyProjects
- Fix newsletter opt-in during signup !207 @NerdyProjects
- Moved the list of inactive Foodsavers of !183 from the left to the right, because it was impractical in larger regions. !194 @valentin.unicorn
- More consistent use of SI units. !204 @peter.toennies
- Corrected certain errors in spelling, phrasing, and grammar for all pages treating our stores. !208 @peter.toennies
- Same for statistics. !211 @peter.toennies
- fixed the wrong order of foodsaver counts in the lost region list. !187 @peter.toennies
- It is now possible to create correct passports for Orga members. !217 @peter.toennies
- Removed not working store creation button and map view selector from the list of stores. !188 @peter.toennies
- Move more libraries into PSR4 compliant paths and namespaces !220 @NerdyProjects
- Harden routing by adding a table lookup layer to get class view from module name !209 @NerdyProjects
- Move all remaining modules into PSR4 compliant Modules structure !209 @NerdyProjects
- Prepare module loader for PSR4 compliant paths, starting with app/content being moved !206 @NerdyProjects
- Move app/Core module into PSR4 compliant Modules/Core structure !168 @nicksellen @NerdyProjects
Dev/Test/CI stuff
- Script to help working with email bounces !231 @NerdyProjects
- Test posting to a working group wall !226 @NerdyProjects
- Test uploading profile pictures !226 @NerdyProjects
- Fixed a relict that would only allow using scripts/stop for dev containers !225 @NerdyProjects
- Changed maildev port to 18084, (18083 is used by virtualbox (vboxwebsrv)) !218 @inktrap
- Added support to collect code coverage statistics in codeception !222 @NerdyProjects
- Use cleanly populated database between each test !210 @NerdyProjects
- Add vagrant docker-compose dev environment option !195 @TimFoe @nicksellen
Releases notes
Our first release using the new approach, yay!
This release contains some important structural improvements, perhaps most significantly, we are now using composer for dependencies where possible, and running on php7.
There are also a good number of smaller, but visible changes to the site, mostly bugfixes, but a few new features too.
Many many thanks to all the contributors that made this possible (in order of appearance in the changelog):
Breaking changes
- Added the changelog into the page and link inside the '?' menu !199 @NerdyProjects
- Added a list of inactive foodsavers to the foodsavers page !183 @valentin.unicorn
- Ensure PHP7 compatibility and upgrade environment to PHP7 !171 @nicksellen
- Show current commit in footer as well as use it in sentry if errors occur !153 @NerdyProjects
- Reports list can be sorted by main region of the FS !151 @fs_k @peter.toennies
- Fix multiple warnings/notices regarding accessing undefined variables !192 @NerdyProjects
- Fix spinning apple when in profile/conversation with a user without a profile picture !172 @NerdyProjects
- Move login button in navigation a bit to the right to be always clickable !162 @NerdyProjects
- Set the pages timezone globally to Europe/Berlin to not having to rely on server settings !256 @NerdyProjects
- Foodsharers and unverified Foodsavers are no longer able to create business cards !145 @fs_k @peter.toennies
- Breadcrumb links in forum view are working now. !142 @raphaelw @NerdyProjects
- Lots of corrections in spelling and grammar !140, !118 @peter.toennies
- Consistancy in naming: All uses of "Region" are now called "Bezirk" !141 @peter.toennies
- Alphabetical order in the orga-menu !160 @peter.toennies
- Aproximate time of pickup stays in shop settings !161 @peter.toennies
- Fixed spelling in footer of automatic emails !174 @peter.toennies
- Remove bananas when a user gets deleted
- Remove internal FPDI/FPDF library and use it via composer !186 @NerdyProjects
- Remove internal Html2Text library and use it via composer !185 @NerdyProjects
- Remove internal progressbar library in favor of a composer one !181 @NerdyProjects
- Remove custom autoloader in CLI environment as well !177 @NerdyProjects
- Enable composer autoloader and initial src folder !157 @tiltec
Dev/Test/CI stuff
- Add maildev to support testing outgoing mails !12 @NerdyProjects @nicksellen
- Example of git pre-commit hook for codestyle checks. !196 @NerdyProjects
- Change default gender from NULL to other to follow production behaviour. !190 @NerdyProjects
- Make php cs fixer output in CI nice. !191 @NerdyProjects
- Enforce php cs fixer style checks in CI tests. !173 @NerdyProjects
- Add CLI Test suite and ensure commands executed via cron at least exist. !176 @NerdyProjects
- Cache vendor folder by using a distinct volume in CI !182 @NerdyProjects
- Run mkdirs using exec so it works in CI !164 @NerdyProjects
- Test environment allows testing of file downloads as well !165 @NerdyProjects
- Output from failed tests is now collected with the test job. !165 @NerdyProjects
- Increase chat test timeout to 10s !167 @nicksellen
- Add debug tools in dev: Whoops for nice error pages and DebugBar showing sql queries !163 @nicksellen
- reduce number of merge conflicts due to changelog !169 @peter.toennies
- move dev/test Dockerfile's into foodsharing-dev/images to remove build step !175 @nicksellen
- fix chat test timing sensitivity !179 @nicksellen
The wilderness months
- a bit of this and a bit of that
2016-10-10 and before
- see previous changelogˆ